Discipline (and when it leaves you....)

I said basically the same thing (although mine wasn't articulated as well) in another thread and all the Maga middle schoolers on here just got mad and called me the usual things. They struggle with any opinion that doesn't praise Trump.

Let's see what reception you get.
Trump just can’t get out of his own way, he’ll get his tail kicked AGAIN for the same stupidity that he displays, I thought he would turn a new leaf, that lasted all of one day, Unity my flat ass, I’ve thrown my hands up, he’s the same, just 78 years old pushing 79
Wait, did you just refer to being Jamaican as black, based on country?

Oof. No wonder you brought this up. More ignorance than I anticipated. I remember when I had a friend question my wifes nationality because of her skin color. She is dominican with not as much melanin. He literally told us that she can’t be Dominican because she isn’t black.

Come on man.

This IS an important topic, for the reasons being stated ITT.

Here are Jamaicas demographics. Note the INDIAN portion….

Jamaicans are the citizens of Jamaica and their descendants in the Jamaican diaspora. The vast majority of Jamaicans are of Sub-Saharan African descent, with minorities of Europeans, Indians, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and others of mixed ancestry.
Read the discussion in sequence.

The image and the tweet said that "Kamala said that she never said she was black" and put in, as proof, the Birth Certificate which said Jamaica.

The parents, noting that he was from Jamaica, where, exactly you note, "the VAST majority" of Jamicans are sub-saharan African. Thus, her father was not, at all, "hiding anything" that the tweet was suggesting.

Here is then the question: how does this tie back to the key issues around Immigration, Inflation and Crime. And if it doesn't, then it is a waste of time and just turning off the undecided swing voters, of all races, who will decide this in the 7 states.

Enough on the topic. Trump will do what he will to win the election. No amount of back and forth here will make a difference come election day.

Have a good weekend, all.
Read the discussion in sequence.

The image and the tweet said that "Kamala said that she never said she was black" and put in, as proof, the Birth Certificate which said Jamaica.

The parents, noting that he was from Jamaica, where, exactly you note, "the VAST majority" of Jamicans are sub-saharan African. Thus, her father was not, at all, "hiding anything" that the tweet was suggesting.

Here is then the question: how does this tie back to the key issues around Immigration, Inflation and Crime. And if it doesn't, then it is a waste of time and just turning off the undecided swing voters, of all races, who will decide this in the 7 states.

Enough on the topic. Trump will do what he will to win the election. No amount of back and forth here will make a difference come election day.

Have a good weekend, all.

The point is still EXACTLY the same, and I would run for the weekend as well, if I made that comment.

It’s an atrocious assumption, and shameful, even for you. YOU are the one that said…

“Her father is Jamaican…that’s black”

It’s racist at it’s core. Like I said, my wife ran into the EXACT same thing YOU just doubled down on. It’s ignorant, until you have been educated. After that, it’s willful racism.

As far as what it ties into…it doesn’t have to tie into your decided bucket requirements for addressing an issue that is very important. How narcissistic of you to believe YOU are the arbiter of what should get discussed. Surprising? Not at all, but quite comical given your track record. It’s like Mitt Romney thinking he is the pulse of the electorate. Maybe you should sit in the corner quietly and reflect on your record, and racist assumption.

As for the topic, it’s important for many reasons, as well as the ones you mentioned. It’s important because she is a chameleon that tries to change who/what she is depending on audience and for political purposes. That crosses boundaries into EVERY political topic, and is offensive to ALL races. But especially offensive to the black community IMO.

You don’t get to decide you want to be black at your convenience so that you can use the race card to gain votes, as well as demonize political opponents. It’s gross, and assumes we are stupid enough to not see what is being done, and for what purpose.

