Democrats: The BULLY party as Arizona dems censure Sinema because of her vote.


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
Wow. You better vote the way we want or else. What a party. How the hell do you censure somebody based on the way they vote. And democrats preach their actions are to save democracy. What a laugh.

Wow. You better vote the way we want or else. What a party. How the hell do you censure somebody based on the way they vote. And democrats preach their actions are to save democracy. What a laugh.

Gosh. Whoever heard of such a thing.

Gosh. Whoever heard of such a thing.

That was wrong too. Unless its corruption or morals or the like, voters should decide. They better be careful to not piss her off too much. They still need her vote. When Romney voted to impeach, McConnel said we still need his vote on other things.
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No, party censures. Like I said, NOW it's a problem 🙄.
Better get your facts. On Kinzinger, I see no state republican censure. I see censure from 3 counties, hardly the state party. If I missed it, let me know. Looks like you only got 2 out of 3 wrong. Better than usual.

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Gosh. Whoever heard of such a thing.

Good example, and case in point. No one GAF, or has any to give. What are they going to do, not send either any Disneyworld passes this year? 🤣 Its about as useless as are congressional hearings we are subjected to on a weekly basis. All bread, no meat. Rubber biscuit! :rolleyes:
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Better get your facts. On Kinzinger, I see no state republican censure. I see censure from 3 counties, hardly the state party. If I missed it, let me know. Looks like you only got 2 out of 3 wrong. Better than usual.

Probably isn't all of them BUT where was your post criticizing the Republicans when they censured the others?

This is a prime example of the fake anger I talk about.
Probably isn't all of them BUT where was your post criticizing the Republicans when they censured the others?

This is a prime example of the fake anger I talk about.
I acknowledge your point as I am biased. So let me ask YOU why you were so quick to declare that Romney, Cheney and Zinzinger were all party or state censured when Kinzinger was not and Romney wasn't censured at all. I admit my bias. You claim independence politically but really do not present great evidence based on your writing. At least I own who I am. You should try it. Finally, quit trying to play Dr Phil with your ascribing fake anger to what people post. I didn't know you were a psychologist.
I acknowledge your point as I am biased. So let me ask YOU why you were so quick to declare that Romney, Cheney and Zinzinger were all party or state censured when Kinzinger was not and Romney wasn't censured at all. I admit my bias. You claim independence politically but really do not present great evidence based on your writing. At least I own who I am. You should try it. Finally, quit trying to play Dr Phil with your ascribing fake anger to what people post. I didn't know you were a psychologist.
They were censured and my mistake as to which level of censorship they received. It wasn't a bias mindset, more of not having all the facts. I was going of memory and didn't fact check my memory, it happens.

Lol. It's not about being Dr. Phil. To say you're mad about something the democrats did, when the Republicans did the same thing is bs to me.

If it truly bothered you, it should bother you no matter who does it. That's reality and you don't need a psychologist to tell you that.
She'll be re-elected, and she'll get lots of independents and even some Repub votes. If you think about it that may be the real reason she was "censured". Just for that reason. Oh, those sly Dims. 🙄
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She’s on the Jan 6th committee and relishing in her role.

She’s a hyper partisan.

Sinema took a stand on one issue. That used to be allowed.
You make EXCUSES for EVERYTHING. Cheney has voted against everything the democrats wanted except for stuff related to Jan 6th. Her only hyper partisan is to the Republicans.

You're right that she took a stand on 1 issue, just like Cheney took a stand on 1 issue.

Sinema issue is the filibuster and Cheney issue is Jan 6th.
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Remember during Trump's first State of the Union Address, Trump made a point and the Republicans jumped to their feet clapping. The dems were all sitting on their hands, whatever he said pissed the shit out of them. He probably said America was the greatest nation on earth, or maybe he said racism is bad. Whatever it was infuriated the dems.

Well freshman senator Sinema jumped to her feet and started clapping along with the Republicans. A fellow dem sitting next to her immediately shot up and you could see her saying to Sinema "You better watch your ass!"

