How can we stand by and know the current President is only capable of doing his job between 10am and 4pm

Removing FJB at this point would only put the totally incompetent Kackler in his place, from bad to worse imo, and no real change in the current situation that the Demon-rats and their controlling Shadow Govt. have put us in....

In 2024, we need Trump, plus the House & Senate to have any real hope of undoing the harm of the last 4 years.

It's just too bad that we can't also vote out the crooked Fake News, Lame Stream Media enablers with them....
You really mean you aren't smart enough to see the difference? That's what you are advertising here, LOL. Its pretty damn simple.
Yeah. Thats right. Im saying that a person who isnt competent enough to run for office isnt competent enough to be the commander and chief of the US military. It is pretty simple. You got a point, or you just gonna throw that out there like a passive aggressive middle aged wine drinking female?
Yeah. Thats right. Im saying that a person who isnt competent enough to run for office isnt competent enough to be the commander and chief of the US military. It is pretty simple. You got a point, or you just gonna throw that out there like a passive aggressive middle aged wine drinking female?
Don't waste your time time. You can't fix stupid.
You really mean you aren't smart enough to see the difference? That's what you are advertising here, LOL. Its pretty damn simple.
Excuse me. Let me try to understand this. The guy that a week ago supported that idiot we saw on the debate stage is calling someone ELSE an idiot? LOLOLOLOL GOOD ONE, son.
Just imagine this brain dead man getting the 3 am call and having 6 minutes to decide what to do.
This is the part that REALLY, REALY makes me angry as a REAL American. They are NOT REAL Americans. They put their politics, agenda WAY ahead of our Country...and guess we are. This is why I have stated for years that DEMOCRATS are America's #1 enemy. THEY caused this.
Just imagine this brain dead man getting the 3 am call and having 6 minutes to decide what to do.
This is what keeps me waffling back and forth on what I would like to see happen. I want Trump to win, therefore I want Biden in there. However, it should keep people up at night that this man is "in charge" of the codes and the protection of our country.
Yeah. Thats right. Im saying that a person who isnt competent enough to run for office isnt competent enough to be the commander and chief of the US military. It is pretty simple. You got a point, or you just gonna throw that out there like a passive aggressive middle aged wine drinking whining female?
Fixed it.
Yeah. Thats right. Im saying that a person who isnt competent enough to run for office isnt competent enough to be the commander and chief of the US military. It is pretty simple. You got a point, or you just gonna throw that out there like a passive aggressive middle aged wine drinking female?
I gave you a chance to rethink this to see if you could get it right, but instead you doubled down. Your premise is just flat out wrong.

We are talking about someone who's mental acuity is clearly slipping and its something that will get worse over time and perhaps a lot worse. I have, and probably most of you have, seen these mental issues associated with age go south fairly fast once they start. Therefore it is my opinion that we cannot take that chance and Joe Biden cannot be re-elected because of the possibility of this getting a lot worse over time. I think the democrats will come to this same conclusion and will force him out fairly soon, maybe in the next couple weeks - once the polls show his numbers falling fast.

That is a very different analysis than if he is up to the job right now and for a short 6 month time period. The two are clearly NOT interchangeable since the time element makes this issue worse. I would be fine sending in a professional to give him a current assessment, maybe they will determine he isn't up to the job now, but its a different analysis than deciding if he is a guy who should be elected to serve an additional 4 years.

Now cue up the local Trump knuckleheads to say its obvious he never was up to the job to begin with.
you can call me a knucklehead all you want- we will never truly know if this POS joey was uo to the job in 2020 because he rarely left his basement- it was not too terribly long after his inauguration that we started seeing some of his cognitive issues- however, in the last year it has escalated to the point that he is totally incompetent - where I differ from Capronney is I blame some of the pubs who were part of the problem- they refused to fight for Trump when joey outright stole the election.
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I gave you a chance to rethink this to see if you could get it right, but instead you doubled down. Your premise is just flat out wrong.

