Harsh Reality...

By all means. But can we wait until Mac is here for four years before we do that? Or that is too complicated for you?

Will you hold off on your proclamations until year 4? Because up to now that hasn't been the case.
Muschamp is the worst coach that has ever roamed the UF sidelines since I've been a UF fan. That goes back to the early 80s.

It's not even close. Did you already forget the Ga Southern loss and the embarrassing losses to Mizzou and Vandy on our home field?

The East sucked when Muschamp was here and he never won it in 4 years. He's god awful.

You can complain about McElwain all you want but don't compare any UF coach to Muschamp in the last 35 years.

I could see this team losing to a pure running team like that now considering we can't score ourselves especially with the defense banged up so much now.

Murphy literally couldnt even raise his arm to shoulder level that year after his injuries.
Of course I did. Because that was what told us he was/is a bad coach. His first two years did not tell us that at all.

What? Hindsight is all we have with BOTH coaches.

Try an analysis that makes sense.

I'm gonna assume you're trolling me. Has to be. You're not making any sense and are just arguing to argue at this point.
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It isn't even a Mac's sucks thread. I've been told numerous times we're better off than we were under Muschamp. And we might end up being so, but through 2 years under both coaches the numbers don't support that at all. And in response MJ comes in, flings poop, and says that Muschamp sucked using years 3 and 4 to make that point. Well, no shit. But you only know that now because of hindsight. Mac could very well be just as bad in years 3 and 4. He's attempting to use the unknown to explain away the known...each coaches first two years. It's so dumb I have to assume he's trolling me.
That's the equivalent of me saying "well it took Saban 4 years to win a title at LSU, so we'll win a title in year 4 too. Tell me I'm wrong!?" Hey we don't know what year 3 or 4 will bring, so how can you argue against it?
I'm gonna assume you're trolling me. Has to be. You're not making any sense and are just arguing to argue at this point.
No. Your comparison of the first two years of both coaches is meant to say that Mac is going to be as bad a Muschamp. You might end up being right about that. Yet in my mind, it is too early to say that due to the fact that Muschamp's first two years is not the complete data set of his coaching tenure here. And it is only by viewing his four years in their entirety that we can draw any conclusion about Muschamp's coaching ability.

Hell, as much as I disliked the Mushamp hire initially, I was willing to change my mind about him based on his second year alone. That turned out to be a mirage. By the same token, I will not compare Mac to Mushcamp until Mac coaches here four years.

This is pretty elementary stuff. You are usually smarter.
It isn't even a Mac's sucks thread.

Really? This looks like you are now backtracking from a thread titled "harsh reality" that then goes on to compare the record of the first two years of both coaches? What exactly were you trying to demonstrate, if not branding Mac as Muschamp?

At least you now seem to realize the foolishness of the initial premise, even if you won't admit it.
Jimbo can't coach.....Isn't that the truth, I'm so tired of Jimbo bringing all these five stars and not being able to develop a quarterback.....If only he could coach and develop some of our players.....You guys are so lucky to have a coach that has LDR ready to take over next year.....I really don't know what we're going to do.
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I think his point is not that Mac is going to repeat Muschamp's UF career to the letter. I think his point is that decent to good win loss records can obscure underlying systemic problems.

Complex thinking compared to "he wears Orange and Blue and won the shit SECe so he is great thinking"
No. Your comparison of the first two years of both coaches is meant to say that Mac is going to be as bad a Muschamp. You might end up being right about that. Yet in my mind, it is too early to say that due to the fact that Muschamp's first two years is not the complete data set of his coaching tenure here. And it is only by viewing his four years in their entirety that we can draw any conclusion about Muschamp's coaching ability.

Hell, as much as I disliked the Mushamp hire initially, I was willing to change my mind about him based on his second year alone. That turned out to be a mirage. By the same token, I will not compare Mac to Mushcamp until Mac coaches here four years.

This is pretty elementary stuff. You are usually smarter.

You're missing the mark once again.

First, no I don't think Mac is/is going to be worse than Muschamp. I've said in numerous threads Mac's program management and vision is better, his staff decisions are better, and he appears to be recruiting more balanced classes. So like I told Michi this isn't a Mac's sucks thread. This thread was really about one thing...through two years where were we under both coaches? So I decided to go look for myself and posted the numbers here for everybody to see which is why I said make of it what you will.

