How can we stand by and know the current President is only capable of doing his job between 10am and 4pm


Rowdy Reptile
Gold Member
Nov 30, 2021
this is a blatant security risk to our Nation and we the American people. he needs to be 25th amendmented out
this is a blatant security risk to our Nation and we the American people. he needs to be 25th amendmented out
FJB has never been capable of fulfilling his Oath of Office or doing the job of President imo.

So, who's really running the nation from behind the scenes???

There in the closet trifecta of progressive socialist communist behind closed doors traitors imo:
Jill=Michelle=Hillary - FJB and his Kackler are just the fronts, i.e. scapegoats....
And that trifecta are just another group of fronts and/or scapegoats for the real Shadow Power imo.
No 25th amendment, just have Joe drop out of the race.

It will happen. They just need to read the polls after things settle for a bit post debate.
No 25th amendment, just have Joe drop out of the race.

It will happen. They just need to read the polls after things settle for a bit post debate.
This man shouldnt spend one more day as the president of the United States. He obviously isnt capable of doing the job. Having a figure head with a shadow governemnt ( that no one has ever cast a vote for ) behind him running the show is unacceptable. The people deserve to know who is calling the shots.
Do you believe Old Joe has really been operating as more than a figurehead and mouthpiece? He parrots what his Progressives handlers put on his pair of teleprompters. These staffers are the powers behind Joe Biden. I read a credible source two years ago (Wall Street Journal?) that Joe never started a day before about 10:00 and only was able to work three or four hours a day. He takes loads of vacation and personal days. A decrepit old man who fits the gerentologists’ definition of their so-named “elderly elderly”. His body and mind are shutting down.
The dilemma in making Kamala President until January is that her party dorsn’t want her as the nominee. Her “popularity” and “approval ratings” are astonishingly low for anyone. But if she becomes President this summer how can the Dem Party leaders bypass her as their nominee?

Meantime, the Dems gave to select a nominee by remote roll call by August 7, a week before their convention, because they bungled their calendar. August 7-8 is the deadline to submit the nominee to Ohio to appear on the state’s November ballot. Or else they can ask their voters to do a phenomenal write-in.

They have to qualify a candidate other than Old Joe in each state plus the District if Colombia. A conservative election watchdog has promised to sue the Democratic Party if they do so as a violation of the US Constitution for taking away the votes of their constituents who selected Biden in caucuses and primaries.

What a mess.

The Democrats and WH staff, as well as Jill Biden, have perpetrated massive lies to the American people about Old Joe. They did it because of their utter lust for power and their desire to complete their dismantling of the world’s greatest and best country.
The dilemma in making Kamala President until January is that her party dorsn’t want her as the nominee. Her “popularity” and “approval ratings” are astonishingly low for anyone. But if she becomes President this summer how can the Dem Party leaders bypass her as their nominee?

Meantime, the Dems gave to select a nominee by remote roll call by August 7, a week before their convention, because they bungled their calendar. August 7-8 is the deadline to submit the nominee to Ohio to appear on the state’s November ballot. Or else they can ask their voters to do a phenomenal write-in.

They have to qualify a candidate other than Old Joe in each state plus the District if Colombia. A conservative election watchdog has promised to sue the Democratic Party if they do so as a violation of the US Constitution for taking away the votes of their constituents who selected Biden in caucuses and primaries.

What a mess.

The Democrats and WH staff, as well as Jill Biden, have perpetrated massive lies to the American people about Old Joe. They did it because of their utter lust for power and their desire to complete their dismantling of the world’s greatest and best country.
1) At this point Biden has to agree to step down or he has to die. Technically The Party could ask Kamala to invoke the 25th, but it’s a messy process if contested and really more for someone who is actually dying.
2) Three swing states already are out. Two of them Joe would remain on the ballot, splitting the vote.
3) As you point out, polling at the moment shows every challenger you’ve heard of is behind Trump.

This is what happens with a party selects a shill. He didn’t debate, wasn’t massively popular. Kamala was the least popular of a group of 17.

