Discipline (and when it leaves you....)

Well said. My guy Diddy does a fantastic job of helping dems. He gobbles up their talking points, gets scared, and helps them push their narrative. psychology 101.

@grandhavendiddy. when the media and the left want to bury a talking point they are afraid of….this is what they do. shame people into not bringing it up. Because they know it needs to be buried.

Trump and Vance are going to win a media cycle that you already admitted was stacked against them?
To 76 - that's the hard part, but going into identity politics BS on what Kamala did or did not do 20-30 years ago, is only putting fodder for MSNBC, CNN, NBC News, etc.

Vivek made my point earlier - the campaign needs a measured reset. Trump had Biden knocked out - and then Pelosi (and she's savvy) pulled a coup and got out the senile Biden.

Vivek said on the DEI issue - how you play it is the following: talk about how Kamala lost her own state, did not poll in Iowa and then when James Clyburn threw his weight behind Biden, Kamala started to become the choice. She even polled behind Corey Booker.

Then get to the SO WHAT: because the US is a meritocracy and she represents a party that fundamentally goes against the FREEDOMS that come from a meritocracy.

Kayleigh said the same on Fox. Polling is nearly dead even in the swing states. An interesting point she made is that the third party candidates could make a huge difference - esp. in Michigan.

Dead horse whipped. Hoping that the honeymoon ends, nominee picked (hopefully not Josh Shapiro) and then the media finally starts asking hard questions and the Trump campaign resets back to focusing on the issues and her record - where she is a disaster.
  • Haha
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To 76 - that's the hard part, but going into identity politics BS on what Kamala did or did not do 20-30 years ago, is only putting fodder for MSNBC, CNN, NBC News, etc.

Vivek made my point earlier - the campaign needs a measured reset. Trump had Biden knocked out - and then Pelosi (and she's savvy) pulled a coup and got out the senile Biden.

Vivek said on the DEI issue - how you play it is the following: talk about how Kamala lost her own state, did not poll in Iowa and then when James Clyburn threw his weight behind Biden, Kamala started to become the choice. She even polled behind Corey Booker.

Then get to the SO WHAT: because the US is a meritocracy and she represents a party that fundamentally goes against the FREEDOMS that come from a meritocracy.

Kayleigh said the same on Fox. Polling is nearly dead even in the swing states. An interesting point she made is that the third party candidates could make a huge difference - esp. in Michigan.

Dead horse whipped. Hoping that the honeymoon ends, nominee picked (hopefully not Josh Shapiro) and then the media finally starts asking hard questions and the Trump campaign resets back to focusing on the issues and her record - where she is a disaster.
Will be surprised if she doesn't pick Shapiro. PA is the most important state and Harris almost can't win without it. Trump has some ways to win without it, but he would be the underdog. Whoever wins PA is probably going to be the next president, just like the last few elections.

Still scratching my head as to why Trump picked Vance.
You absolutely nailed this, but switch the order and IF you are going to lean into identity politics (again, zero need to do it), then TIE DIRECTLY to these three things.

She is absolutely running essentially a "Basement" strategy aided and abetted by the media.

This is actually a stunning set of weeks on how powerful the media is. Once the Media turned the hard questions on Biden, he had less than four weeks and he the coup was over.

So, to the Journalist's question, "why given x....should black voters turn to you"...his answer should be, Kamala, who tries to be everything to everyone, said, "I would fix the border" and 11M later, every state is turned into a Border state. Your city here, in Chicago, and Mayor Johnson took covid monies (and cite the exact amount and exact date of the press conference, even if you need a note card) away from black communities to illegal immigrants. Is that REALLY what the Black community wants? Have YOU (the reporter) talked to working class individuals?"

So, IF you are going to something like this - then you gotta come with the hard hitting counter narrative that ties to those three things you noted AND plays to the working class theme".

