In before the gun confiscation NUTS.....

TODAY and EVERY day...let's celebrate our Independence..and realize that WITHOUT our RIGHT to own guns..we NEVER would have been able to celebrate this holiday..GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!
the old counterfactual argument...i love it.... i am a strong supporter of the second amendment for the record...

@gatordad3 @instaGATOR @NavigatorII @blubo @kjfreeze @GhostOfMatchesMalone
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TODAY and EVERY day...let's celebrate our Independence..and realize that WITHOUT our RIGHT to own guns..we NEVER would have been able to celebrate this holiday..GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!
Did the gun companies tell you that?
Oh, right. Just like Trumpers, gun nuts are like really, really smart.
Did you enjoy your 4th holiday? If so...Please do the right thing and THANK the gun owners of our Country...for without would be in a Monarchy now, and bowing to a King. I hope we do not have to carry you again sometime soon. You can get us beer while we fight.
Did you enjoy your 4th holiday? If so...Please do the right thing and THANK the gun owners of our Country...for without would be in a Monarchy now, and bowing to a King. I hope we do not have to carry you again sometime soon. You can get us beer while we fight.
Oh you guys are such macho men when you have your guns. 😂

What if you had a gun, a pickup and a pit bull? That's like the macho man triple play!
1776 lied he does. What a friggin QUACK. There has NEVER been a gi=un that killed ANYONE in our history. These little fascist/communists are doing the devils work, trying to convice others that taking law abiding people's rights away will solve a real problem that society has. It will help fact the problem WILL get worse. Criminals will still get guns. the only difference law abiding people will be left to defend our loved ones with rocks, bats, knives etc. So we will have to bring a knife to a gun fight to defend our loved ones. HOWEVER....that is NOIT the worst of it. The VERY crooked American government that we now see has NO PROBLEM taking away our Constitutional rights will feel even more emboldened to do so. How can ANYOINE be so stupid not to see this?
RAT TYRANNY this maybe one of the worst yet

@GatorTheo will applaud this. All gun crazies on the left will. About time!

They see this as getting rid of the 'gun problem'.

That's not what the left is doing. The left is getting rid of the CONSTITUTION PROBLEM.

By taking ONE of our Constitutional rights, they have set the precedent to take ALL of them.

They go after the one right that half of America doesn't care about losing. In fact that half WANT all of us to lose it.

But once they take it, then the door is opened to take ANY Constitutional right we have.

This is what 'just move on' gets you.

This is big guys:

First....neither of these guys give a shit about the Constitution.

Second....they both tweeted almost the same thing.

So why are they doing this? I think this is a proactive move against what they believe TRUMP either has done, or is about to do.
@GatorTheo will applaud this. All gun crazies on the left will. About time!

They see this as getting rid of the 'gun problem'.

That's not what the left is doing. The left is getting rid of the CONSTITUTION PROBLEM.

By taking ONE of our Constitutional rights, they have set the precedent to take ALL of them.

They go after the one right that half of America doesn't care about losing. In fact that half WANT all of us to lose it.

But once they take it, then the door is opened to take ANY Constitutional right we have.

This is what 'just move on' gets you.


She said "something had to be done" in reply to a question about using a gun illegally is already illegal.

No intelligent person believes that the specific violence that she's referring to will be affected by restrictions to the 2nd amendment.

She needs to be removed from office and tarred and feathered. This is a victory for lawlessness. She's a traitor to the law and the law abiding American citizenry.
This is big guys:

First....neither of these guys give a shit about the Constitution.

Second....they both tweeted almost the same thing.

So why are they doing this? I think this is a proactive move against what they believe TRUMP either has done, or is about to do.

They both see the ridiculousness of this move. It's indefensible.
I think it's the beginning of the story. We KNOW that the libs will ALWAYS pick their politics first.


And we know that the libs can't stand the Constitution and want it done away with.

And we know that these two guys were told what to say.

So if we know all these things are true...why would these two libs defend the Constitution, which we KNOW they hate?

They must think it serves their politics in THIS CASE to defend the Constitution.

Why? I think THAT is the story.
@GatorTheo will applaud this. All gun crazies on the left will. About time!

They see this as getting rid of the 'gun problem'.

That's not what the left is doing. The left is getting rid of the CONSTITUTION PROBLEM.

By taking ONE of our Constitutional rights, they have set the precedent to take ALL of them.

They go after the one right that half of America doesn't care about losing. In fact that half WANT all of us to lose it.

But once they take it, then the door is opened to take ANY Constitutional right we have.

This is what 'just move on' gets you.

I'd suspend the second amendment only for people who drive pickups.
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