You don't have to have been paying rent to have established residency.She doesnt live there he lives there and she doesnt. She basically stayed with him. It was his place. She paid no rent. Shes gone, hes still there. Do we understand now? Do i need to break it down more?
- DF's statement read, "When she came home" not, she stopped by my place.
- Lindsey's satement read, "Today 'round 5:30 I came home" not, I visited my former apartment.
So, explain to everyone why A. the officer didn't make either party leave the scene and B. why she remained at the apartment and DF left the scene and spent the night at another friends apartment.
Who really gives a crap if she's on the lease or if these two love birds picked out a place together. At some point DF invited her to live with him...she moved in...they broke up and at the point of the altercation it was clear to the officer that she still had some claim on the residency so he couldn't make her leave. I simply commented on the fact she can't be arrested for trespassing for that reason. Heck, all she had to tell the officer was she was there to collect her things (unless you think she broke DF's fancy vase). It's not really the crux of the case, I was simply pointing it out. No need to be a complete douche canoe (to pretty much everyone you encounter).