Gator Offense this year compared to last year


Bull Gator
Apr 23, 2007
Not a bad analysis. Balanced, acknowledging the deficiencies and looking at the improvement without going all sycophantic.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- It's been a slow progression, but to deny that there has been significant improvement for the Florida offense since Jim McElwain took over would be ignoring the facts.

No, the Gators aren't exactly lighting the scoreboard on fire. No, they're not the most efficient unit out there. No, they're not perfect.

"We’re nowhere near where we’re going to be, and yet, we’re getting some parts that are actually starting to step up and realize how good they can be," coach Jim McElwain said.

The offensive improvement has been tangible. After both the total and scoring offense took a significant step back from 2014 to 2015, in McElwain's first year, the Gators have halted the reversion and begun to improve things.

This year Florida's offense is averaging 92.5 more yards per game than a year ago, while scoring an average 7.1 more per outing. At 426.5 yards and 30.3 points per game, the Gators won't exactly scare opponents. Those figures rank 52nd and 60th nationally... almost the definition of average.

But there are also signs the offense is on the cusp of breaking out. Just ask quarterback Luke Del Rio, who endured heavy (and fair) criticism after the offense struggled at times against Missouri.

"We had 530 yards of offense. It’s not like we’re not getting first downs and moving the ball," Del Rio said. "We just need to execute in the red area and stop turning the ball over on my part. Fix the little critical things, like false starts and holds."

Do that and suddenly that prolific offense Florida fans have so desperately craved since Tim Tebow left campus could return pretty quickly.

For their offensive-minded head coach, the issues for the Gators at this point boil down mostly to mentality.

"I think that part of it is understanding you can really be good if you allow yourself to be good," McElwain said. "How do you do that? How you do that is not shooting yourself in the foot with unforced errors. And yet, when an error happens, have enough confidence in your ability to come and overcome that.

"I like where we're going. I like where we're heading. We've got a ton of young guys, obviously, as you look, that are playing. At the same time, those guys, it's time that they quit being young. Let's go ahead and be as good as we can be. I'm looking forward to another opportunity to go out there and play."
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The only senior we have who even appears on the two deep is Austin Appleby.

- Other than 2 guys, every OL on the two deep has been brought in by Coach Mac.
- Every one of our 4 QBs was brought in by Coach Mac.
- Our Kicker was brought in by Coach Mac.
- Every one of our 4 RBs was brought in by Coach Mac
- of our WRs who are actual players (Callaway, Powell, Cleveland, Hammond, Swain, Massey was set to be before getting injured) all but Powell were brought in by Coach Mac

and he's had one transition class and one full class to do it. The only guys left (who actually play) from the Muschamp regime are Sharpe, Dillard, Powell, Lewis, Goolsby....5 guys. 4 of those are Juniors.

Add Thompson to that and we only have 5 Juniors who see the field on Offense. The other 17 guys on the two deep are freshmen and Sophomores....and we've improved from right around 100 where we hovered all throughout the Chump regime to between 50th and 60th with all these young players. And people are complaining? About Coach Mac? Are you freaking kidding me? It boggles the mind.

Chump DESTROYED our Offense and salted the earth (recruiting). There's where to look when anybody wonders why we're not worldbeaters on Offense yet. It takes a little time to repair the catastrophic damage Chump did.
Yep. While the mid year performance is encouraging relative to last year, the rest of the schedule will tell the story. Hopefully LDR will stay healthy.
Gator 2016 Offense: JMOHO's of course.

OL is about the same, but with a little bit more (mostly unused) depth.
WR is better, also with better quality depth.
TE is still good, but they do miss that 6th year Sr.
RB is vastly better in both quality and depth.
QB is worse at starter, but has better (totally unused) quality depth.

Teron Harris 132 QBR

Luke Del Rio 127 QBR
Austin Appleby 126 QBR

This year's scoring, yards, etc has been against crap opponents so far.
All those numbers will likely drop during the next 5 games. Significant comparisons won't occur until the season is over, which throws an even more negative light on the QB performance.

