If you are black, why do you keep voting democrat in the 90%+ range?

Why are they out of control? 40 million unemployed have anything to do with it. Good idea to print $3 trillion and dump it on Wall St. then. They better speed up that trickle down.
They were well out of control as well as jobless for as long as months, probably a few years. We've seen nothing but protests and destruction of property since 2016. It's obvious those far left retards were jobless then.
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Yeah but the masses aren’t getting or benefitting from the money that’s the point. Everyone in here cries about welfare or Obamacare but nobody cares that we’re dumping money on the already rich by a factor of 100 and that we’re going to crash the dollar in the process.

Can anyone explain that?

As usual, the totally ignorant need to read some quality books. o_O

"Secrets of the Federal Reserve' -- Eustace Mullins
The Federal Reserve System was the third effort of the Vatican agents, the Rothschild's to gain control of the nations issuer of money. Two previous Banks of the United States were de-chartered before the international thieves sold Congress on the Federal Reserve Act.
(If you want to learn the root causes for the deficit spending, read this. iG)

'The World Order' -- Eustace Mullins
This is the program of the hegemony of parasitism through the World Order. The program of the World Order remains the same; Divide and Conquer. Orwell concludes ''1984'' with a denial that the victims of the World Order have any hope. He claims the World Order will always triumph, which is a great propaganda achievement for the hegemony of parasitism.
(He called it the World Order instead of the NWO, because he said that there was nothing new about it. - iG)

'Murder by Injection' -- Eustace Mullins
The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America. Mullins expounds on the subject of modern medicine by bringing to the light truths that will make you want to take charge of your own health; instead of leaving it all up to the professional medicos.
(Reading this book is a part of the reason that I don't take flu shots. - iG)

Years ago, I spent an evening talking with this Gentleman, and he is one of the 3 smartest people that I ever met. (he died in 2010) -- He was incorrectly labeled as Anti-Semitic by those that hated him for putting their secret agendas out to the public.


'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.'
This phrase comes from the 12th century and may be the single oldest distinctly English proverb that is still used today. This phrase originated in English and is one of the language’s earliest proverbs.
Its first recorded English use was in 1175 in Old English Homilies:
'You can lead the ignorant to knowledge, but you can't make them think.' -- iG

Most are willing to bask in their ignorance, prejudice, and personal bias that has been indoctrinated into them by leftist propaganda, instead of learning and then taking responsibility and thinking for themselves.

Freedom isn't FREE, and it never has been....
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So Trump’s powerless against the Vatican? That’s about the level of analysis I expected.

As far as the Rothschilds, I agree he is the bank’s bitch at the expense of everybody else. My question was why you guys are ok with that?
So Trump’s powerless against the Vatican? That’s about the level of analysis I expected.

As far as the Rothschilds, I agree he is the bank’s bitch at the expense of everybody else. My question was why you guys are ok with that?

Yep, you are an ignorant moe-ron and you're happy to be so.
You don't want answers, you're looking for other podlings that will agree with your idiocy, :confused: making you a waste of both time and space... :rolleyes:
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So Trump’s powerless against the Vatican? That’s about the level of analysis I expected.

As far as the Rothschilds, I agree he is the bank’s bitch at the expense of everybody else. My question was why you guys are ok with that?

You openly support abortion, which is the #1 source of death among blacks. You better do your own soul searching before you ask anyone else to.
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Does the President going on a propaganda walk constitute an “emergency?” Just asking’...

Because that's why troops are involved?

You're better than this. Just tell the truth and debate it on the merits.
If you think of yourself as a small government advocate and don’t own stocks in any significant amount, why do you blindly back an administration advocating for military control of our cities and printing money on a scale threatening the dollar’s reserve currency status for the exclusive benefit of Wall Street and big tech firms?

Questions... Questions...

What we need is the proven fiscal responsibility of the run of the mill, out of his freaking head, Democrat, right?

Maybe his cabinet can talk him into some version of the Green New Deal and we'll print money for that instead.
What we need is the proven fiscal responsibility of the run of the mill, out of his freaking head, Democrat, right?

Maybe his cabinet can talk him into some version of the Green New Deal and we'll print money for that instead.