And yes, that’s EXACTLY what she has done.
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If Trump comes up short over this stuff, then I will shift to voting exclusively for far left radicals. I will encourage others in my circle of influence to do the same. I will do whatever I can to make sure the “ centrist go along to get along” types get exactly what is coming to them. Maybe if we heat the water up faster they will figure it out. If you don’t know who to vote for between Harris and trump, then you’re not American.
If Trump comes up short over this stuff, then I will shift to voting exclusively for far left radicals. I will encourage others in my circle of influence to do the same. I will do whatever I can to make sure the “ centrist go along to get along” types get exactly what is coming to them. Maybe if we heat the water up faster they will figure it out. If you don’t know who to vote for between Harris and trump, then you’re not American.

I am right there with you. If we fail this time, let’s burn it down. The quicker the better.
If Trump comes up short over this stuff, then I will shift to voting exclusively for far left radicals. I will encourage others in my circle of influence to do the same. I will do whatever I can to make sure the “ centrist go along to get along” types get exactly what is coming to them. Maybe if we heat the water up faster they will figure it out. If you don’t know who to vote for between Harris and trump, then you’re not American.
Think your missing the real point, like most others on this thread. Trump diving immediately into this stuff instead of making issues the centerpiece is the same old shit. It's why the majority of people where yearning for somebody other than Biden or Trump. Now it's not Biden, but it's the same old Trump bullshit.

My guess is that Kamala won't hold up and will implode at some point, but if she doesn't Trump is in trouble.
Trump just can’t get out of his own way, he’ll get his tail kicked AGAIN for the same stupidity that he displays, I thought he would turn a new leaf, that lasted all of one day, Unity my flat ass, I’ve thrown my hands up, he’s the same, just 78 years old pushing 79
What's funny to me is the comments Maga people constantly made about Biden hiding in his basement and have already started the same complaint about Harris. It's like they inherently know that's a good strategy against Trump.....just stay hidden and Trump will lose the election on his own.
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What's funny to me is the comments Maga people constantly made about Biden hiding in his basement and have already started the same complaint about Harris. It's like they inherently know that's a good strategy against Trump.....just stay hidden and Trump will lose the election on his own.

Or…stay hidden and we will use the media to market you and attack Trump. Because if you (kamala) open your mouth we are finished. You know….like you.

That’s what your taking a victory lap about. Oof.
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Lets be fair and talk about :"discipline" on both sides here. Trump seems to be the only undisciplined person? or does the media just relentlessly attack one candidate..and not the other? How about thew FJB/Cum ala administration making a plea deal with the people who orchestrated 9/11..then catching serious backlask....then Frenchie saying there is NOTHING that the administration could do...THEN the DEI Sec of defense pulling the agreement? WHAT IF TRUMP DID THIS??? What would the news cycle look like?

My point. Yes, we all know (well anyone with a functioning brain) that the media pulls HARD left, and even gets involved helping the democrat candidates. But WHY DO WE JUST ACCEPT this? Why do "moderates" NEVER, EVER call this out every time it happens? I do blame the left leaning VERY unamerican media...however I blame the people who belive this BS more. Take the claim now from the Ho that Trump is responsible for the border crossings being out of control. If you believe that there is only one thing I can say...TYOU ARE AN IDIOT...end of story. That bill came up 6 months ago. What the F happened for the first THREE years?? WHY did they FINALLY make an attempt to do SOMETHING(even though by the stroke of a pen the whole problem could have been solved, and WILL be THE DAY Trump takes office)? How about inflation? How about the world ALMOST at war? What kind of an idiot does it take NOT to see through these lies? Lets play one more. WHAT IF some other Pub won the nomination...and was losing badly...and the pubs pulled that person at the end and put Trump up...and polling for him took off. WHAT WOULD THE MEDIA be singing today?

You simply CANNOT be a REAL American and support government ran media...because THAT IS WHAT WE HAVE NOW, a HEAVEY HAND on the scale for one party. Show me in the Constitution where it defends that. The justice system is EXACTLY the same way. HALF of America feels like we do not have a fair chance...and the other half KNOWS this...but their agendas outweigh their duty to be REAL Americans.

