Question for you. You say there is no voter fraud. My father-in-law, is not a US citizen. He is a legal resident (Greencard). About 7 years ago, we took him to get a MD State ID card. The DMV office, without our knowledge or consent, sent all of his information to our County Election Office and registered him as a Democrat. He receives in the mail, prior to every election, a sample ballot. He received a card asking him if he wanted a mail-in ballot for the 2020 Presidential election. He is not a citizen, but no one would stop him if he went to vote. His name is on the list as a registered voter. That is voter fraud. Now, he has never gone to vote, because he knows it is not right. Know, I do not have proof that this has happened to any other non-citizen, but I would wager that it has. Other states openly allow non citizens to get Driver Licenses. It's not a far stretch to think if they wanted to, they could also vote and noone would stop them. They talked about on the news this past election that in one County in Arizona, the Dominion software changed about 5000 votes from Trump to Biden. It was found on a manual recount. That is voter fraud. There are claims of states receiving more mail-in ballots then they sent out. That would be fraud. There are claims of dead people and people who live out of state voting in GA. A truck driver who said he delivered a truck load of ballots from NY to PA's election office at 4:00 o'clock in the morning, the day after the election, stopping counting and sending home the Repub poll watchers, then starting to count again, cities not letting Repub poll watchers actually watch all smells like VOTER FRAUD. Maybe it wasn't. No one or no court wanted to look at any of the evidence. The SCOTUS didn't want to get invovled, even though 3 of the Justices were not happy with that decsion. Now, was there enough Fraud to change the outcome, we will probably never know. But there were enough "strange things" to cause the losers to wonder. . But to say there is NO VOTER FRAUD is just plain stupid, in my opinion.
Oh yeah, DEMS have also claimed voter fraud and challenged election results every single elction they lose in the past 30 years. And even took it to court when Bush won FL.