My biggest thing has always been program trajectory...which is why I didn't even place that big a deal on wins and losses. I've even said that in multiple threads. The question is simple...through two years of both coaches can you definitely say that we're on the right trajectory? I can't. If I had some crystal ball that could tell me what Mac's year 3 and 4 will look like then maybe my opinion changes. But since I don't I can only go by what we know right now...performance through 2 seasons.
Agreed. The Nole fans can take succor that Jimbo is a better recruiter than Mac. And can beat Mac. That is really all they have though.
well that...and a Natty...and a chance to win Natties every year with the level of talent he brings in. Nothing important, really.
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Guys please stop fighting, it's the holiday season. Let's just be thankful for all the UF players and Coaches and wish everyone peace and good will and happy holidays.......
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well that...and a Natty...and a chance to win Natties every year with the level of talent he brings in. Nothing important, really.
Think about this; the signature win for FSU for each of the last two years is to beat Florida.
Really? This looks like you are now backtracking from a thread titled "harsh reality" that then goes on to compare the record of the first two years of both coaches? What exactly were you trying to demonstrate, if not branding Mac as Muschamp?

At least you now seem to realize the foolishness of the initial premise, even if you won't admit it.

I'm not backtracking from interpreted the thread how you wanted to interpret it and missed the mark by a mile. I titled the thread what I titled it because, well, it's reality. None of it is opinion based. I'm not sure why you're assuming that's an argument that Mac sucks unless you subconsciously thing the facts posted indicates that.

And the point is simple really. You and others continue to shout down people who have even the slightest concerns with stuff like "we won the East quit bitching!" Yet facts show that despite that accomplishment there are real, systematic issues with the program. And our results are very close to the last guy. Doesn't mean he'll end up like him but based on what we know right now there hasn't been improvement. If you want to take more meaning from the thread that's your business.
Seriously you guys argue like a bunch of mean old crocs.....alligators are nice and friendly, some people even have them as pets and give them names like "honey" and "sugar bear"....all this nasty fighting is just senseless.......I've got my Christmas card all ready to send to Coach Mac, I suggest you guys make one for him too. You'll feel better doing nice things for a Coach we all love.
You're missing the mark once again.

First, no I don't think Mac is/is going to be worse than Muschamp. I've said in numerous threads Mac's program management and vision is better, his staff decisions are better, and he appears to be recruiting more balanced classes. So like I told Michi this isn't a Mac's sucks thread. This thread was really about one thing...through two years where were we under both coaches? So I decided to go look for myself and posted the numbers here for everybody to see which is why I said make of it what you will.

My biggest thing has always been program trajectory...which is why I didn't even place that big a deal on wins and losses. I've even said that in multiple threads. The question is simple...through two years of both coaches can you definitely say that we're on the right trajectory? I can't. If I had some crystal ball that could tell me what Mac's year 3 and 4 will look like then maybe my opinion changes. But since I don't I can only go by what we know right now...performance through 2 seasons.
The very title of the thread argues against this point. And I was not the only Florida fan that presumed this was a Mac=Muschamp polemic. Ones from both sides of the argument, I might add.

But fair enough.
The very title of the thread argues against this point. And I was not the only Florida fan that presumed this was a Mac=Muschamp polemic. Ones from both sides of the argument, I might add.

But fair enough.


And I know you won't agree with this because we already had this discussion, but this is why I was 'ok' with being 7-5 and finding our QB of the future and finding young playmakers to step up. The more this season goes along the more I feel like it's a wasted season. We're going to lose 4 games minimum, likely all in embarrassing fashion, and we still don't know what this program is capable of. I was never sold on Muschamp, but going into year 3 we were preseason top 10 with a loaded defense and had just signed a top 5 class. Going into year 3 now I'm just left hoping we fired about 2-3 assistant coaches and hoping for the best. Hopefully Mac's year 3 is better than 4-8.
Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy's all about being positive and believing in LDR and Coach Mac.......Yeaahhh Coach.
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And I know you won't agree with this because we already had this discussion, but this is why I was 'ok' with being 7-5 and finding our QB of the future and finding young playmakers to step up.