Rice and the Obama’s have been running the country. But I think even they know the jig is up.
Excellent op-ed in Tuesday’s WSJ by editor-at-large Gerard Baker asserting that Biden is what the Democrats deserve but ghe country doesn’t. He shows through a review of Biden’s political career how Joe has been an man of limited talent who is entirely wedded to whatever his party is embracing at the moment. Right now it’s Progressivism. He’s pliable and no leader. Just a chameleon who bends to wishes of others that he thinks enhance his importance.
While clearly Joe is showing the effects of cognitive decline, I wonder who else is about this age:

According to a 2020 analysis of the Health and Retirement Study, men tend to start experiencing cognitive decline around age 70, and dementia around age 79. However, the age at which cognitive decline begins can vary from person to person, and other factors like race and education level can also play a role. For example, some studies suggest that cognitive decline may begin as early as age 45, while others say that cognitive abilities remain stable until around age 60.

There is no need for a country of 340 million people to ever have a president who is at the age where men generally start loosing their mental acuity and experiencing dementia.
FJB has never been capable of fulfilling his Oath of Office or doing the job of President imo.

So, who's really running the nation from behind the scenes???

There in the closet trifecta of progressive socialist communist behind closed doors traitors imo:
Jill=Michelle=Hillary - FJB and his Kackler are just the fronts, i.e. scapegoats....
And that trifecta are just another group of fronts and/or scapegoats for the real Shadow Power imo.
I have said, and I stand by it, that Barack Obama is a Manchurian candidate, Interesting he bought a home 2 miles from the capitol. Obama controls FJB's strings, why else would two of the least liked and mostly bereft of cerebral matter be in the positions of power they are in. And in turn, Obama is just a tool of the world's ultra rich, ultra elite my opinion.
This man shouldnt spend one more day as the president of the United States. He obviously isnt capable of doing the job. Having a figure head with a shadow governemnt ( that no one has ever cast a vote for ) behind him running the show is unacceptable. The people deserve to know who is calling the shots.
But he NEVER HAS BEEN. And we have people in this Country that have been covering for him...and really dumb people who believed those people. We have NEVER been in good hands. Look around. Ukraine, Israel, Iran, Economy, border, crime. What did anyone think would happen installing someone in office that the media REFUSED to vet, because he hid in his basement? I blame this on democrats and the people who supported him. THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE for being IDIOTS and putting America in this situation. THIS is why I get so angry. F'n STEVIE WOBNDER could see this coming. The POS has NEVER made a correct decision. Robert Gates (Hussein democrat) TOLD us this. Why is everyone acting so surprised?
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Do you believe Old Joe has really been operating as more than a figurehead and mouthpiece? He parrots what his Progressives handlers put on his pair of teleprompters. These staffers are the powers behind Joe Biden. I read a credible source two years ago (Wall Street Journal?) that Joe never started a day before about 10:00 and only was able to work three or four hours a day. He takes loads of vacation and personal days. A decrepit old man who fits the gerentologists’ definition of their so-named “elderly elderly”. His body and mind are shutting down.
SO dangerous for our Country. Our enemies knew this long ago...hence the exploding world around us today. As someone who loves America...this sickens me.
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1) At this point Biden has to agree to step down or he has to die. Technically The Party could ask Kamala to invoke the 25th, but it’s a messy process if contested and really more for someone who is actually dying.
2) Three swing states already are out. Two of them Joe would remain on the ballot, splitting the vote.
3) As you point out, polling at the moment shows every challenger you’ve heard of is behind Trump.

This is what happens with a party selects a shill. He didn’t debate, wasn’t massively popular. Kamala was the least popular of a group of 17.

Rice and the Obama’s have been running the country. But I think even they know the jig is up.
Kamala was chosen because she is a BLACK WOMAN. THOSE are her credentials. And hence...America is is a VERY, VERY dangerous place right now. I cannot tell you how much this angers me. Politics over Country. How many times have I posted this. I am just AMAZED that ANYONE is surprised by this. They hid the guy in the basement during the 2020 election and MSM and supporters let them get away with it. America is in a HORRIBLE place at the moment...and our worst enemies know it damn well. Politics over Country. Thanks democrats.This is 100% ON YOU.
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While clearly Joe is showing the effects of cognitive decline, I wonder who else is about this age:

According to a 2020 analysis of the Health and Retirement Study, men tend to start experiencing cognitive decline around age 70, and dementia around age 79. However, the age at which cognitive decline begins can vary from person to person, and other factors like race and education level can also play a role. For example, some studies suggest that cognitive decline may begin as early as age 45, while others say that cognitive abilities remain stable until around age 60.