If they can turn it around with the current starting lineup, then I'll be very happy for them.
If not, then they can expect the fans to become more negative as time goes by, which is nothing but par for this course... :cool:
Treon Harris Passer Rating
2014 - 146.2
2015 - 118.1
Combined Average - 132.15

Of course if you'd like to compare their 1st 1/2 season as a starter, then the disparity is much greater.
TH 2014 - 146.2 >>> As a brand new raw true freshman.
LDR 2016 - 127.3 >> As a 3rd year rsSoph, in his 3rd year with Nuss.
You like that a little better do ya?

So Bite Me.... :p


And all 3 stink on ice imoho.
No arm, can't read a defense, glorified FB Tebow's Career was 170.
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oH. I was referring to 2015 only for Harris and 2016 only for LDR.

Do you know why?

Because the comparison was the offense from 2015 to the offense of 2016.

In fact, that is the title of the thread.
Cherry picking defined.... :rolleyes:

But hey, that aside, who has the better career (limited) passer rating among those 3 Gator QB's? LDR, AA, or TH? o_O

BTW, that question amounts to asking which sucks the least, not who's the best.... :cool:
But hey, that aside, who has the better career (limited) passer rating among those 3 Gator QB's? LDR, AA, or TH?

By all means, start a thread about that very thing, if you like. But THIS thread is about 2015 offense compared to the 2016 offense
By all means, start a thread about that very thing, if you like. But THIS thread is about 2015 offense compared to the 2016 offense.
"Yep. While the mid year performance is encouraging relative to last year,"

2015 Offense
- 6 games in: 61+31+14+28+21+28 = 193 pts, and 6-0.
That included wins over 9-4 Tennis-sea and 10-3 Ole Miss.

2016 Offense - 6 games in: 24+45+32+28+13+40 = 195 pts, and 5-1.
That includes a loss to tennis-sea, with zero wins over solid teams.

So yep, you're always right on target with your delusions.... :confused:

Note: and now I'll be watching for any 'off topic' comment you ever make here, so do be careful... o_O
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Well, it IS fair to compare the first six games this year with the first six games from last year. But doing so ignores the Treon/Grier effect.

(I am assuming your analysis is correct)
so bad I didn't even know who the hell the initials stood for... good God

and that day I REALLY had a rough night not dropping a few back after that bullshit
Who the hell is AA?

Austin Appleby, ie Happy-by. The much celebrated 2-9 loser from P-U. He was named the backup instead of what 'they' called 'as good as any 5 star (Eason) that we've scouted... (wink-wink) ;)

Lately, much has been made on 2 QB's not coming to UF... Why in the world would Eason or the UL QB come to UF, just to sit on the bench behind a couple of experienced Claribel's? Not likely imo. And the 2 freshmen that did early enroll might also have gone elsewhere if they could have foreseen their outcomes... o_O

Having a coach like SOS on campus while this kind of QB crap continues is just aggravating and embarrassing for this long time Gator fan. :oops:

I'm pretty sick of hearing about Jack (as a fired loser with the Jags), and LDR's ties to a stadium that is no longer there, (it was replaced too). Just like I'm about sick of hearing about Mc's long history with LDR, or that he has 3 years in the Nuss system. LDR would have likely been a pretty good QB for a school like ColoSt, and for that conference... :rolleyes:

So since both Franks and Trask are such useless bench chumps, I'm sure hoping that Jake Allen can come in next year and really light it up at QB.... :confused:
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that post
shows YOU
inside and out.

level of relevance
is now
firmly established.

