Elon is not Trump 2.0.
He absolutely is not. People on both sides are pretending otherwise.
Those on the left are putting in quite the effort to pretend that he is over the last few weeks.
Elon is not Trump 2.0.
You're more open minded than a lot of your conservative collogues here...
Is free speech an "extra right or protection"?
That's what Ron DeSantis's legislation does
In your opinion is it "extra" to have them covered under anti-discrimination protections?
Me and my conservative colleagues simply disagree on what our roles are and what God expects from us. I'm certainly not convinced that God isn't leading people of both mindsets.
But no, God doesn't lead me to hate anyone. There's no value in it.
No, free speech is guaranteed. There's nothing extra about it. Even speech that we really dislike.
I believe in equal protection under the law, period. I don't believe that I, nor anyone else, needs more protection than that. That law, applied evenly, is all that is required.
Is that overly simplistic? Yes, I'm certain that it is. I admit it, there are limitations...reasonable limitations. But it also isn't as complicated as some would make it out to be. Free speech doesn't include screaming fire in a packed theater and equal protection under the law doesn't cover an adult wanting intimate relations with a child.
So the DeSantis "Don't Say Gay Bill" violates what you think is guaranteed, right?
So equal protection under hate crime laws should apply to them, right?
The very name "Don't Say Gay Bill" is a lie.
I don't think that teachers have a role in teaching my child to be gay or straight.
As I said, there are reasonable limitations. I think it's reasonable that we shouldn't expect our children to have extremist teachers lauding the homosexual lifestyle in a public school setting. They also shouldn't be trashing it.
As in all things, extremism is not the way to go. Dildo parties and drag queen shows are extreme in a public school setting....as is public flogging of known homosexuals.
But it does cover speech in an educational setting or in a private business setting like business diversity training @ Disney, right?
Hate crime laws are not equal protection under the law. I'm not a fan.
Murder is murder. Battery is battery. Rape is rape. +1 adders are not required.
If you want to discuss the heinousness of a particular crime, you can do that during sentencing.
That's not occuring in Florida
So, allow me to answer your question by asking you a question. Let me preface it by saying that some people believe things that you and I absolutely do NOT believe.
One of those things, if I may speak for you, would be the belief in racial or gender inferiority. We'd both hate to see that garbage taught, in any shape or fashion, in a public school setting, agree?
That seems like a reasonable limitation to not allow it in a government funded school.
How are hate crimes laws not equal protection?
Even if those parents WANT their children exposed to those ideas in Sex Ed?
Tough shit. Put on your big boy pants and be a parent, instead of letting institutions raise your children.That's not occuring in Florida
DeSantis's legislation prohibits discussing the topic as does the WOKE Act does with issues of race
How about the parents that don't want it opt out?
Seems like you're in favor of government censorship of what some parents want for their child
How about the parents that don't want it opt out?
Be like Big Mike!You have some nerve posting a pic of Bath House Barry, Manchelle and two girls that are not biologically linked to either of them. Notice how Manchelle's legs are spread.
It would also seem like a non reasonable limitation to discuss racism in an honest manner...
I.E. who imposed it into our laws & Constitution, who benefitted from it and suffered under it, who fought for its continued existence, and why we as a nation had to enact Amendments to abolish it, etc.
The WOKE Act prevents ALL of that
It certainly isn't now. But we've both seen videos of teachers (and sometimes even by the teachers themselves) that absolutely crossed the line.
Tough shit. Put on your big boy pants and be a parent, instead of letting institutions raise your children.
By their very definition and certainly by their application.
For example, if Jim the hetero killed a homosexual, he is much more likely to be charged with a hate crime than the homosexual would be if he killed Jim the hetero. Yet we know there are biases on both sides.
Hell, for that matter there a decent amount of bias between certain "marginalized" groups like lesbians vs gay men not to mention the more obvious between different races of minorities.
This has happened because of the law being passed also...government censorship of books/historical facts, clothing, safe spaces, what pictures you're allowed to have on your desk, etc.