If anything, I would say, "if you are part of the black elite (which she is)" - no, my platform will not appeal to you. If you are a working class voter, the failed policies of the Democratic party wear thing....really thin."

Either way, Trump and Vance need to win a media cycle. They had this thing wrapped and Pelosi pulled her coup.

@Capt Ron 1 and @RussellCasse - if criticizing Trump's execution is being a RINO, your call. Free country (at least for a little while longer); free board. I have zero interest is seeing another 11M+ illegals pour over our border.
Another part not mentioned this is a VERY coordinated attack with MSM, social media, search engines, etc. There is no one on the planet that handles this better than Trump. Sit back and watch. The honeymoon is ALMOST over for spread eagle
Will be surprised if she doesn't pick Shapiro. PA is the most important state and Harris almost can't win without it. Trump has some ways to win without it, but he would be the underdog. Whoever wins PA is probably going to be the next president, just like the last few elections.

Still scratching my head as to why Trump picked Vance.
Because he’s a principled, intelligent young conservative with a track record of serving his country.

So awful, I know.
It doesn’t matter what Trump and Vance do, they’ll get portrayed as a racist because this is what the left does. They call people names. The reason they call people names is because then they don’t have to contend with that person. It gives them a “get out of debate free” card because why would you debate a racist? They don’t want to debate the actual topic because their view is based on their feelings and emotions. Not logic.

Christ could have come down and run with Trump and the media would say “Trump chooses religious zealot who destroyed temple as his running mate.”

Kamala was a DEI hire by the words of Biden himself. He said he was picking a black female before he picked. The media of course is going to come to her aid. She’s been consistently rated as the worst VP ever, and now she’s the savior. Everyone knew this would happen, as well as rabbit holing the assassination attempt.

The Dems have never had to play by the rules because of the regime media. Go vote in November and none of this matters.

Side note. That “journalist” who tried to make Trump look bad, did herself no favors. She exposed herself and the media as the racists they are. How come she never held Biden accountable for his many racist gaffes? Tribal politics before everything else. They’re only for you if you’re black and a dem. The left doesn’t care if black republicans are disenfranchised.
It doesn’t matter what Trump and Vance do, they’ll get portrayed as a racist because this is what the left does. They call people names. The reason they call people names is because then they don’t have to contend with that person. It gives them a “get out of debate free” card because why would you debate a racist? They don’t want to debate the actual topic because their view is based on their feelings and emotions. Not logic.

Christ could have come down and run with Trump and the media would say “Trump chooses religious zealot who destroyed temple as his running mate.”

Kamala was a DEI hire by the words of Biden himself. He said he was picking a black female before he picked. The media of course is going to come to her aid. She’s been consistently rated as the worst VP ever, and now she’s the savior. Everyone knew this would happen, as well as rabbit holing the assassination attempt.

The Dems have never had to play by the rules because of the regime media. Go vote in November and none of this matters.

Side note. That “journalist” who tried to make Trump look bad, did herself no favors. She exposed herself and the media as the racists they are. How come she never held Biden accountable for his many racist gaffes? Tribal politics before everything else. They’re only for you if you’re black and a dem. The left doesn’t care if black republicans are disenfranchised.
Your last note is spot on.

For every single arrow she slung at Trump you have several Biden examples…that they all choose to ignore.
It doesn’t matter what Trump and Vance do, they’ll get portrayed as a racist because this is what the left does. They call people names. The reason they call people names is because then they don’t have to contend with that person. It gives them a “get out of debate free” card because why would you debate a racist? They don’t want to debate the actual topic because their view is based on their feelings and emotions. Not logic.

Christ could have come down and run with Trump and the media would say “Trump chooses religious zealot who destroyed temple as his running mate.”

Kamala was a DEI hire by the words of Biden himself. He said he was picking a black female before he picked. The media of course is going to come to her aid. She’s been consistently rated as the worst VP ever, and now she’s the savior. Everyone knew this would happen, as well as rabbit holing the assassination attempt.

