Discipline (and when it leaves you....)

Not atall Billy, I earn my money honestly, I’m not brainwashed or caught up in all the hoopla that comes with The Trumps, you ride that ride all you want big daddy have at it
I took advantage of the tax laws on several occasions where bankruptcy is concerned. I had 4 restaurants and on one I picked a site based upon the approved rooftops, figuring I wouild have a couple of break even years as the building was going on and then once all tyhe homes were built then I would be in fat city. Then the 2008 crash occurred and I ended up having to close that restaurant. Each one of my restaurants were a separate Sub S Corp, and one of the things that cannot b e done is to make you pay the debts of one SubS Corp from the profits of another Sub S Corp. I filed bankruptcy for that one Corp. I was able to not only due that but show one helluva loss on my tax returns for 2008. While I did not have the money DJT has, I came out smelling like a rose and did nothing illegal.

He took advantage of the same tax code I did just on a grander scale. There is nothing wrong with him doing so. Speed, you just want youir back account to keep taking a hit, have at it, as that what dims in power will get you.
and so did he- I took advantage of the tax laws of several occasions where bankruptcy is concerned. I had 4 restaurants and on one I picked a site based upon the approved rooftops, figuring I wouild have a couple of break even years as the building was going on and then once all tyhe homes were built then I would be in fat city. Then the 2008 crash occurred and I ended up having to close that restaurant. Each one of my restaurants were a separate Sub S Corp, and one of the things that cannot b e done is to make you pay the debts of one SubS Corp from the profits of another Sub S Corp. I filed bankruptcy for that one Corp. I was able to not only due that but show one helluva loss on my tax returns for 2008. While I did not have the money DJT has, I came out smelling like a rose and did nothing illegal.

He took advantage of the same tax code I did just on a grander scale. There is nothing wrong with him doing so. Speed, you just want youir back account to keep taking a hit, have at it, as that what dims in power will get you.
Correct...Bankruptcy is PROTECTION...not against the law. However being responsible for the better part of 75000 fentanyl deaths PER TOTALLY another story. My friend speed cannot win this one. Facts do not work here. Just tell us you cannot stand him and that is more important than accomplishments.
Now let me introduce a question to you. What is worse to you. Filing BK 7 times(Trump)(if that is even real) OR...opening our borders and allowing enough Fentanyl across to KILL 75,000 per year.... Americans THREE years in a row? Because THAT is what has happened...not counting the child slave labor that this causes.
It’s now over 105k people per year.

One person every 5 minutes dies from opiods or synthetic opioids.
Kamala has had an exceptional two weeks; Trump (and Vance) as bad of a two weeks as I can remember.

Why Trump went to this journalist convention is baffling. There was nothing to be gained and everything to be lost. He got slaughtered and made to look exactly like a racist.

Further, why in the world is he wading into identity politics. The problem with Kamala Harris is Immigration, Inflation and Crime and that if you ARE going to a black journalistic convention and get asked by them, "why should a black person vote for you", then YOU talk how those three things continue to disproportionately impact communities and citizens of color. CITE how Mayor Johnson MISUSED Covid-19 funds, taking them out of black communities to people who have come here illegally. Talk about how defunding the police just re-escalated crime. Talk about how things like Covid-19 lockdowns and blindly cowtowing to the Teachers Unions hurt young black students.

At this point, I can see Kamala winning. Trump is doing nothing to win over the 50 to 100,000 votes needed in seven states to win the electoral vote. Many area seeing this - Megan Kelly, Dana Perino, people who want nothing to do with another Democratic president. Re-motivating your base for the 10,000th time is cool, but go to forums to expand the coalition.

Kamala is also (shockingly) being somewhat disciplined and savvy. You want the Gen-Z vote, yeah, get Megan Thee Stallion to campaign for you. Stop talking about esoteric beltway terms like "Democracy..." and focus on "Freedom and looking to the Future".

People may say, "The Media is helping her....". Yeah, no duh. Why is anyone surprised?

JD Vance is not helping either. Time to use that Yale Law Degree, bro.

Mic drop

noticed none of them look anything like Ayanna Pressley, Maxine Waters, Cori Bush and Stacy Abrams?