There is no need for a country of 340 million people to ever have a president who is at the age where men generally start loosing their mental acuity and experiencing dementia.
This is just dumb. Sorry. Your inner lefty shining VERY bright here. for the same reason you DO NOT pick a VP just because she is a black do NOT exclude a qualified older person because they reached a certain age. CHOOSE leaders on capability, not age. Lefties made this EXACT same argument with Reagan...and he turned out to be one of America's GREATEST Presidents in our history. QUIT putting people in boxes because of age, race, gender etc. It is just DUMB. THE MOST QUALIFIED deserves to lead.
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While clearly Joe is showing the effects of cognitive decline, I wonder who else is about this age:

According to a 2020 analysis of the Health and Retirement Study, men tend to start experiencing cognitive decline around age 70, and dementia around age 79. However, the age at which cognitive decline begins can vary from person to person, and other factors like race and education level can also play a role. For example, some studies suggest that cognitive decline may begin as early as age 45, while others say that cognitive abilities remain stable until around age 60.

There is no need for a country of 340 million people to ever have a president who is at the age where men generally start loosing their mental acuity and experiencing dementia.
Still pontificating aren't you? You voted for the clown. And quit bleating about the age a President should not run. There isn't a person on this board that is unaware of mental decline in humans. Stop trying to reroute the conversation from the fact biden has been a failure as a Senator and a President, his stupidity started 81 years ago. GIVE IT A FREAKING REST.
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joey brought in all the advisors from Bernie Sanders and Fauxahontas Warren so it is no wonder this admin is so far to the left- then add in that joey is out to lumch and there you have the why we moved so far to the left
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But he NEVER HAS BEEN. And we have people in this Country that have been covering for him...and really dumb people who believed those people. We have NEVER been in good hands. Look around. Ukraine, Israel, Iran, Economy, border, crime. What did anyone think would happen installing someone in office that the media REFUSED to vet, because he hid in his basement? I blame this on democrats and the people who supported him. THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE for being IDIOTS and putting America in this situation. THIS is why I get so angry. F'n STEVIE WOBNDER could see this coming. The POS has NEVER made a correct decision. Robert Gates (Hussein democrat) TOLD us this. Why is everyone acting so surprised?
I’m not surprised by any of this. I’m disgusted by the idea that democrats think it’s okay to replace him as the candidate because he is unfit, but keep him on as the sitting president. Can’t have it both ways. If you are going to remove him from the ticket, he must be pulled from office. It’s like bannon said, we have to make the process hurt.
While clearly Joe is showing the effects of cognitive decline, I wonder who else is about this age:

According to a 2020 analysis of the Health and Retirement Study, men tend to start experiencing cognitive decline around age 70, and dementia around age 79. However, the age at which cognitive decline begins can vary from person to person, and other factors like race and education level can also play a role. For example, some studies suggest that cognitive decline may begin as early as age 45, while others say that cognitive abilities remain stable until around age 60.

There is no need for a country of 340 million people to ever have a president who is at the age where men generally start loosing their mental acuity and experiencing dementia.
Still pontificating aren't you? You voted for the clown. And quit bleating about the age a President should not run. There isn't a person on this board that is unaware of mental decline in humans. Stop trying to reroute the conversation from the fact biden has been a failure as a Senator and a President, his stupidity started 81 years ago. GIVE IT A FREAKING REST.
Don’t deny him his agenda.

Orange man is not only bad, Orange man old. Orange Man Old!
Our intrepid reporter and grand pontificator ILLEGAL- SHIFT has broken the following stories recently:

All politicians lie
All politicians are crooks
Human beings will suffer cognitive decline during their lifespan

Amazing how he continually exposes these previously unknown facts. I think he should be nominated for a Pulitzer.
Our intrepid reporter and grand pontificator ILLEGAL- SHIFT has broken the following stories recently:

All politicians lie
All politicians are crooks
Human beings will suffer cognitive decline during their lifespan

Amazing how he continually exposes these previously unknown facts. I think he should be nominated for a Pulitzer.
Don't forget, Orange Man Old!
  1. FJB is not the President in anything but title.
  2. He didn't win the 2020 election, it was instead STOLEN from the people's choice.
  3. Socialist/communist traitors currently control the White House.
  4. No matter who the Demon-rats put forth in 2024, they will just be the new front...
  5. And the only way that the Demon-rats win in 2024 is if they can cheat/steal another election.
  6. What disease or disaster will they trot out in order to facilitate the next steal???
Where are the Patrick Henry kind of Patriots now daze???
"Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death!"