The Dems have never had to play by the rules because of the regime media. Go vote in November and none of this matters.

Side note. That “journalist” who tried to make Trump look bad, did herself no favors. She exposed herself and the media as the racists they are. How come she never held Biden accountable for his many racist gaffes? Tribal politics before everything else. They’re only for you if you’re black and a dem. The left doesn’t care if black republicans are disenfranchised.

Well said. Yes, the media will use race and abortion no matter what is said. Most get it. The Mitt and Liz voters just never will, no matter how many times they see it.

They are the lefts Trojan horses, as this thread so aptly proved. The sad part? Cow towing to the left and media have proven to cost the right election after election. “Moderates” are very slow learners.
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Donald Trump is Donald Trump, the most unique businessman turned politician we've ever seen. He gets things done but he can also make some people cringe as to what he says or how he says it because politicians ain't supposed to do that.

Remember all the uproar when President Trump went to Europe and blasted NATO countries for not contributing their fair share. Ooo, you can't insult them like that. But more countries are now contributing more and even Biden in his recent NATO speech recognized that, but of course giving no credit to Trump.

Clinton, Bush and Obama all TALKED about recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel or moving our embassy there. Trump got it done with 14 of 15 UN Security Council members condemning it. Trump doesn't mind taking the arrows, or these days the bullets either.

Now the argument in this thread is about how Trump is campaigning and what he should or should not be saying and I respect everyone's opinion. What is impossible to know is how any one thing that Trump says or fails to say affects any one individual's vote.

But let's take the argument that Trump is making a mistake not talking about inflation/prices, immigration/border, and safety/security/law enforcement. And ask yourself WHY have Joe Biden's and this administration's approval ratings been so low for so long. It's BECAUSE of the failed POLICIES that have led to those 3 issues. And these approval ratings have been low long before most of the country knew of Biden's cognitve decline since the media hid it. Donald Trump will talk about these but are we to believe that people are unaware of them unless they hear it from Donald Trump's mouth. People are LIVING it when they go grocery shopping or fill up their car, or try to pay their rent, or try to take their kid to the rec center now being used to house illegals or get injured or killed by an illegal.

So if people don't realize already how their lives are being negatvely affected by these policies and need Donald Trump to tell them that, I don't know if he would have gotten their vote anyway.

If Trump loses, he will have still done it his way, and who knows whether a softer fluffier Trump would have made any difference with a media hell bent on getting Harris elected.

But if people are unhappy with the way things are going in the country but vote for Harris, they are in for a rude awakening if they think things will change other than worse.
Well said. Yes, the media will use race and abortion no matter what is said. Most get it. The Mitt and Liz voters just never will, no matter how many times they see it.

They are the lefts Trojan horses, as this thread so aptly proved.
The Ministry of Truth is deleting their forum online comments section. 😂

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Kamala’s Indian Heritage. Thank you Trump for exposing this person to the Black community. The last thing we need is a person that fakes being black in an attempt to use us. Apologies for reposting @nail1988

Because he’s a principled, intelligent young conservative with a track record of serving his country.

So awful, I know.

Shumer and the left got him to bleat out their narrative. They wanted a Tim Scott so they could take out Trump. JD Vance makes them think twice about doing it. That’s why they Hate the Vance pick so much.

Thank God WE are done nominating moderates that beat the same drum as the left. Again, why vote for a moderate when you can just vote for the damn Dem. What’s the point.
To 76 - that's the hard part, but going into identity politics BS on what Kamala did or did not do 20-30 years ago, is only putting fodder for MSNBC, CNN, NBC News, etc.

Vivek made my point earlier - the campaign needs a measured reset. Trump had Biden knocked out - and then Pelosi (and she's savvy) pulled a coup and got out the senile Biden.