Wrapping this up...Cumala has ZERO chances to win this election WITHOUT MSM carrying her trash FOR her, and then crucifying Trump 24/7. ZERO CHANCES. Her record ANY WAY you look at it is HORRIBLE. So before you start trying to crucify a guy that for 7-8 years has had the weight of the CROOKED US gubment attacking him ...lets be fair...and quit falling for the media really have to be a glorified IDIOT to sit back and let this happen. Harrins has NEVER had a vote casted for her...and now she is the nominee. NOT IN MY AMERICA....that is NOT how the founding Fathers had our system planned out...and anyone that would play these cards like this is at BEST dishonest..and at worst...NOT a REAL American.
What's funny to me is the comments Maga people constantly made about Biden hiding in his basement and have already started the same complaint about Harris. It's like they inherently know that's a good strategy against Trump.....just stay hidden and Trump will lose the election on his own.
FUN NY...however VERY disingenuous at best...and TRULY a FAT LIE. They hide because they are stupid, and cannot handle questions...THE END. You candidates are IDIOTS. THAT is being truthful.
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Or…stay hidden and we will use the media to market you and attack Trump. Because if you (kamala) open your mouth we are finished. You know….like you.

That’s what your taking a victory lap about. Oof.
Let me clarify....he is just lying his *** off, and he knows this. but being a comes very naturally for him and the rest of them.
What's funny to me is the comments Maga people constantly made about Biden hiding in his basement and have already started the same complaint about Harris. It's like they inherently know that's a good strategy against Trump.....just stay hidden and Trump will lose the election on his own.
Yep, giving him a microphone is like giving him a shovel to dig his own grave
Yep, giving him a microphone is like giving him a shovel to dig his own grave
the only people who believe that are the ones who are wusses and cannot handle hearing the cold hard truth

my best friend since the 4th grade won't vote for Trump because he thinks Trump is mean and arrogant -
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Yep, giving the MSM a microphone is like giving them a shovel to dig Trumps own grave
Just make it FAIR..but not your side. they care more about agenda. I wonder where your comments about Cum alla changing EVERY stance she has ever stood for is? Did I miss it on the boards? Maybe some of you lefties could show me a link where you admit she is lying about her stances to get elected? And WHY do her stances now closely mirror OUR stances? I think these are WAY more important know...someone's RECORD? Or does that matter?
a whore who banged her way to the top and a adulterer who knocks up the nanny what a wonderful family

  • Haha
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Just make it FAIR..but not your side. they care more about agenda. I wonder where your comments about Cum alla changing EVERY stance she has ever stood for is? Did I miss it on the boards? Maybe some of you lefties could show me a link where you admit she is lying about her stances to get elected? And WHY do her stances now closely mirror OUR stances? I think these are WAY more important know...someone's RECORD? Or does that matter?
Ron see Cum alla that says it all Amigo
I’m no lefty nor righty, but I’ll be straight with you, if it was a DECENT Republican Nominee in it I’d be voting that way
Think your missing the real point, like most others on this thread. Trump diving immediately into this stuff instead of making issues the centerpiece is the same old shit. It's why the majority of people where yearning for somebody other than Biden or Trump. Now it's not Biden, but it's the same old Trump bullshit.

My guess is that Kamala won't hold up and will implode at some point, but if she doesn't Trump is in trouble.
No. I’m not missing anything. If MAGA fails in 2024, I shift hard left. It would be a joy to vote in streams of 3 rd world into the suburban neighborhoods. Every single childless liberal women gets an MS 13 next door. We gonna burn it down.
the only people who believe that are the ones who are wusses and cannot handle hearing the cold hard truth

