I watched a bit of the debates on youtube and................


Green Machine
Oct 22, 2006
I drew an interesting conclusion: not only is the progressive side of the Left moving further and further to the Left...but with their (the progressive Left) stances/plans...for a group that until now that Oh-bomba was the greatest thing since sliced bread...they're (the progressive Left) wants to dismantle much of what Oh-bomba was all about (policies).

All while they're saying publicly how wonderful #44 was.

And if Ob-bomba was all that...why change course from his policies?

Oh, the irony.

Agent Orange
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I watched about 5 minutes which was enough to see it was going to be pointless and useless. Why even frame these things as debates? Give each of them 5 minutes to read a press release and wrap it up. Problem with the Dems is they have not learned from AOC’s green new deal debacle. The middle class/lower middle class do not GAF about a green new deal and they don’t want to hear about all cars being electric by 2030. That’s limo liberal cocktail party nonsense. Tell us how you’re going to make the economy work for everyone that is being left behind. End of story.
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I think we need more democratic candidates, about 12 more will do.

You’ve got every nobody with a suit in their closet up there trying to beef with Biden to up their polling to .05 percent. Ridiculous. Some dude in a too tight suit, I think he’s governor of somewhere, was trying to out-left Biden on the environment. If I was Biden I would have been like: and who are you again?
You’ve got every nobody with a suit in their closet up there trying to beef with Biden to up their polling to .05 percent. Ridiculous. Some dude in a too tight suit, I think he’s governor of somewhere, was trying to out-left Biden on the environment. If I was Biden I would have been like: and who are you again?
Harris believed she'd be able to use her momentum from the 1st debate only to find out the other candidates, including Biden, seemed prepared the 2nd time around. Instead of going back to the Obama days, and I'd have done the same thing saying, "who are you again?"
Dayum! Tulsi Gabbard left Harris unable to respond at all. If only being hot mattered, Gabbard has my vote. Just my opinion but she's hot.
Sorry, I'm just having a SadGator moment.
Hillary ran for Mack Daddy's third term and got smoked. Remove Kalifornia's "anyone with a driver license" vote and she lost the popular.

Who caught Kalifornia purging 5 million 2016 voters from their rolls. Law suits from Judicial Watch.

Tulsi is the best spoken, most measured, most even--tempered on the dem side.
And yes, she's hot.

Agent Orange

She is the best candidate of the current dem field by a mile, and it's not even close. She resonates with the moderate dems and middle America.

20 years ago, that was the Democratic base. Today, it's the fringe, and that's why she is being crucified in the media today.

Her candidacy will be over in a week. Dems can't allow her to continue.
I drew an interesting conclusion: not only is the progressive side of the Left moving further and further to the Left...but with their (the progressive Left) stances/plans...for a group that until now that Oh-bomba was the greatest thing since sliced bread...they're (the progressive Left) wants to dismantle much of what Oh-bomba was all about (policies).

All while they're saying publicly how wonderful #44 was.

And if Ob-bomba was all that...why change course from his policies?

Oh, the irony.

Agent Orange

Here's an article on exactly what you're describing. It is amazing that Democrats have responded to Trump, who they perceive as a crazy right winger, by trying to portray themselves as crazier left wingers. I think they'd be better served trying to draw a contrast with Trump by presenting themselves as reasonable and professional.
Here's an article on exactly what you're describing. It is amazing that Democrats have responded to Trump, who they perceive as a crazy right winger, by trying to portray themselves as crazier left wingers. I think they'd be better served trying to draw a contrast with Trump by presenting themselves as reasonable and professional.

IOW you think the best way to beat Trump is to lie.

Funny how libs can stumble into the truth, if you let them go on long enough.
IOW you think the best way to beat Trump is to lie.

Funny how libs can stumble into the truth, if you let them go on long enough.

It is the only way the dems can beat Trump.
Lying is the dem way.
Just as it is the repub way.
As if the oh-bomba presidency wasn't one big lie after another.
Truth telling isn't gonna get anyone elected in these days and times.
It's war out there...plain and simple.
Both parties are going "for the heart and soul" of America.
"We need someone who can be a President for all the people."
Two of the biggest lies told in American politics.