Vivek said on the DEI issue - how you play it is the following: talk about how Kamala lost her own state, did not poll in Iowa and then when James Clyburn threw his weight behind Biden, Kamala started to become the choice. She even polled behind Corey Booker.

Then get to the SO WHAT: because the US is a meritocracy and she represents a party that fundamentally goes against the FREEDOMS that come from a meritocracy.

Kayleigh said the same on Fox. Polling is nearly dead even in the swing states. An interesting point she made is that the third party candidates could make a huge difference - esp. in Michigan.

Dead horse whipped. Hoping that the honeymoon ends, nominee picked (hopefully not Josh Shapiro) and then the media finally starts asking hard questions and the Trump campaign resets back to focusing on the issues and her record - where she is a disaster.
She can't hide forever...this is her first unscripted statement since being installed.

The honeymoon won't last.

Listen to her, but watch Biden. He's braindead and HE knows how ridiculous of a person she is.

She can't hide forever...this is her first unscripted statement since being installed.

The honeymoon won't last.

Listen to her, but watch Biden. He's braindead and HE knows how ridiculous of a person she is.

They are trying desperately to hide her until election day. Familiar strategy. But who can blame them? She is a complete moron.
Here are the problems with this:

1. It says his father is Jamaican - that
2. Her "slave holder" - was that because of forced rape at some point?
....most importantly...
3. How does this tie to her failures on Immigration, Inflation and Crime - this is what I want to know.
...and 4., by showing a Birth Certificate, you re-trigger all of the same discussions.

Again, a completely unproductive discussion that let's Kamala flip the news narrative. She has a failed, dangerous record. That is what is to know here.

Even Ben Shapiro said that the Trump campaign needs to reset it's attack and moorings.
She can't hide forever...this is her first unscripted statement since being installed.

The honeymoon won't last.

Listen to her, but watch Biden. He's braindead and HE knows how ridiculous of a person she is.

spot on. Discipline cuts BOTH ways.

Also, when the topics moves to anything other than identify politics, the word salad ensues.

So, don’t wade into it.
Here are the problems with this:

1. It says his father is Jamaican - that
2. Her "slave holder" - was that because of forced rape at some point?
....most importantly...
3. How does this tie to her failures on Immigration, Inflation and Crime - this is what I want to know.
...and 4., by showing a Birth Certificate, you re-trigger all of the same discussions.

Again, a completely unproductive discussion that let's Kamala flip the news narrative. She has a failed, dangerous record. That is what is to know here.

Even Ben Shapiro said that the Trump campaign needs to reset it's attack and moorings.

spot on. Discipline cuts BOTH ways.

Also, when the topics moves to anything other than identify politics, the word salad ensues.

So, don’t wade into it.
I'm not, I'm just saying that Trump's point had so much less to do with race than you and the MSM are giving it credit for.

His point is she will say anything, including changing her own race, for a vote.

She stands for nothing but the acquisition of power.
I will say this again. The media is carrying her right now. Cum all a by herself would be worse odd than brain dead Joe. I cannot see this lasting. And while they are carrying ger(by not asking follow questions when she flip flops on her whole life) and attacking Trump….please remember Confucius’s most famous and accurate words! “Dog who chit fast, never chit long”. That is MY prediction. That is MY discipline
I'm not, I'm just saying that Trump's point had so much less to do with race than you and the MSM are giving it credit for.

His point is she will say anything, including changing her own race, for a vote.

She stands for nothing but the acquisition of power.
You are right, and JD Vance made this point.

Where Trump misses the mark is that he does not take the next step to the "so what" and in this context, "why does it matter to black working class people."

It matters because she will say she will stop immigration and taking jobs AND dollars from the community, and then does the opposite to appease another part. And who gets screwed again by the Democratic establishment? Black working class - esp. BWC males and families.