I understand about the point about the QB. But only one team in the SEC has started a true freshman at QB this year and had notable success. And that might be because he has a NFL team around him.

Two of the true freshmen QB starting in in the SEC East. And we beat both rather handily and neither really competed for the SEC East.

I know the SEC East title does not seem a big deal to you young guys. I know that beating FSU seems more important to you young guys compared with winning the SEC East. I get that. I understand.

But just remember this. For all his greatness, Spurrier had a substantial losing record to FSU and often said, "We don't get any trophies or rings for beating FSU. We do get those when we win the SEC East."

In fact, after his team beat FSU in 1997, he said, "This was a good but not great year. Yea we beat FSU and that is a good thing, but we did not win any titles either." FTR, Tennessee was the SEC East champion that year, even though we beat them.
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My day just keeps getting better and better.

UK 41 - 38 UL --- UK beats UL
FSU 31 - 13 UF - FSU beats UF
And around and around we go... :cool:

But my days don't depend on the boys playing college football. Nice to see a win, but no biggie when they lose. It's just a game and it's outcome doesn't have any bearing at all on how I live my life. :)
I can tell you I don't see any difference between Muschamp and Mac except the fact that Muschamp looks like he's in charge and actually cares. Mac looks stoned on the sidelines.
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If your coach is hell bent on keeping his OC I think he'll go down with the ship after 4 years .

The O Line has some young guys, but how talented are they really ? Who is waiting in the wings ?

UF skill guys are fine although a true home run threat would be nice at RB. But those are rare for everyone.

Next year will be interesting for the defense because Muschamp's guys will be almost gone. I don't see the defensive recruiting under Mac that you had under Muschamp. Depth is going to be a problem next year on defense and I suspect a lot of freshmen will play.

If Franks doesn't win the job in the spring I think next year will be troublesome for you guys because LDR ain't got it. And I suspect the defense will drop off so your going to need to score points.

Nussmeier has a system similar to Jimbo in that it is a pro type offense. You need a good o line that can give the QB time to read the field and a QB that can deliver it.

Right now UF doesn't have either.

This recruiting class is very important for UF. Needs to be top ten minimum with some big guys or else the next couple of years may be similar to the last few.
First 2 years for Spurrier:
19-4 record, SEC champ, 3-1 vs fsu-uga

First 2 for Meyer:
22-4, SEC champ, Nat. Champ, 4-0 vs fsu-ug

16-10, no titles, 2-2 vs fsu-uga, 0-2 vs Miami

18-8, no titles 1-3 vs fsu-uga

18-7, will most likely finish 18-9, 2 sec east titles, 2-2 vs fsu-uga

I know it will piss off MJ, but there are the raw numbers. Bottom line, through 2 years mac falls between muschamp and Zook
Wait, what? He falls between Muschamp and Zook?

Because he has as many wins currently and will potentially have one more loss?

I guess that happens when in the 7 years those two were head coaches, they never had an extra game in Atlanta.

I also don't recall, in those first two years, losing a gimme game on the win column because of weather.

Shoot, if only we could have managed to lose the division and get the Presbyterian game back, Mac could be more like 19-7 after we inevitably lose the bowl game!

Would that make people feel better?
I gave Mac the Presbyterian game in the OP to even it out. As to your it wouldn't make me feel better. Like I've been saying wins and losses aren't even the most important thing to me, not in year 2 anyway. I care about trajectory. I went into the season thinking that with likely improvements to special teams and offense it was very likely we could be an improved team and have a worse record with road games at UT, LSU, and FSU and expecting an improved Vandy.

But after watching this offense and the in-game coaching decisions all season I don't feel good about where we're headed. Recruiting doesn't look that much different, and I feel we have more question marks on the staff that before the season as hard as that is to believe. You look at things like the LSU game and we won that in spite of our coaching. Between the brain dead call on the goaline, going into a shell when we had the chance to put them away, calling TOs on LSU's last drive when LSU was wasting time lining up, etc. We actually helped them get settled on the last drive.

Unless we make a change at OC and make at least other 2-3 other staff changes it's hard to see where the optimism is gonna come from. If Nuss is back will you be excited about the offense? I won't be. On defense Collins is meh and we lose a lot of talent, I have no idea what to expect there. If all those questions had some answers heading into next year I'd feel better even if we had a worse record than we do now.