Ok, so your reasons, as small government champions, for supporting nationalization of the US economy, military law enforcement in US cities and basically unlimited money printing to expand the wealth of Wall Street, are that: (1) you think I support abortion; and (2) you think I’m a Democrat.

You guys are some suckers. This is why I don’t hang out in here. Waste of my time. Pray that Trump loses in November. Otherwise living in the US will be like a scene from the Road Warrior. Although, given the current lifestyles I picture for most of you, maybe you wouldn’t notice the difference!

Don’t worry, I’ll check in from time to time to continue to highlight the utter destruction of the US caused by the orange mongoloid that you follow like John the Baptist.
Yep, you are an ignorant moe-ron and you're happy to be so.
You don't want answers, you're looking for other podlings that will agree with your idiocy, :confused: making you a waste of both time and space... :rolleyes:

Ha! Well I agree if I’m looking for coherent answers, I’ve come to the wrong place.
Ok, so your reasons, as small government champions, for supporting nationalization of the US economy, military law enforcement in US cities and basically unlimited money printing to expand the wealth of Wall Street, are that: (1) you think I support abortion; and (2) you think I’m a Democrat.

I never mentioned abortion and I never called you a Democrat. I think I called you a liberal at one point but I'm not certain.

I do support small government but calling Trump's economy nationalized because of the pandemic and pretending we're going to have the military in our streets after the riots is imbecilic and exactly the type of red herring argument we've come to expect from over feeling and under thinking opposition.
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You guys are some suckers. This is why I don’t hang out in here. Waste of my time. Pray that Trump loses in November. Otherwise living in the US will be like a scene from the Road Warrior. Although, given the current lifestyles I picture for most of you, maybe you wouldn’t notice the difference!

lol, the lifestyle you picture for me? Why don't you tell me what you picture. If you get something right I'll happily admit as much and if you're wrong, I'll set you straight.
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Don’t worry, I’ll check in from time to time to continue to highlight the utter destruction of the US caused by the orange mongoloid that you follow like John the Baptist.

And strike're on a roll. Run away if you like but I don't own a single red hat. Imagine if you actually knew the things you think you know. I'll miss your stunning insight.
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I thought it sucked that their government has let them down...(and that they should probably haul ass to confession),..

Haha, so it's the government's fault that these POS lit the church on fire?

That's priceless.
lol, the lifestyle you picture for me? Why don't you tell me what you picture. If you get something right I'll happily admit as much and if you're wrong, I'll set you straight.

I picture rusted out cars on blocks and recliners in the front yard. No?
I picture rusted out cars on blocks and recliners in the front yard. No?

I'll post a picture of my home if you'll do the same.

No cars or recliners....sorry to disappoint. We even manicure the lawn. Shudder the thought, right?
How 'bout an Obamaphone so you can 'apply for jobs'. :)
You do know that program(FCC program Lifeline) starter in 1985 under Ronald Reagan?

Being that during the Obama administration, there were very few landlines and more modern means of communication were better via cellphones is why it shifted to free cellphones.

I'm not a Democrat. Didn't vote for Hillary. Didnt vote for Obama the 2nd term. Just telling the information and root of Obamaphone.
I'll post a picture of my home if you'll do the same.

No cars or recliners....sorry to disappoint. We even manicure the lawn. Shudder the thought, right?

I wish I could buy bradley for what he's worth, :confused:
and then sell him for what he thinks he's worth. :eek:
That would be a deal to even make Trump jealous... :D

I also don't own a red hat, or a Trump bumper sticker,
or a Republican / Turnp yard sign.
Over my life time, I've been registered as a Dem, an Indep. and currently as a Rep.
I'm not a cult follower, but a thinking voter that adjusts as needed. o_O
Individual Freedom and the Constitution is the base that I work from.

In the recent past, I've voted with a mail in absentee ballot.
However, in Nov I intend to hobble in to the local poll and vote in person.

And just for fun, I haven't mowed my property in the 30 years that I've lived here.
I removed just enough brush & trees for a tear-drop drive way and the house.
The property is fenced with an automated gate to prevent unwanted guests / solicitors.
I have a sign out front that states:
'Landscaping by God, No Improvements Needed'
~~ If you want a golf green for a yard, then stay in a freakin' city. :cool:

Deer and rabbits graze right up around the house.
Fox occasionally play and chase each other in the back yard.
Birds and butterflies of all kinds pass through constantly
Raccoon tracks left overnight can be found in the drive-way every morning.
I have two gopher tortoises living out front, slow but majestic.