Summary: “Give me Liberty, or Give me Death”

Patrick Henry, widely considered a Founding Father of the United States, delivered his speech “Give me Liberty, or Give me Death” to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775. Henry addresses his speech to the president of the Virginia Convention: Peyton Randolph. He offers respect to the men who spoke before him, acknowledging that people may reasonably disagree on a subject. He then pronounces that the question of independence is an important one. Henry intimates that this discussion is so important to their country that he cannot keep his thoughts to himself; if he did, he would be guilty of treasonand of dishonoring God himself.

Insert Progressive-Socialist-Communist-Traitors below for the words Great Britain and British, and then think about it....

Henry acknowledges that the colonists’ hopes of peaceful resolution are normal; however, he urges them to consider that they may be ignoring Great Britain’s unjust treatment. He argues that they must open their ears and eyes and “know the whole truth,” no matter how much anguish it causes. He explains that he is confident, based on previous experience with Britain’s behavior, that the British will continue to behave the same way. He asks the colonists to consider what Britain has done to make them hope for a different outcome. He declares that they must not trust Britain or risk betrayal, noting that Britain is currently preparing for war and arguing that Britain’s only possible reason for developing its army and navy (CDC, DOJ, IRS, and the other 3 letter traitors to their oaths) is to use them against the colonies (citizens of the 50 states).

Henry suggests that the colonists have done everything they can to be civil to the British, but their requests have been met with violence and disregard “for the last ten years." Having explored all nonviolent avenues, Henry says, the colonists cannot simply hope for peace any longer: If the colonists want freedom, then they need to fight for it.

JMOHO, but the 2024 Presidential election might be our last best hope for a peaceful resolution to where we currently are, which IMO, is on the verge of completely losing our LIBERTY....

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  1. FJB is not the President in anything but title.
  2. He didn't win the 2020 election, it was instead STOLEN from the people's choice.
  3. Socialist/communist traitors currently control the White House.
  4. No matter who the Demon-rats put forth in 2024, they will just be the new front...
  5. And the only way that the Demon-rats win in 2024 is if they can cheat/steal another election.
  6. What disease or disaster will they trot out in order to facilitate the next steal???
Where are the Patrick Henry kind of Patriots now daze???
"Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death!"

Summary: “Give me Liberty, or Give me Death”

Patrick Henry, widely considered a Founding Father of the United States, delivered his speech “Give me Liberty, or Give me Death” to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775. Henry addresses his speech to the president of the Virginia Convention: Peyton Randolph. He offers respect to the men who spoke before him, acknowledging that people may reasonably disagree on a subject. He then pronounces that the question of independence is an important one. Henry intimates that this discussion is so important to their country that he cannot keep his thoughts to himself; if he did, he would be guilty of treasonand of dishonoring God himself.

Insert Progressive-Socialist-Communist-Traitors below for the words Great Britain and British, and then think about it....

Henry acknowledges that the colonists’ hopes of peaceful resolution are normal; however, he urges them to consider that they may be ignoring Great Britain’s unjust treatment. He argues that they must open their ears and eyes and “know the whole truth,” no matter how much anguish it causes. He explains that he is confident, based on previous experience with Britain’s behavior, that the British will continue to behave the same way. He asks the colonists to consider what Britain has done to make them hope for a different outcome. He declares that they must not trust Britain or risk betrayal, noting that Britain is currently preparing for war and arguing that Britain’s only possible reason for developing its army and navy (CDC, DOJ, IRS, and the other 3 letter traitors to their oaths) is to use them against the colonies (citizens of the 50 states).

Henry suggests that the colonists have done everything they can to be civil to the British, but their requests have been met with violence and disregard “for the last ten years." Having explored all nonviolent avenues, Henry says, the colonists cannot simply hope for peace any longer: If the colonists want freedom, then they need to fight for it.

JMOHO, but the 2024 Presidential election might be our last best hope for a peaceful resolution to where we currently are, which IMO, is on the verge of completely losing our LIBERTY....

Great post
I’m not surprised by any of this. I’m disgusted by the idea that democrats think it’s okay to replace him as the candidate because he is unfit, but keep him on as the sitting president. Can’t have it both ways. If you are going to remove him from the ticket, he must be pulled from office. It’s like bannon said, we have to make the process hurt.
You really mean you aren't smart enough to see the difference? That's what you are advertising here, LOL. Its pretty damn simple.

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