my best friend since the 4th grade won't vote for Trump because he thinks Trump is mean and arrogant -
Them mean tweets really hurt Speed and Theo.
Ron see Cum alla that says it all Amigo
I’m no lefty nor righty, but I’ll be straight with you, if it was a DECENT Republican Nominee in it I’d be voting that way
Like Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, the Fugly Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, and your favorite, the fat Fuch Ana Navarro?
What in Trumps accomplishments make him not that guy. LEAVE personal OUT. Pandemics happen every 100 years or so...
Capt hard to leave personal out when you’re looking at someone that’s probably bringing more Cons than Pros to the table this time around, Trump just doesn’t bring nor give me that Vibe from 2016 anymore, he just looks Angry and not one time have I heard him speak on what he’s gonna do for hardworking families, all I see is a pissed off 78 year old grouch attacking its BS crap my Gator Brother, you vote and support him all you want, this Dad of 3 is Not no way
Capt hard to leave personal out when you’re looking at someone that’s probably bringing more Cons than Pros to the table this time around, Trump just doesn’t bring nor give me that Vibe from 2016 anymore, he just looks Angry and not one time have I heard him speak on what he’s gonna do for hardworking families, all I see is a pissed off 78 year old grouch attacking its BS crap my Gator Brother, you vote and support him all you want, this Dad of 3 is Not no way
So accomplishments mean ZERO....? You enjoy high grocery prices, high fuel prices, world at war, high interest rates, and open borders? Because you do not like him...he does not get your vote? Well lets compare. How about the person he is running against sleeping her way to the top? And the only reason she has her job is because she is a black woman? You do you...but I find this a bit disturbing.

Let me leave this here. Do you have kids? Compare Trumps kids and family to either Comala's or Bidens. What do you see? Makes one wonder how such a "bad" guy could have such an incredible family?
Ron see Cum alla that says it all Amigo
I’m no lefty nor righty, but I’ll be straight with you, if it was a DECENT Republican Nominee in it I’d be voting that way

Bro. Stop gaslighting.

Why is it that lefties always claim to be something they aren’t. You’re a lefty, just own it. Otherwise, there must be something on the left that’s embarrassing to you.
So accomplishments mean ZERO....? You enjoy high grocery prices, high fuel prices, world at war, high interest rates, and open borders? Because you do not like him...he does not get your vote? Well lets compare. How about the person he is running against sleeping her way to the top? And the only reason she has her job is because she is a black woman? You do you...but I find this a bit disturbing.

Let me leave this here. Do you have kids? Compare Trumps kids and family to either Comala's or Bidens. What do you see? Makes one wonder how such a "bad" guy could have such an incredible family?
A filthy Rich Fanily, when You and I get up and grab a cup of Coffee and head off too work, our last names are not on the front of the building when we clock in, now Capt I like you, I think you’re a hard working honest man, politicians NO! Especially Donald Trump , I’m not gonna get in a back and forth with you bcos you see him one way I see him another, that’s all I’m gonna say in this subject Amigo
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A filthy Rich Fanily, when You and I get up and grab a cup of Coffee and head off too work, our last names are not on the front of the building when we clock in, now Capt I like you, I think you’re a hard working honest man, politicians NO! Especially Donald Trump , I’m not gonna get in a back and forth with you bcos you see him one way I see him another, that’s all I’m gonna say in this subject Amigo
I think you are jealous of his success in business- why else would you support the democraps who want to totally destroy this country
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Gatorspeed, just a simple honest question for you. Do you think the country was better off or doing better (your choice of words) under Trump or has been under Biden?
And you are perfecly free to hate Trump and love Biden which I don't care about.
Pretend you were gullible enough to truly believe Trump is Hitler.

That’s the mindset you’re asking this question to…
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I think you are jealous of his success in business- why else would you support the democraps who awant to totally destroy this coiuntry
Not atall Billy, I earn my money honestly, I’m not brainwashed or caught up in all the hoopla that comes with The Trumps, you ride that ride all you want big daddy have at it
  • Haha
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Capt hard to leave personal out when you’re looking at someone that’s probably bringing more Cons than Pros to the table this time around, Trump just doesn’t bring nor give me that Vibe from 2016 anymore, he just looks Angry and not one time have I heard him speak on what he’s gonna do for hardworking families, all I see is a pissed off 78 year old grouch attacking its BS crap my Gator Brother, you vote and support him all you want, this Dad of 3 is Not no way
You haven't listened to 30 seconds of the man speak. And he's much more Presidential and even keeled than 2016.