~~ Rules are for the undisciplined... o_O
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I wish I could buy bradley for what he's worth, :confused:
and then sell him for what he thinks he's worth. :eek:
That would be a deal to even make Trump jealous... :D

I also don't own a red hat, or a Trump bumper sticker,
or a Republican / Turnp yard sign.
Over my life time, I've been registered as a Dem, an Indep. and currently as a Rep.
I'm not a cult follower, but a thinking voter that adjusts as needed. o_O
Individual Freedom and the Constitution is the base that I work from.

In the recent past, I've voted with a mail in absentee ballot.
However, in Nov I intend to hobble in to the local poll and vote in person.

And just for fun, I haven't mowed my property in the 30 years that I've lived here.
I removed just enough brush & trees for a tear-drop drive way and the house.
The property is fenced with an automated gate to prevent unwanted guests / solicitors.
I have a sign out front that states:
'Landscaping by God, No Improvements Needed'
~~ If you want a golf green for a yard, then stay in a freakin' city. :cool:

Deer and rabbits graze right up around the house.
Fox occasionally play and chase each other in the back yard.
Birds and butterflies of all kinds pass through constantly
Raccoon tracks left overnight can be found in the drive-way every morning.
I have two gopher tortoises living out front, slow but majestic.

~~ Rules are for the undisciplined... o_O

Most of my property is natural but we do have an area in the front and on the lakefront that's manicured so the kids could use it.
San Antonio has banned St. Augustine grass in new construction because of it's thirst. Most new construction is using Bermuda Tifway 419, which adorns OU and TCU's football field. Common Bermuda has fallen from grace with new builders in San Antonio and Waco. How about you, nail1988?
I thought it sucked that their government has let them down...(and that they should probably haul ass to confession),..

Sheep hoodwinked again.

Research the number of blacks killed by cops under obama, versus the number under Trump.

Spoiler alert: It was far worse under obama. Yet the media claims the opposite, and sheep never think to question narrative that things are continuing to get worse every year.

When it's the exact opposite.

The left needs us divided. Sheep are useful idiots in their plans.
Most of my property is natural but we do have an area in the front and on the lakefront that's manicured so the kids could use it.

When I moved here I asked my kids if they wanted to clear the property and then have to mow the grass, of keep it the way God intended it. They both quickly said keep it the way it is. They played in the yard and on the property at large as it was with no problems. I had taught them about the wild life that they could expect to see and any specific dangers that might be encountered. We had both Coral snakes and Ground Rattlers, with Diamondbacks a possibility, but we've never encountered a Diamondback so far here. They can identify everything from Scorpions and Black Widow Spiders, up to Coyotes, Bears, and Panthers. One of them actually taught Rifle and Outdoor Living Skills at the YMCA summer camp.

Instead of a manicured back yard, I build a small barn on one side, and a small storage shed for garden tools with a fish cleaning sink-station attached. Between the barn and shed I built 2 gazebos with hanging hammock chairs, a two seat and a 4 seat. Foot traffic and the occasional use of a sling blade kept the weeds at bay.

We have deeded access to 5 lakes and both kids could swim by the time they started school. Both me and my wife were Red Cross certified Life Savers, and while I was going to college, I worked as a Life Guard at a FL State Park in the summers. My wife occasionally taught swimming and pool safety to both kids and their parents.

Conformity in most things has never been my bag, and I don't feel peer-pressure.
I either agree with what's expected on an issue, or I go my own way... :cool:

Close around my house (15' or so) I have transplanted in wild centipede grass (that I got in small batches out of the woods) that runs and spreads, but never grows higher than about 3-4" and so it never need fertilizer, watering, insecticides, or mowing. :D
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Heart That Breaks is the only white guy I ever saw swim with the moccasins at Lake LaTonka.

At 17, it was the old Comanche who coached me on my 1/3 mile walk among the bison at the Wichita Wildlife Refuge.

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