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I am just talking are correct.
Hand in hand.

You do heroin you’re gonna get some fent and the dosing is totally different. So you die.

Just got back from lax camp and one of my fellow team coaches worked for the FBI. Great guy.

His main advice is don’t take a pill from anyone. If you didn’t buy it from a store and break the seal yourself pass on it. They are catching a ton of Advil and Tylenol bottles with pure fentanyl pills in them coming across.

Be really careful. A 200mg fent pill would kill an elephant.
Will be surprised if she doesn't pick Shapiro. PA is the most important state and Harris almost can't win without it. Trump has some ways to win without it, but he would be the underdog. Whoever wins PA is probably going to be the next president, just like the last few elections.

Still scratching my head as to why Trump picked Vance.
Maybe it's because he is as brash and vulgar as he is. Also shows that Trump is one beer short of a six pack.
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Hand in hand.

You do heroin you’re gonna get some fent and the dosing is totally different. So you die.

Just got back from lax camp and one of my fellow team coaches worked for the FBI. Great guy.

His main advice is don’t take a pill from anyone. If you didn’t buy it from a store and break the seal yourself pass on it. They are catching a ton of Advil and Tylenol bottles with pure fentanyl pills in them coming across.

Be really careful. A 200mg fent pill would kill an elephant.
Even Mary Jane now. People should all really have close access to narcan now.
Hand in hand.

You do heroin you’re gonna get some fent and the dosing is totally different. So you die.

Just got back from lax camp and one of my fellow team coaches worked for the FBI. Great guy.

His main advice is don’t take a pill from anyone. If you didn’t buy it from a store and break the seal yourself pass on it. They are catching a ton of Advil and Tylenol bottles with pure fentanyl pills in them coming across.

Be really careful. A 200mg fent pill would kill an elephant.

I forgot. What do you coach?
Hand in hand.

You do heroin you’re gonna get some fent and the dosing is totally different. So you die.

Just got back from lax camp and one of my fellow team coaches worked for the FBI. Great guy.

His main advice is don’t take a pill from anyone. If you didn’t buy it from a store and break the seal yourself pass on it. They are catching a ton of Advil and Tylenol bottles with pure fentanyl pills in them coming across.

Be really careful. A 200mg fent pill would kill an elephant.
Great advice
That’s really good. Where the discipline comes from: having others tell your story.

And she connected it back to real issue: disintegration of the black family.

The discipline came when he showed up to talk with the black community, kamala no showed….and he spoke the truth. And most that were there cheered.

Which brought the issue to the forefront, and why the media cut up the video and tried to reframe it.

Sometimes people forget that the thing that makes DJT…DJT, is he speaks freely and is very intentional.

What you call undisciplined…I call calculated and intentional.

What you call “disciplined” is what I call “politically correct”. Which, IMO is exactly the thing people are tired of, and the VERY thing that made Trump popular (speaking his mind).
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The discipline came when he showed up to talk with the black community, kamala no showed….and he spoke the truth. And most that were there cheered.

Which brought the issue to the forefront, and why the media cut up the video and tried to reframe it.

Sometimes people forget that the thing that makes DJT…DJT, is he speaks freely and is very intentional.

What you call undisciplined…I call calculated and intentional.

What you call “disciplined” is what I call “politically correct”. Which, IMO is exactly the thing people are tired of, and the VERY thing that made Trump popular (speaking his mind).
….and this is where we disagree. Which for these purposes is fine. Trump is not is non-linear and disruptive, but not infallible.

We will see what happens.
….and this is where we disagree. Which for these purposes is fine. Trump is not is non-linear and disruptive, but not infallible.

We will see what happens.

And this is where you conflate discipline to speaking his mind….and try to move the goalpost to infallible. An argument NO ONE makes. But, is cool language the left tries to attribute to Trump supporters. Funny how moderates always give the left a helping hand.

So once again, here is a “moderate” using the cool buzz words the left likes to use for intent. Shocking I tell ya. Almost as shocking as you saying someone is Black if they are Jamaican, because of majority population.

I guess that would make every American, well…white.

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