Trump MUST make that point and get to the "so what".
I will say this again. The media is carrying her right now. Cum all a by herself would be worse odd than brain dead Joe. I cannot see this lasting. And while they are carrying ger(by not asking follow questions when she flip flops on her whole life) and attacking Trump….please remember Confucius’s most famous and accurate words! “Dog who chit fast, never chit long”. That is MY prediction. That is MY discipline
100 percent. The media has lined up right behind her as it pulled an "e tu brute" to Joe.

The "Steal" is the media. And Kamala is running with it and executing.

The most worrisome part, is that there are only 93-96 days left. Early balloting starts soon. So, even if the "glow" wears off in 45 days, she will have fundraised to the tune of another $300M - blanked ads in swing states and then if she "gaffes" at the end, it will be too late.
Biggest mistake - in hindsight (and it is always 20/20), Trump should have waited to debate Joe until end of July.

It will be a fascinating 3+ months.
You are right, and JD Vance made this point.

Where Trump misses the mark is that he does not take the next step to the "so what" and in this context, "why does it matter to black working class people."

It matters because she will say she will stop immigration and taking jobs AND dollars from the community, and then does the opposite to appease another part. And who gets screwed again by the Democratic establishment? Black working class - esp. BWC males and families.

Trump MUST make that point and get to the "so what".
He talked about the border and “black jobs” (I don’t like that term, I wished he’d just say “good jobs” or “jobs that Americans should be filling”).

Personally, I think if I was black I’d care less about what race she’s claiming today and more about the fact that she feels she has to change it.
Here are the problems with this:

1. It says his father is Jamaican - that
2. Her "slave holder" - was that because of forced rape at some point?
....most importantly...
3. How does this tie to her failures on Immigration, Inflation and Crime - this is what I want to know.
...and 4., by showing a Birth Certificate, you re-trigger all of the same discussions.

Again, a completely unproductive discussion that let's Kamala flip the news narrative. She has a failed, dangerous record. That is what is to know here.

Even Ben Shapiro said that the Trump campaign needs to reset it's attack and moorings.

spot on. Discipline cuts BOTH ways.

Also, when the topics moves to anything other than identify politics, the word salad ensues.

So, don’t wade into it.

Wait, did you just refer to being Jamaican as black, based on country?

Oof. No wonder you brought this up. More ignorance than I anticipated. I remember when I had a friend question my wifes nationality because of her skin color. She is dominican with not as much melanin. He literally told us that she can’t be Dominican because she isn’t black.

Come on man.

This IS an important topic, for the reasons being stated ITT.

Here are Jamaicas demographics. Note the INDIAN portion….

Jamaicans are the citizens of Jamaica and their descendants in the Jamaican diaspora. The vast majority of Jamaicans are of Sub-Saharan African descent, with minorities of Europeans, Indians, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and others of mixed ancestry.
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Kammie is multiracial

she is more than 50% Indian and way less than 50% black

Her 4 greats grandfather on her Father's side was a white Irishman who immigrated to Jamaica and was a slave owner.
her great grandmother on her Father's side was Indian- I am sure at some point someone in her Father's side may have immigrated to Jamaica possibly from Africa but she is way more Indian than any other race. And we have all seen multiple videos where she said she was Indian, so Trump ic correct when he says when did she turn black
Kammie is multiracial

she is more than 50% Indian and way less than 50% black

Her 4 greats grandfather on her Father's side was a white Irishman who immigrated to Jamaica and was a slave owner.
her great grandmother on her Father's side was Indian- I am sure at some point someone in her Father's side may have immigrated to Jamaica possibly from Africa but she is way more Indian than any other race. And we have all seen multiple videos where she said she was Indian, so Trump ic correct when he says when did she turn black
The answer is “when she felt it was in her political best interest”
Will be surprised if she doesn't pick Shapiro. PA is the most important state and Harris almost can't win without it. Trump has some ways to win without it, but he would be the underdog. Whoever wins PA is probably going to be the next president, just like the last few elections.

Still scratching my head as to why Trump picked Vance.

He’s also being investigated for money laundering