Dems have always been bullies, they have always been shit people.
Remember during Trump's first State of the Union Address, Trump made a point and the Republicans jumped to their feet clapping. The dems were all sitting on their hands, whatever he said pissed the shit out of them. He probably said America was the greatest nation on earth, or maybe he said racism is bad. Whatever it was infuriated the dems.

Well freshman senator Sinema jumped to her feet and started clapping along with the Republicans. A fellow dem sitting next to her immediately shot up and you could see her saying to Sinema "You better watch your ass!"

Dems have always been bullies, they have always been shit people.
And it was the party that marketed themselves as the party of tolerance, welcoming all ideas. Well, that's long gone if it was ever beyond a slogan to begin with.
She’s on the Jan 6th committee and relishing in her role.

She’s a hyper partisan.

Sinema took a stand on one issue. That used to be allowed.
Manchin is a union man through and through, but he knows where his bread is buttered in West Virginia, with the blue collar working class, which happens to be in the energy sector. Sinema, is a drama queen. She likes the spotlight and attention. And she's not stupid either. She knows it's going to be a midterm bloodbath, with the GOP taking control of the Senate. She knows vengeance is best served cold. If the filibuster gets shit canned, the Dimtards will get butt effed on every issue until 2024, (which will likely continue after Brandon gets taken to the train station). 🤣
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Manchin is a union man through and through, but he knows where his bread is buttered in West Virginia, with the blue collar working class, which happens to be in the energy sector. Sinema, is a drama queen. She likes the spotlight and attention. And she's not stupid either. She knows it's going to be a midterm bloodbath, with the GOP taking control of the Senate. She knows vengeance is best served cold. If the filibuster gets shit canned, the Dimtards will get butt effed on every issue until 2024, (which will likely continue after Brandon gets taken to the train station). 🤣
You get those 2 well.

I think the filibuster is changing or removed in 5-10 years by either party.
You get those 2 well.

I think the filibuster is changing or removed in 5-10 years by either party.
Oh I dunno. I think it's actually a good safety valve for the party that's out of power. 90% of the time we are all better off the less power the government has to screw things up with new legislation. I think that's something we can all agree on. ;)
Oh I dunno. I think it's actually a good safety valve for the party that's out of power. 90% of the time we are all better off the less power the government has to screw things up with new legislation. I think that's something we can all agree on. ;)
Yeah but one party will say they are over it.
Yeah but one party will say they are over it.
It should take 60 Senators to pass any new legislation into law, other than SCOTUS confirmations. (On the latter, if that were the case, we'd only have about 2 living justices on the court) 🤣
Without the 60 vote convention, legislation would be like executive orders. Every time we get a new president, he issues a bunch of EOs canceling out the previous guy’s EOs. That's okay for an executive, but legislation needs to have some permanency.

The Democrats are wailing and gnashing their teeth because they couldn't get Manchin and Sinema to agree to bypass the filibuster. Don't they realize that even if they did manage to pass the bill, the GOP can simply reverse it next year if they retake Congress?
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Without the 60 vote convention, legislation would be like executive orders. Every time we get a new president, he issues a bunch of EOs canceling out the previous guy’s EOs. That's okay for an executive, but legislation needs to have some permanency.

The Democrats are wailing and gnashing their teeth because they couldn't get Manchin and Sinema to agree to bypass the filibuster. Don't they realize that even if they did manage to pass the bill, the GOP can simply reverse it next year if they retake Congress?

Well said.
It should take 60 Senators to pass any new legislation into law, other than SCOTUS confirmations. (On the latter, if that were the case, we'd only have about 2 living justices on the court) 🤣
You would say that because the Republicans already removed the filibuster for the Supreme Court.

And that's where I wouldn't remove it because that's a lifetime appointment that can't be reversed.
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Without the 60 vote convention, legislation would be like executive orders. Every time we get a new president, he issues a bunch of EOs canceling out the previous guy’s EOs. That's okay for an executive, but legislation needs to have some permanency.