Every action/reaction is meant for one thing: to get elected and discredit the opposition.
And now with the dems...they're turning on Oh-bomba...even though they said he was awesome while in office.

Agent Orange
It is the only way the dems can beat Trump.
Lying is the dem way.
Just as it is the repub way.
As if the oh-bomba presidency wasn't one big lie after another.
Truth telling isn't gonna get anyone elected in these days and times.
It's war out there...plain and simple.
Both parties are going "for the heart and soul" of America.
"We need someone who can be a President for all the people."
Two of the biggest lies told in American politics.

Every action/reaction is meant for one thing: to get elected and discredit the opposition.
And now with the dems...they're turning on Oh-bomba...even though they said he was awesome while in office.

Agent Orange

Like Trump campaigning on a strong dollar policy.
Tulsi is the best spoken, most measured, most even--tempered on the dem side.
And yes, she's hot.

Agent Orange
Tulsi Gabbard is a military combat veteran who served in a medical unit in a combat zone in Iraq and ALSO was home schooled! Yes, she has "some"
faults but overall she would be the BEST candidate amongst the
Democrats or Republicans!

Yes, i love her foreign policy!
Dang Agent Orange, we have the same or similar taste in women.
Can i be your wing man?
Tulsi Gabbard is a military combat veteran who served in a medical unit in a combat zone in Iraq and ALSO was home schooled! Yes, she has "some"
faults but overall she would be the BEST candidate amongst the
Democrats or Republicans!

Yes, i love her foreign policy!
Dang Agent Orange, we have the same or similar taste in women.
Can i be your wing man?

Ja wohl. (an umlaut over the "o")

Agent Orange
Sure, pure coincidence. Russia Today is a very independent news outlet. The only mental disorder is letting Russia destroy our country due to ignorance
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No sane person is going to fall for it again. Gabbard will run as an independent, no doubt
This is kinda sorta off the subject but i remember when
here in Oak Ridge when the United States was developing
the atomic bomb at the very earliest stages they had
anointed this area as the shhhh "secret city" Years later it
was discovered that Russia had a scientist on the job
from day 1. So much for that secret city. I have always long
suspected that Russia and the United States have worked
hand in hand on this as well as other projects. As Agent
Orange says. JMO
No sane person is going to fall for it again. Gabbard will run as an independent, no doubt
Also, this picture showing these what would you call them.
So called "Dignitaries" My old hero would have never allowed this
horse hockey chit to go on. George Patton. I will always believe he was murdered because George wouldn't go along with TPTB George seen
what was coming down the avenue.
Sure, pure coincidence. Russia Today is a very independent news outlet. The only mental disorder is letting Russia destroy our country due to ignorance
Urtren my friend, one thing i am seeing come to light is the
prophesies in the Bible. TPTB are going to have and get their NWO and their One World Currency. It's a very bitter pill to swallow and i still haven't swallowed it but it is lodged in my throat. I still fight and resist it like a
dumb ass but i know deep down it's a coming. Hell! I even see the mark of the beast is here as we speak and has started implementation.
We have a choice to make. I've made my choice and i won't be taking the 'mark of the beast!
Sure, pure coincidence. Russia Today is a very independent news outlet. The only mental disorder is letting Russia destroy our country due to ignorance

I always laugh when I read this quote anyone within their right mind gets all upset over Russia (supposedly) doing what they (Russia) did to us...and so quickly forgets what disarray we've sewn all over the globe...but bleats out in righteous anger pointing fingers at Russia...and acts if it's ok what unrest, propping up puppet regimes around the world, interfering in other countries' elections.
What's ignorant, IMO, is the inability to look at our (the USA's) faults and constantly blaming everyone else for doing to us what we've been doing to them for eons.
Karma can be most unpleasant.

Agent Orange
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Urtren my friend, one thing i am seeing come to light is the
prophesies in the Bible. TPTB are going to have and get their NWO and their One World Currency. It's a very bitter pill to swallow and i still haven't swallowed it but it is lodged in my throat. I still fight and resist it like a
dumb ass but i know deep down it's a coming. Hell! I even see the mark of the beast is here as we speak and has started implementation.
We have a choice to make. I've made my choice and i won't be taking the 'mark of the beast!