We are talking about someone who's mental acuity is clearly slipping and its something that will get worse over time and perhaps a lot worse. I have, and probably most of you have, seen these mental issues associated with age go south fairly fast once they start. Therefore it is my opinion that we cannot take that chance and Joe Biden cannot be re-elected because of the possibility of this getting a lot worse over time. I think the democrats will come to this same conclusion and will force him out fairly soon, maybe in the next couple weeks - once the polls show his numbers falling fast.

That is a very different analysis than if he is up to the job right now and for a short 6 month time period. The two are clearly NOT interchangeable since the time element makes this issue worse. I would be fine sending in a professional to give him a current assessment, maybe they will determine he isn't up to the job now, but its a different analysis than deciding if he is a guy who should be elected to serve an additional 4 years.

Now cue up the local Trump knuckleheads to say it’s obvious he never was up to the job to begin with.
Jeez Louise. They admit that he is only on the ball from 10am-4pm. He is the president of the United States, not a gas station attendant. We have military personnel across the globe that are in his charge. Give me a break. Would you get into an automobile and take a road trip with Biden behind the wheel? What a joke
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Process starts with the VP, then a vote of Congress.

No way Kamala has the balls to pull that lever…unless she is told to.
I was thinking ahead for when senile Joe steps aside and hands the reins over to Kamala. Kamala, running for president should then select Hunter Biden as her running mate. That way it will still be a Harris/Biden ticket and she gets to keep all the campaign funds.
Jeez Louise. They admit that he is only on the ball from 10am-4pm. He is the president of the United States, not a gas station attendant. We have military personnel across the globe that are in his charge. Give me a break. Would you get into an automobile and take a road trip with Biden behind the wheel? What a joke
Now your just making the argument that he isn't fit now, that's not the point you where making before.
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Now your just making the argument that he isn't fit now, that's not the point you where making before.
He isn’t fit now. Isn’t that obvious. I personally think he was never fit over the last 4 years. I think the country has been run by a shadow govt with joe as a figure head with no real authority. My point is that republicans should maul the democrats if they try to split the baby and remove him from the campaign but not the office. We should absolutely beat their brains out with it.
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Wait til their boy Trump shows them who he truly is this go around, they’ll be ready to hang him at the Stake! I’d bet my life on it
Hang loose you’ll find out soon enough
I’m a little different. I don’t live in fear of politicians. The only way to take my freedom is to come down my dirt road driveway, grab me by the belt buckle and get after it. I’m gonna be tough to root out.
I’m a little different. I don’t live in fear of politicians. The only way to take my freedom is to come down my dirt road driveway, grab me by the belt buckle and get after it. I’m gonna be tough to root out.
Same here, the kicker is this, they both have huge issues js, ones senile and too old, the other one is flat out for himself and stupid, Trump goes in so be it, but if that idiot obliterates NATO then we as a country should be ready to kick his teeth in, Putin will have free reign to do anything and everything he wants, this whole garbage about members paying more has been said and done
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Same here, the kicker is this, they both have huge issues js, ones senile and too old, the other one is flat out for himself and stupid, Trump goes in so be it, but if that idiot obliterates NATO then we as a country should be ready to kick his teeth in, Putin will have free reign to do anything and everything he wants, this whole garbage about members paying more has been said and done
I probably don’t see eye to eye with you on NATO. I have an instinctual distrust of any global organization like this. Whether it’s NATO, the UN, the WHO, WTO and on and on. I don’t trust them. We don’t vote for any of it. I’m not demanding that they be destroyed, but I would not be sad to see them destroyed. I think we are in a “ put our own oxygen mask on before helping others “ position. We need to get our own shit together before we try to project power throughout the world. This goes beyond politics. We are out of sorts politically, but also we are unhealthy physically and mentally as a society. We need to fix ourselves before we fix the world.
This is what keeps me waffling back and forth on what I would like to see happen. I want Trump to win, therefore I want Biden in there. However, it should keep people up at night that this man is "in charge" of the codes and the protection of our country.
No he's not. He's not even in charge of or in control of himself!
Those that are making the decisions wouldn't let him within 6 feet of the atomic football.