Without looking at stats or the teams we've played - just watching the games and my own eye test, I think our offense is much improved over last year. Grier lit it up against Tennessee & Ole Miss, but didn't look that good in his other games. Harris gave it his best but just was not a Div. I QB and limited the plays the coaches could call. Del Rio has been good, but not great, tends to lock on receivers and has made some horrendous throws into coverage. But we have depth on the O-line, depth at RB and the wideouts give us more options. Placekicking is vastly improved and the defense it still awesome. The O-line still has a long way to go and until we get more studs up front the offense will continue to struggle against better teams. And I'm questioning the playcalling a lot. But overall, we're a good bit better on offense than last year. Will that result in a better record? Maybe not - we won games last year we should have lost. And the stretch we've got coming up is tough. But I like the direction Coach Mac is taking us.
Without looking at stats or the teams we've played - just watching the games and my own eye test, I think our offense is much improved over last year. Grier lit it up against Tennessee & Ole Miss, but didn't look that good in his other games. Harris gave it his best but just was not a Div. I QB and limited the plays the coaches could call. Del Rio has been good, but not great, tends to lock on receivers and has made some horrendous throws into coverage. But we have depth on the O-line, depth at RB and the wideouts give us more options. Placekicking is vastly improved and the defense it still awesome. The O-line still has a long way to go and until we get more studs up front the offense will continue to struggle against better teams. And I'm questioning the playcalling a lot. But overall, we're a good bit better on offense than last year. Will that result in a better record? Maybe not - we won games last year we should have lost. And the stretch we've got coming up is tough. But I like the direction Coach Mac is taking us.

I think the point about Grier (or at least I felt) was that his upside and ceiling was very high.

I really thought that had he not had the suspension, he would be our next Rex with an athleticism behind him.
I've been successful and I'm now retired.
I've been married 43 years and I've raised a family.
I began in very rought straights, and I've survived everything that was ever thrown at me, including a war zone, to get to be this old.

You're none of those things, and are unlikely to ever be any of those things from what I've seen of you here so far.
(and I'd give 5 to 3 odds that I could still take a dipwad like you, regardless of age)
I've been successful and I'm now retired.
I've been married 43 years and I've raised a family.
I began in very rought straights, and I've survived everything that was ever thrown at me, including a war zone, to get to be this old.

You're none of those things, and are unlikely to ever be any of those things from what I've seen of you here so far.
(and I'd give 5 to 3 odds that I could still take a dipwad like you, regardless of age)

Rought straights?

Sounds rough.
And now the offense is taking the same trajectory as it did last year and the year before. What is it about recent Gator offenses that seem to get worse as the season progresses?
And now the offense is taking the same trajectory as it did last year and the year before. What is it about recent Gator offenses that seem to get worse as the season progresses?

These offenses do not excite people and therefore make it very hard to get the elite athletes in them. Damn, when will people see UF football is most successful with high energy, innovative coaches. We are not a ground and pound school, our recruiting pipeline and fanbase do not lend itself. I kinda get taking a flyer on Muschamp, but why Folly went back to that same well again is beyond me.
These offenses do not excite people and therefore make it very hard to get the elite athletes in them.

Oh just stop it.

Getting good offensive players does not seem to be a problem with Mac. (I have read where you wrote that yourself several times) We just needed so many of them.
Oh just stop it.

Getting good offensive players does not seem to be a problem with Mac. (I have read where you wrote that yourself several times) We just needed so many of them.

Why does our offense suck? Why does our recruiting suck? Nothing to do with Mac I am sure. Good news is after next year we will have another shot to hire a real football coach, and better news, Folly won't be the one doing it
And now the offense is taking the same trajectory as it did last year and the year before. What is it about recent Gator offenses that seem to get worse as the season progresses?

I don't think they get worse as much as they just play better comp, they weren't good to begin with. That was the case last year and that's the case this year, it's just been fools gold. All you have to do is look at the defensive rankings of our opponents to see that. When we play any good defenses the offense gets dumptrucked no matter who the QB is.
Too me this seems to be following the exact same pattern as 2014. I think we are in the 90s total offense per game now.
And now the offense is taking the same trajectory as it did last year and the year before. What is it about recent Gator offenses that seem to get worse as the season progresses?
The competition improves. No more false positives.

And Insta may be a crusty old clown, but he's been right from the beginning about LDR.
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