Why do you keep going back to the same well?
I've already shown you the historical context in which the amendment was written, which explains the meaning behind it.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The "well regulated Militia securing a free state" means that We the People have the right to own any weapon necessary to defend liberty. It literally just happened to the Founders of the country as they were drafting these rights - we had to fight and die to gain independence. The entire purpose of this Representative Republic is decentralized power to the States (people) and limiting the power of the Federal Gov't, which was seen as a way to prevent the Patriarchal rule that they just fought for freedom from while avoiding the pitfalls of pure democracy seen in antiquity. The populace being armed and ready to defend themselves is "necessary to the security of a free state" quite literally.
Every time a law is passed that We can't own a certain kind of weapon, the 2A is infringed as written/intended.
And before you use the Biden quote about F16's...if the Feds wanted to take the country by force and we wanted to fight, they'd have nothing left when it was all over. We outnumber the armed forces 300:1. Wisconsin registered hunters alone (not just gun owners) is the 8th largest standing army in the world by the numbers....all registered US hunters is the biggest by far in the world.
You'd have to turn large swaths of the US to glass to completely take over, it it's even possible.
Regardless, this absurd threshold you've created of "bearing arms" is nonsense in historical context, and you know it.