Everyone that's taking part in this 'Elderly Abuse' should be jailed.
Everyone that's a part of this treason should be put against the wall and disposed of.
The entire FJB crime family criminal enterprise should be shut down and all of their combined assets should be confiscated, (which is why they want to remain in power, to protect their own crimes from being punished).
This should include the other 2 main crime family syndicates, the Hillbilleries and the Obomba's.
It is my own OPINION,,, that a political coup d’état occurred during the Truman administration and our Republic has been on it's way to destruction since that time, only getting much worse since Bill, his cigar, and Monica were in the WH.....
Things that 99.99% of the American Citizens don't have even a vague clue about.
Go down that list and tell me where I'm wrong....
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Same here, the kicker is this, they both have huge issues js, ones senile and too old, the other one is flat out for himself and stupid, Trump goes in so be it, but if that idiot obliterates NATO then we as a country should be ready to kick his teeth in, Putin will have free reign to do anything and everything he wants, this whole garbage about members paying more has been said and done
My gawd you are brainwashed. Let’s just apply some logic and look at history.

Logic first: Trump is a billionaire businessman. He’s cost himself tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars. Not only that, he’s risking going to jail for the rest of his life as the Democrats leverage the legal system to try to get rid of him. None of the current lawfare cases exist if he’s not running.
In other words - he has nothing to gain and is risking everything to run.

Biden on the other hand made tens of millions of dollars over the last two decades, mostly from selling influence all over the world. This isn’t a conspiracy, it’s documented. We have the paper and money trail.

But Trump is the one “only out for himself”? It doesn’t make sense on its face.

NATO has been scamming us and many member countries have been just fine with us covering their part both monetarily and militarily. Trump wants everyone to do their part - do you?

And what bad things did Putin do with Trump in office? And what did he do with Biden (as well as Obama) in office? So do you want talk actual things that have happened or liberal hyperbole?
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Capt that was in 2016 it’s 8 years later your getting a whole new brand of Trump, but I’ll leave it at this, i guarantee you get up everyday and bust your tail for everything you’ve ever earned, that cat nah, he couldn’t strap your boots up or mine up, I’m not focused on his personality atall, I haven’t heard him speak one time about what he’s going to do for hard working men like me and you one time, all I hear him do is whine about payback, he’s corrupt she’s corrupt it’s old hat bro
  • Wow
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Same here, the kicker is this, they both have huge issues js, ones senile and too old, the other one is flat out for himself and stupid, Trump goes in so be it, but if that idiot obliterates NATO then we as a country should be ready to kick his teeth in, Putin will have free reign to do anything and everything he wants, this whole garbage about members paying more has been said and done

please feel free to show proof Trump is out for himself-
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I gave you a chance to rethink this to see if you could get it right, but instead you doubled down. Your premise is just flat out wrong.

We are talking about someone who's mental acuity is clearly slipping and its something that will get worse over time and perhaps a lot worse. I have, and probably most of you have, seen these mental issues associated with age go south fairly fast once they start. Therefore it is my opinion that we cannot take that chance and Joe Biden cannot be re-elected because of the possibility of this getting a lot worse over time. I think the democrats will come to this same conclusion and will force him out fairly soon, maybe in the next couple weeks - once the polls show his numbers falling fast.

That is a very different analysis than if he is up to the job right now and for a short 6 month time period. The two are clearly NOT interchangeable since the time element makes this issue worse. I would be fine sending in a professional to give him a current assessment, maybe they will determine he isn't up to the job now, but its a different analysis than deciding if he is a guy who should be elected to serve an additional 4 years.

Now cue up the local Trump knuckleheads to say its obvious he never was up to the job to begin with.
Umm ... he ran the "basement campaign" four years ago for a reason - and no, it wasn't "Covid."

Biden has NEVER been a great intellect. As has been famously said about him, "He's been wrong on every major foreign policy issue for the last 40 years" (which was said 10 years ago or so & still holds, IMO).

If he was capable when first elected, he was at least approaching the line. It's been obvious for the last two years at least that he's not up to the job, that he's a figurehead (at best).

IF Dems decide to push him out, it won't be because of concern for the country, etc. In fact, I've got video of the Dem braintrust meeting earlier today