Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye.................


Green Machine
Oct 22, 2006
What say you, intelligent folks of the forum? Hilluree Clinton watching (with a smile) Alexandria Occasional-Venezuela, the clown Kamala Harris, the false Indian from Massachusetts and thinking..."I can get into the 2020 race and win?"...or...could Beto from TX be the one who carries the torch for the dems in 2020? Hilluree done (as in stick a fork in her)?...or does she still have political life left in her?...what say ye, gents of the forum?

Agent Orange
Money talks, and with the billion $$$ they’ve skimmed off of the Clinton Foundation, she shouldn’t be counted out
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What say you, intelligent folks of the forum? Hilluree Clinton watching (with a smile) Alexandria Occasional-Venezuela, the clown Kamala Harris, the false Indian from Massachusetts and thinking..."I can get into the 2020 race and win?"...or...could Beto from TX be the one who carries the torch for the dems in 2020? Hilluree done (as in stick a fork in her)?...or does she still have political life left in her?...what say ye, gents of the forum?

Agent Orange

Could ole Bernie the communist still be in the picture?
And just think, critical thinkers honestly believe that
Socialism isn't here,alive and doing well in America.
Chiiiiiiiiiit, i remember my ole man raising mortal H E Double
tooth pick back in the 70's about socialism. Yes, he was a
blue dawg Democrat and Mom was a Republican. Election time
wasn't a good time to be living around my house.Lol!
Socialism has been around, but it only empowers those with power in the government. It hasn’t worked very well

Capitalism is more efficient and reactive than socialism in several ways, but especially in control theory, as the closer to the production and exchange processes that control takes place, speed and effectiveness improves. Smaller control loops are always better..... government intrusion makes long control loops
What say you, intelligent folks of the forum? Hilluree Clinton watching (with a smile) Alexandria Occasional-Venezuela, the clown Kamala Harris, the false Indian from Massachusetts and thinking..."I can get into the 2020 race and win?"...or...could Beto from TX be the one who carries the torch for the dems in 2020? Hilluree done (as in stick a fork in her)?...or does she still have political life left in her?...what say ye, gents of the forum?

Agent Orange

The rats have a conga line of carnival freaks running for POTUS. They look like the picture out of the Star Wars bar scene.

I wouldn’t count out hidebeast running. Remember the Russian deplorables stole it from the smartest women in the world
Socialism has been around, but it only empowers those with power in the government. It hasn’t worked very well

Capitalism is more efficient and reactive than socialism in several ways, but especially in control theory, as the closer to the production and exchange processes that control takes place, speed and effectiveness improves. Smaller control loops are always better..... government intrusion makes long control loops

Does efficiency always equate to what’s better for the people? Automation and outsourcing are efficient but to what end?
With such diversity leading the parade of fools (Dims) will battle it out for 2nd place in 2020. They'll have to convince the Mid West that they have solved all of the problems that Hillary was unable to provide answers for.
Does efficiency always equate to what’s better for the people? Automation and outsourcing are efficient but to what end?

It’s great for the people to whom Work is outsourced or who make automation. Should mop and broom handles still be carved by hand? Should all screws or nails be hand dipped galvanized, or vegatable oil squeezed by hand press?

If you’re a ditch digger, you better dig cheaper than a machine or better, or learn another career. It’s a global economy, we have to compete or watch our average wages/earnings decline.

Efficiency is always better, less energy used, less manpower, less material used....less cost. So it’s better for the people who buy the product, who invest into the company, and who work for the healthy company. The people/ workers who lose out need to improve their value in other endeavors
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Socialism has been around, but it only empowers those with power in the government. It hasn’t worked very well

Capitalism is more efficient and reactive than socialism in several ways, but especially in control theory, as the closer to the production and exchange processes that control takes place, speed and effectiveness improves. Smaller control loops are always better..... government intrusion makes long control loops
IrishPokerDawg, you purdy damn smart Bubba!
You hit this one out of the park.
Efficiency is always better, less energy used, less manpower, less material used....less cost. So it’s better for the people who buy the product, who invest into the company, and who work for the healthy company. The people/ workers who lose out need to improve their value in other endeavors

This is press release language. How do you suggest the “people/workers who lose out,” go about “improving their value”? A factory worker who loses his job to a Cambodian 8-year-old should what, learn how to code? It’s nonsense. At some point you trickle downers are going to have to come up with an answer for what you want to do with all the unnecessary people. Roast them on a spit? Throw them in prison? Just be honest about it. You don’t gaf about them.

If it were me, and you had a company that wants to set up in the American market and take advantage of the (relative) stability of our political system, infrastructure, legal system and our consumers, then you don’t get to outsource the labor. And if you’re going to automate someone out of a job just to pad your own pocket, then you will pay to retrain that worker and find him a job, as opposed to putting them and their family on the taxpayers dime for the rest of their lives.
What’s funny about you guys is that you think you stand for self sufficiency and “bootstraps, blah blah blah” but the corporations that you all cheerlead for are on the public tit on a scale x 100 vs. all the poor people that you all get so exercised about. What your belief system boils down to is that you all just lie down like little bitches for anyone with money and accept their absurd rationalizations for robbing taxpayers and workers blind.
I can't find Hugoline with an economics degree. Arts and sciences my research tells me. Please present evidence if anyone has it.

Arts and sciences can fit into basket weaving and recess.
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Here you go SunBurnt Indian
Look in the early life section.

Nope, still no proof. If you click on the sources, the only place that mentions her degrees is a puff piece in the UK Independant. Another “source” was the 2011
Boston University commencement publication

- she is NOT listed as having a degree at ALL, let alone in economics or international relations, let alone summa cum laude

Lol - it’s farking BS hahaha
I'm still lost, as is IrishPokerDog. I can't find a specific degree for Hugoline in anything. I took economic classes at Gonzaga University while stationed at Fairchild AFB, correspondence courses in economics at the University of Maryland while stationed at Goose Bay AFB. I have no degree in economics.

Hugoline might have a degree in liberal arts or the "sciences" which could mean Navajo ear ring design or bike touring.

I've watched Hugoline interviews with Jake Tapper and Chris Coumo. She is no Sarah Palin, Larry Kudlow or Walter Williams by any stretch.
What say you, intelligent folks of the forum? Hilluree Clinton watching (with a smile) Alexandria Occasional-Venezuela, the clown Kamala Harris, the false Indian from Massachusetts and thinking..."I can get into the 2020 race and win?"...or...could Beto from TX be the one who carries the torch for the dems in 2020? Hilluree done (as in stick a fork in her)?...or does she still have political life left in her?...what say ye, gents of the forum?

Agent Orange
I refuse to respond to people that use childish nicknames for people. Grow up if you want an intelligent response.
Zerohedge had an article about her
I refuse to respond to people that use childish nicknames for people. Grow up if you want an intelligent response.

Then why did you respond if you refuse to respond?...just wondering.

Agent Orange
If i may, can i ask you what you do for a living
or what your profession is?

Professional message board bot.

But when I’m not doing that, small business owner, consultant, finance lecturer, real estate investor, Angel investor. Lots of different stuff. Why?

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