At least we fact check, whereas you spour opinions without fact an still dispute the proven facts. Not sorry, I'll stick with facts over biased conjecture.
At least we fact check, whereas you spour opinions without fact an still dispute the proven facts. Not sorry, I'll stick with facts over biased conjecture.
To that point, Ghost should utilize whatever fact checker organization that is credible ( to him) and tell us exactly what they say about the WH claims that the cupboard was bare. Should be easy. We'll wait. I'm sure. LOL
@Nolec you can't argue against this. You've tried. You should admit defeat. Instead, you search for another lie to construct a narrative to satisfy your skewed concept of truth. You should just give it up. Accept defeat and leave the dark side.No it isn't. is a liberal 'fact' checker designed to fool sheep.
As we see here, it's working.
From their website, they are "A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center"
Which we find is...."Like many large grantmaking foundations, the Annenberg Foundation is known to fund many left-of-center political groups and causes."
Annenberg Foundation
The Annenberg Foundation is a private foundation headquartered in Pennsylvania and Los Angeles, California, which focuses grants in the greater Los Angeles area as well as nationally. The foundation was founded by billionaire publisher and Nixon administration U.S. Ambassador to…
"the Annenberg Foundation has a history of affiliations with liberal causes. [7] The Annenberg Foundation regularly donates for left of center organizations and causes. "
They have also donated to Planned Parenthood.
"Associations with Barack Obama
In the 1990s, Walter Annenberg announced the Annenberg Challenge, a $500 million gift to public schools in America, billed as the largest gift ever to public education. $50 million of the grant went to Chicago where the local chapter of the Annenberg challenge was chaired by future President Barack Obama and co-founded by radical professor and former Weather Underground extremist Bill Ayers. The affiliation between Obama and Ayers came into public light when Obama ran for president in 2008."
So the Foundation has a history of working with obama, and then they create a 'fact checker' that then 'fact checks' claims made about the obama administration? Do you MAYBE see the potential conflict of interests there?!?!?
Please learn to think for yourself. It took me 15 seconds to find this, you never thought to question their motives once you heard what you wanted to hear. SMDH
"We choose truth over fact...." That has got to be the best line of stupidity I've ever heard. We need to make shirts that with that saying on it.MAGA shared a story last night that He asked a powerful RAT senator 25 years ago who’s the dumbest senator answer “ Joe Biden”
It is the WH that is making the empty cupboard claims, yet you're claiming they weren't empty.
@Nolec you can't argue against this. You've tried. You should admit defeat. Instead, you search for another lie to construct a narrative to satisfy your skewed concept of truth. You should just give it up. Accept defeat and leave the dark side.
I don't fact-check people that don't lie to me. Trump has never lied to me, so why would I fact-check him?
I mean, if it were @Nolec trying to claim there's already a covid vaccine or that masks eliminate covid cases, yeah that gets fact checked LOL Then again I don't believe anything you say.
Are you claiming that a left of center factcheck org. cannot be the truth.