Gonna disagree with you, Box...and for this reason: my goals are different from many (that I know)...but I am here (was born to) to live a long life...I am here to figure out the ways to prosper...and to live a healthy life...and create my own happiness (and stopping needless waiting on others to make me happy)...those are the four things I am here to do.

I am getting better at controlling myself than I was some years ago...I cannot stop TPTB whether it is a one-world currency, getting micro-chipped, the advancement of automation...none of that stuff...I see it as my duty to be as adaptable as possible...adaptability, I believe serves my intended purposes.

Nobody can blame you (myself included) where the mark of the beast is concerned...but others (myself included..."at this point") are gonna do what we have to do to survive. Period. End. of. story.

You say you won't take the mark of the beast now...but could you change your mind and take it?...of course, you could...just as I could change my mind and not take it...things such as human emotion(s) are too fluid at present...and how many times have you or myself said, "I'll never do this or that" only to change your/my mind and do just what we both said we wouldn't do? know you've done have I...and we'll do it again before all is said and done...we're human, Box.

I was reading on zerohedge that some folks believe that due to the disarray within the democratic party that some believe Michelle Oh-bomba will make a surprise entry into the 2020 election as they believe she's about the only one who could defeat Trump...nothing such as this would surprise myself...admittedly, like Hillary, she's being too quiet...and the article points out her global popularity...and let's face's to the point to where you and I have to be ready for about anything these days.

"May you live in interesting times" is most assuredly an apt depiction of our current days.

Agent Orange
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Gonna disagree with you, Box...and for this reason: my goals are different from many (that I know)...but I am here (was born to) to live a long life...I am here to figure out the ways to prosper...and to live a healthy life...and create my own happiness (and stopping needless waiting on others to make me happy)...those are the four things I am here to do.

I am getting better at controlling myself than I was some years ago...I cannot stop TPTB whether it is a one-world currency, getting micro-chipped, the advancement of automation...none of that stuff...I see it as my duty to be as adaptable as possible...adaptability, I believe serves my intended purposes.

Nobody can blame you (myself included) where the mark of the beast is concerned...but others (myself included..."at this point") are gonna do what we have to do to survive. Period. End. of. story.

You say you won't take the mark of the beast now...but could you change your mind and take it?...of course, you could...just as I could change my mind and not take it...things such as human emotion(s) are too fluid at present...and how many times have you or myself said, "I'll never do this or that" only to change your/my mind and do just what we both said we wouldn't do? know you've done have I...and we'll do it again before all is said and done...we're human, Box.

I was reading on zerohedge that some folks believe that due to the disarray within the democratic party that some believe Michelle Oh-bomba will make a surprise entry into the 2020 election as they believe she's about the only one who could defeat Trump...nothing such as this would surprise myself...admittedly, like Hillary, she's being too quiet...and the article points out her global popularity...and let's face's to the point to where you and I have to be ready for about anything these days.

"May you live in interesting times" is most assuredly an apt depiction of our current days.

Agent Orange
Lets say a mark of the beast comes about as prophesied...then that is proof of the prophets message...that same prophet then tells you that to take that mark means that when you die you go to hell and that there is no repentance after taking the mark...would be condemned for eternity. would you save your life now to only be condemned later forever? ....big risk to acknowledge part of the prophets message and then reject other parts and take such a big risk . Sometimes you got to quit being a p#ssy uhm I mean being so adaptable and fight or stand up for something.
Lets say a mark of the beast comes about as prophesied...then that is proof of the prophets message...that same prophet then tells you that to take that mark means that when you die you go to hell and that there is no repentance after taking the mark...would be condemned for eternity. would you save your life now to only be condemned later forever? ....big risk to acknowledge part of the prophets message and then reject other parts and take such a big risk . Sometimes you got to quit being a p#ssy uhm I mean being so adaptable and fight or stand up for something.

