Has America Just started a war?

Then that makes them doubly partisan since they ignored when obama was running it up for 8 years.

Oh thaaaaaaaaat's right.....the Republican president before him made him do it.

I understand propaganda when I see it. Sheep do not.


Why would a British organization be partisan over American politics? Ridiculous. They have no stake in the game. You're a fool if you believe otherwise.

Maybe I should point out that Dubya's Great Recession caused the deficits to soar, starting with his bailout of Wall Street, because heck, we don't want all those millionaires and billionaires to miss out on their annual bonuses, right? AND THAT IS HIS BAILOUT, HE AUTHORIZED IT WHILE STILL PRESIDENT.

Then in come the Democrats, to fix the crappy economy left by Dubya and the Republicans, the same way Clinton had to come in and fix HW's crappy economy, and Trumps' DEMOCRAT successor will have to fix his crappy economy. Why you all think it's the Republicans that understand business is beyond me. Every time you get your hands on the economy, you give a bunch of money to rich people, screw everything up, and leave a mess behind.

So anyway Obama, he creates ARRA, which extends unemployment insurance tremendously, and acts as a stimulus to create jobs. Did that increase the deficit, yes, but there are only two valid reasons for deficit increases. Economic downturn and war. Obama had to deal with a terrible recession. What's Trump's excuse?

So after ARRA ends, and the economy begins to slowly turn around, deficits drop. When Obama left, the deficit was half what it was when he first arrived, and 400 billion less than it is now.

But Trump, he wanted to give a tax break to billionaires, like Republicans always do. And he did. On the backs of future generations, because it caused the deficit to balloon. It was a trillion dollars this year and is rising. Now, recession is coming, maybe as soon as this summer, and what will he do then? Bump the deficit to 1.5 trillion? More?

It's funny and sad that, when Obama was president, all we heard was "cut the deficit" from Republicans. I'm sure, as a good little drone, you were shouting it as well, that it was the most important thing in the world to you. But the people who tell you what to think have stopped telling you that, so you no longer care, and when you get called out about it your response is "But Obama...", because your normal response "But Hillary..." can't be used, and the response requested, which is to actually defend the Republicans, is IMPOSSIBLE.
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This is mostly true if i want to read something impartial BBC is one of the first places i go.

There's a talk radio station i listen to sometimes when i am driving. They have news during the commercials. There's no 'branding' ie they don't say this is Fox News or CBS newsbreak. But every story has "we go now live to correspondent.....Brian Steltzer or Manu Raju or Kaitlyn Collins". Anyone that watches MSM knows these are all hacks that work for CNN. So it's CNN news, but they purposely don't tell you that, I assume to make it appear more impartial and credible.