Because half the country cares about voter fraud. Same reason we don't vote by email or text message. Dems would love it, but it would lead to massive voter fraud.
Any proof of this massive voter fraud would be the first proof of massive voter fraud. Repetition of a lie does not make it true.
BTW have we noticed that dems always want to go with whatever method is most suspectible to voter fraud?
Trump just said for Floridians to vote by mail? Hoodwinked
Reps want anyone that can vote in person to do so, and to prove their identity before they vote. And only citizens can vote.
Dems want vote by mail, no ID required, no citizenship required.
Ballots in states that ONLY vote by mail are : bar coded, on special and marked paper, and signature matched. Ghost Hoodwinked.
Then can't understand why everyone accuses them of condoning voter fraud. LOL