Let me regale you then, with the mythos of my people.
There are three planes of existence.
The Heavens, populated by the gods and the devas.
The Earth, populated by us.
The Underworld, populated by Shiva and the asuras.
For practical purposes the devas are angels and the asuras are demons, but don't perform the same functions.
Crux of the matter is you can't go to earth as a God. Have to go in human form.
Enter the avatars. Yes, that's our word Spielberg.
The God Vishnu, the preserver in our "trinity" has come to earth to save humanity 9 times.
Krishna was time number 8. But he's shown up as a tortoise. And a fish and a boar once too.
Buddha is number 9, and when he shows up for the tenth time as Kalki the world ends and the cycle starts over.
The point is Krishna isn't God, he's an aspect of the divine. Heck, Brahma, the creator in our trinity isn't worshipped and has no temples because he cheated in a race one time. That's another story.
Plus they are dirty hippies and embarassing.
I can't think of a Christian equivalent. Maybe if someone read the Bible and decided to worship Saint John.
Interesting. I learned a lot about a lot of things that I didn't know that I didn't know.
For example, I had no idea that Buddha was a part of Hinduism.