EVERY RALLY he talks about:
1) Shutting down the border and deporting illegals who are taking jobs from those who need them most. Slowing down the Fentanyl coming across, and saving lives.
2) Cutting taxes, and specifically cutting taxes in Service industries where tips are a major source of income.
3) Stopping the endless wars that the current administration is funding both sides of with policy and cash.
4) Draining the swamp and getting corruption out of our 3-letter agencies.
5) Ending child sex trafficking and going after human smugglers (the Cartels).
6) Reducing regulations and getting the economy going again. It's the only answer to softening the sting of the inflationary pressure families are feeling.

Do these all sound horrible to you?
Not atall Billy, I earn my money honestly, I’m not brainwashed or caught up in all the hoopla that comes with The Trumps, you ride that ride all you want big daddy have at it
Every single MSM outlet paints him as orange hitler.


🤣 🤣 🤣
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A filthy Rich Fanily, when You and I get up and grab a cup of Coffee and head off too work, our last names are not on the front of the building when we clock in, now Capt I like you, I think you’re a hard working honest man, politicians NO! Especially Donald Trump , I’m not gonna get in a back and forth with you bcos you see him one way I see him another, that’s all I’m gonna say in this subject Amigo
Is it a crime to be rich? LOL...AND..calling Trump a "politician" is DEAD WRONG. Trump is a VERY, VERY successful businessman who loves America and at QUITE A COST to him, ran for office. He has a job and hires THOUSANDS of people. All I am trying to do is get you to open your eyes. LOOK AT HIS FAMILY....look at FJB's. Look at Cum alla's. HUGE difference. And we can discuss this stuff and still respect and like each other...I can.
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Every single MSM outlet paints him as orange hitler.


🤣 🤣 🤣
Here's a way to look at it. Gatorspeed supports an administration with approval ratings in the mid 30s and close to 70% saying wrong track on the right track wrong track scale. What's that tell ya? Maybe he's just way smarter than most of the country?
Is it a crime to be rich? LOL...AND..calling Trump a "politician" is DEAD WRONG. Trump is a VERY, VERY successful businessman who loves America and at QUITE A COST to him, ran for office. He has a job and hires THOUSANDS of people. All I am trying to do is get you to open your eyes. LOOK AT HIS FAMILY....look at FJB's. Look at Cum alla's. HUGE difference. And we can discuss this stuff and still respect and like each other...I can.
Ron he’s filed bankruptcy 7 times, my eyes have been open to cats like Trump for years, I envy no one who’s wealthy, I’m a humble fella, Daddy didn’t put no silver spoon in my mouth, i respect you, politicians No
  • Wow
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Ron he’s filed bankruptcy 7 times, my eyes have been open to cats like Trump for years, I envy no one who’s wealthy, I’m a humble fella, Daddy didn’t put no silver spoon in my mouth, i respect you, politicians No
He’s a businessman, not a politician. Filed Bankruptcy 7 times and is now worth over $5B.

That’s a pretty amazing businessman in my book. He takes massive risks and in the long run he ended up an extremely successful man.

The biggest risk he’s ever taken is running for POTUS. It should have cost him his life.

You think he’s doing this for himself or for the country? What would you do if you were in his shoes?
Ron he’s filed bankruptcy 7 times, my eyes have been open to cats like Trump for years, I envy no one who’s wealthy, I’m a humble fella, Daddy didn’t put no silver spoon in my mouth, i respect you, politicians No
Now let me introduce a question to you. What is worse to you. Filing BK 7 times(Trump)(if that is even real) OR...opening our borders and allowing enough Fentanyl across to KILL 75,000 per year.... Americans THREE years in a row? Because THAT is what has happened...not counting the child slave labor that this causes.
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Ron he’s filed bankruptcy 7 times, my eyes have been open to cats like Trump for years, I envy no one who’s wealthy, I’m a humble fella, Daddy didn’t put no silver spoon in my mouth, i respect you, politicians No