But that's assuming that the mark of the beast is easily identifiable. If prophesy is correct, I doubt it's going to be a tattoo of "666" on your forehead. More likely, it is going to be some kind of microchip/UPC code kind of thing that allows people to participate in commerce/global society. I'm sure you could make an argument that cell phones satisfy scripture.

It would probably be something that unmistakably proclaims your allegiance to a global/godless society and that unmistakably signals your turning your back on god. But it may not be immediately apparent.

It's not pleasant to think that we may be near end times, but we do seem to be checking all the boxes off the Revelations checklist.
Several points come to mind:
When you look at others (and I'm sure you do and have watched them) "fear" reveals itself in many ways...some people never really succeed in life because of fear of striking out and making more use of what can be done to succeed...some actually fear taking a new job even though they're miserable with the one they have...many stay in unhappy marriages because they fear what will happen financially through a divorce...and they fear losing contact with their, they stay stuck...many folks vote out of fear of what one political party might do.

"then that is proof of the prophets message...that same prophet then tells you that to take that mark means that when you die you go to hell and that there is no repentance after taking the mark...would be condemned for eternity. would you save your life now to only be condemned later forever? ....big risk to acknowledge part of the prophets message and then reject other parts and take such a big risk . Sometimes you got to quit being a p#ssy uhm I mean being so adaptable and fight or stand up for something."

An interesting conspiracy theory from someone who claims to be anti-conspiracy theories...what you said on the old poliforum...remember?

Perhaps as you're pointing the p#ssy finger at me or someone similar to me...remember you have three fingers on that same hand pointing right back at you.

It might be good work to look at your own fears.

Agent Orange
Several points come to mind:
When you look at others (and I'm sure you do and have watched them) "fear" reveals itself in many ways...some people never really succeed in life because of fear of striking out and making more use of what can be done to succeed...some actually fear taking a new job even though they're miserable with the one they have...many stay in unhappy marriages because they fear what will happen financially through a divorce...and they fear losing contact with their, they stay stuck...many folks vote out of fear of what one political party might do.

Agent Orange

These are legitimate fears! People say you shouldn't stay in a bad marriage "for the kids." Why not? In most cases (not talking about abuse and so on), it's probably better for the kids to have both parents around and almost definitely better financially for them, even if the parents are unhappy together. I can tell you I would never agree to any situation where I didn't see my kids every day. It would take a court order.

Similarly, taking the mark of the beast sounds like an easy one, when its framed like DC puts it. But what if not taking it means you are jailed/killed and your kids have to grow up without you? Or are you going to subject your kids to the consequences of non-conformance?
These are legitimate fears! People say you shouldn't stay in a bad marriage "for the kids." Why not? In most cases (not talking about abuse and so on), it's probably better for the kids to have both parents around and almost definitely better financially for them, even if the parents are unhappy together. I can tell you I would never agree to any situation where I didn't see my kids every day. It would take a court order.

Similarly, taking the mark of the beast sounds like an easy one, when its framed like DC puts it. But what if not taking it means you are jailed/killed and your kids have to grow up without you? Or are you going to subject your kids to the consequences of non-conformance?

I didn't say they were not legitimate fears...I was simply saying they're fears...and that we're all subject to many fears in our lives.

As far as the mark of the beast...with time...we'll see if that pans out...then we all can make a decision based on "what's to be."

Until that time...I'm suggesting to be more flexible/adaptable until you/I can't.

Calm down, big fella...nobody, including myself was suggesting you lose contact with your kids...but that is a realistic fear many have about divorce...I was simply pointing out "what is."

Agent Orange
Sure, pure coincidence. Russia Today is a very independent news outlet. The only mental disorder is letting Russia destroy our country due to ignorance

See? Libs really think Putin bought Tulsi Gabbard! LMAO! Frog boy Liked it so he believes it too LMAO!

It's important to note what Tulsi Gabbard did that set off this conspiracy theory on the left that Putin bought her: She told the truth about Kamala Harris.

To the liberal mind, the only way a dem would EVER tell the truth is if SOMEONE BOUGHT THEM OFF! LMAO!