The motion, citing news stories, laid out numerous examples of how schools, teachers and students are interpreting the measure (HB 1557). It alleged:
— The Pasco County school district told teachers to “remove ‘safe space stickers’ from all schools … in order to comply with HB 1557.” Safe spaces are “inclusive environments” where LGBT students can feel secure and welcome.
— Orange County school officials “warned educators not to wear rainbow articles of clothing” and to remove safe-space stickers as well as “pictures of same-sex spouses from their desks.”
— Multiple school districts have removed books with LGBTQ content from library shelves and book fairs, and teachers have been warned that they could lose their teaching licenses if objectionable content is found in their classrooms.
— A Palm Beach County history teacher changed her lesson about Sally Ride, the country’s first female astronaut, “to omit her identity as a lesbian” because “she didn’t know how to explain that without running afoul of the new laws.”
The motion, which included other examples, said the cited instances “only scratch the surface” of the law’s “harmful impact,” and argued that other circumstances are unknown to the plaintiffs without the discovery process.
Tough shit. Put on your big boy pants and be a parent, instead of letting institutions raise your children.
You proved the point. Only whining cucks want hate crime laws. Guess who is clamoring for them? I'll give you a hint, it's not the Amish. 😂Are all groups protected by hate crime laws? Yes.
Your incorrect perceived likelihood of charging might just be your own personal bias at work 😲
Which only reinforces the need for hate crime laws in the first place
In Philadelphia, the majority of hate crime victims were white people
by Christopher Tremoglie, Commentary Writer
September 26, 2022 03:38 PM
Because that's what they did. It's people like you that want that kind of trash indoctrinated at the pee wee level.So why is your new hero blaming his failed relationship with his child on neo-marxist institutions? 🤣
Are all groups protected by hate crime laws? Yes.
Your incorrect perceived likelihood of charging might just be your own personal bias at work 😲
Which only reinforces the need for hate crime laws in the first place
It is not a public schools responsibility to teach other people's children about sexuality.
If the sex ed programs teach sex ed from a scientific approach, and I mean actual science, then fine.
That's how I was taught. Homosexuality and heterosexuality never entered the discussion. It didn't need to for us to learn what we needed to learn.
Public schools do not need to teach our kids how to be gay or straight. And that's what this is boiling down to.
Tough shit. Put on your big boy pants and be a parent, instead of letting institutions raise your children.
Absolutely disingenuous.
Even in a conservative red state, where I live, the "marginalized group" is much more likely to benefit from a hate crime status than members of non-minority groups.
Murder is murder, battery is battery, ect....the heinousness of the crime itself will be considered at sentencing and that is appropriate.
Parents don't have any say over who is grooming their children, unless you put them in a private school or home school. Not everybody has the time or money to do that. The Governor has taken steps to weed out the bullshit out of the classrooms and here you are all butthurt about it. You'e got one speed............Does anybody else see the obvious bipolarizm of navi on full display here?
Parents don't have any say over who is grooming their children, unless you put them in a private school or home school. Not everybody has the time or money to do that.
The Governor has taken steps to weed out the bullshit out of the classrooms and here you are all butthurt about it. You'e got one speed............
RGG has the acumen of Festerman and those are his good traits. 😂Witness navigator again going bipolar...No more put your big boy pants on and be a parent talk...
Now he's making excuses for parents who don't have the time to be involved in their kids education 🤣
navi is a firmly committed white grievance white supremacist
He also displays traits of multiple personality disorder...no wonder you like Herschel so much 🤣
Don't you as a parent elect a board that determines the curriculum?
Didn't parents give the school that responsibility?
Do you know what "actual" science says about gender & sexuality?
And what was the result? Did we have a perfect society and now its all gone to hell?
So basically ignore the suicide rate and sexual harassments numbers...keep it in the closet
Primarily because the old traditional way has worked so well for society
Good that settles the equal protection argument
What needs to be said more than society & the criminal justice system disagree with you
Some acts have been deemed by society as worthy of being a crime in and of themselves
And we actively want to discourage people from committing those crimes in particular
A. Would that include that board deciding to teach our kids about Jesus Christ? We elected them, right?
B. That curriculum is also decided, in large part, by bureaucrats at the state and federal levels based on funding. The local school board doesn't get to determine the entire curriculum.
As a historical figure...sure they can