I wonder if @urtren and frog boy understand what an incredible admission this is?
I didn't say they were not legitimate fears...I was simply saying they're fears...and that we're all subject to many fears in our lives.

As far as the mark of the beast...with time...we'll see if that pans out...then we all can make a decision based on "what's to be."

Until that time...I'm suggesting to be more flexible/adaptable until you/I can't.

Calm down, big fella...nobody, including myself was suggesting you lose contact with your kids...but that is a realistic fear many have about divorce...I was simply pointing out "what is."

Agent Orange

Lol. I’m not arguing with you, I’m just pointing out that these are all tough questions and tough decisions. It’s easy to say don’t stay married for the kids just like it’s easy to say I would never take the mark of the beast. But in the context of real people living their lives, it is much more complicated.
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Several points come to mind:
When you look at others (and I'm sure you do and have watched them) "fear" reveals itself in many ways...some people never really succeed in life because of fear of striking out and making more use of what can be done to succeed...some actually fear taking a new job even though they're miserable with the one they have...many stay in unhappy marriages because they fear what will happen financially through a divorce...and they fear losing contact with their, they stay stuck...many folks vote out of fear of what one political party might do.

"then that is proof of the prophets message...that same prophet then tells you that to take that mark means that when you die you go to hell and that there is no repentance after taking the mark...would be condemned for eternity. would you save your life now to only be condemned later forever? ....big risk to acknowledge part of the prophets message and then reject other parts and take such a big risk . Sometimes you got to quit being a p#ssy uhm I mean being so adaptable and fight or stand up for something."

An interesting conspiracy theory from someone who claims to be anti-conspiracy theories...what you said on the old poliforum...remember?

Perhaps as you're pointing the p#ssy finger at me or someone similar to me...remember you have three fingers on that same hand pointing right back at you.

It might be good work to look at your own fears.

Agent Orange
Oh yea AO it was at you :) ...not the first time I have disagreed with your "bend with the wind" philosophy but hey I dont mean it in a mean way...just a little poke.

Oh and I am pointing at you with the first down gesture LOL

Prophesy if true is the word of God and not some man made conspiracy theory being promoted by a guy who admitted in court he is "an actor."

What I want to see out of AO:

But that's assuming that the mark of the beast is easily identifiable. If prophesy is correct, I doubt it's going to be a tattoo of "666" on your forehead. More likely, it is going to be some kind of microchip/UPC code kind of thing that allows people to participate in commerce/global society. I'm sure you could make an argument that cell phones satisfy scripture.

It would probably be something that unmistakably proclaims your allegiance to a global/godless society and that unmistakably signals your turning your back on god. But it may not be immediately apparent.

It's not pleasant to think that we may be near end times, but we do seem to be checking all the boxes off the Revelations checklist.
It is not easily identified as prophecy is meant to be nebulous in some respects as it is to inform the faithful about what to look for without tipping God's hand to Satan. God lives outside time and can see the end from the beginning. Satan can not and this lack of ability makes his arrogance all the more shocking.

Meanwhile, the best theory on the mark I have seen is that in Greek it is written as chi ro stigma that last is not a typo but an outdated Greek symbol. When written in Greek and turned sideways the symbols look like the Arab script for the word Bismillah and you will find many jihadis wearing green headbands with this inscription into battle.

It is not easily identified as prophecy is meant to be nebulous in some respects as it is to inform the faithful about what to look for without tipping God's hand to Satan. God lives outside time and can see the end from the beginning. Satan can not and this lack of ability makes his arrogance all the more shocking.

Meanwhile, the best theory on the mark I have seen is that in Greek it is written as chi ro stigma that last is not a typo but an outdated Greek symbol. When written in Greek and turned sideways the symbols look like the Arab script for the word Bismillah and you will find many jihadis wearing green headbands with this inscription into battle.


Interesting. And you see Islam becoming sufficiently influential in Western culture, where acceptance of that kind of symbol would be mandated?
Interesting. And you see Islam becoming sufficiently influential in Western culture, where acceptance of that kind of symbol would be mandated?

Or this would be following some kind of global conflict where Islam comes out victorious and allegiance is mandated?