The Democrats are wailing and gnashing their teeth because they couldn't get Manchin and Sinema to agree to bypass the filibuster. Don't they realize that even if they did manage to pass the bill, the GOP can simply reverse it next year if they retake Congress?
That's pretty much what McConnell promised. I've stated before that I wouldn't remove it but I would make it work better for the majority and minority.
What sort of amazes me is the short sightedness or recent memory lapse of Chuck Shumer and Biden and democrat leadership. The most recent three additions to the supreme court are not primarily because of Donald Trump or Mitch McConnel. They are because of Harry Reid. He set the plan in motion. In his infinite and stupid wisdom and as majority leader in 2013, he decided to use the nuclear option on Obama nominations to a 51 vote simple majority and not 60. McConnel told him on the senate floor that "you will regret this". And McConnel knew that, given the chance, he himself would apply that nuclear bomb to supreme court nominees. Thank you Harry Reid.

Fast forward to wanting to implode the filibuster. Are the dems short sighted enough to not realize, and learn from recent history, that although they might get what they want in the short run, they might get burned big time in the long run, unless they think they'll never be out of power. I guess they are that short sighted.
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You get those 2 well.

I think the filibuster is changing or removed in 5-10 years by either party.
That would be a bad move IMO.

I know the filibuster was not part of the founding father's vision, it's a "modern" invention, but it strikes at the heart of the system they tried to create. It requires compromise OR a mandate from the voting public by putting in a supermajority.

I think gridlock can be a great thing when it comes to lawmaking and legislation, regardless of who is in office,
You would say that because the Republicans already removed the filibuster for the Supreme Court.

And that's where I wouldn't remove it because that's a lifetime appointment that can't be reversed.

The 60 vote convention didn't emerge to protect the minority. It was a pragmatic understanding to avoid constant dramatic reversals of federal legislation every 4-8 years. Since cabinet and SCOTUS appointment confirmations are irreversible, this dynamic doesn't apply.
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What sort of amazes me is the short sightedness or recent memory lapse of Chuck Shumer and Biden and democrat leadership. The most recent three additions to the supreme court are not primarily because of Donald Trump or Mitch McConnel. They are because of Harry Reid. He set the plan in motion. In his infinite and stupid wisdom and as majority leader in 2013, he decided to use the nuclear option on Obama nominations to a 51 vote simple majority and not 60. McConnel told him on the senate floor that "you will regret this". And McConnel knew that, given the chance, he himself would apply that nuclear bomb to supreme court nominees. Thank you Harry Reid.

Fast forward to wanting to implode the filibuster. Are the dems short sighted enough to not realize, and learn from recent history, that although they might get what they want in the short run, they might get burned big time in the long run, unless they think they'll never be out of power. I guess they are that short sighted.
The democrats did not remove it for Supreme Court justices. They removed for cabinet members. The democrats actually were against removing it for lifetime appointments positions at that time.
That would be a bad move IMO.

I know the filibuster was not part of the founding father's vision, it's a "modern" invention, but it strikes at the heart of the system they tried to create. It requires compromise OR a mandate from the voting public by putting in a supermajority.

I think gridlock can be a great thing when it comes to lawmaking and legislation, regardless of who is in office,
It doesn't promote compromise. It promotes obstruction and purposely stopping the majority from doing anything, so they can say at the next election how much the majority can't get anything done. Yes, BOTH sides do it.
It doesn't promote compromise. It promotes obstruction and purposely stopping the majority from doing anything, so they can say at the next election how much the majority can't get anything done. Yes, BOTH sides do it.
Obstruction forces compromise. Think past your nose. Imagine a time when the R's control all three branches. I'm in favor of the filibuster now and I'll be in favor of it then.

The founding fathers saw the folly of a pure democracy (the examples of Athens) where a simple majority is in control. Building consensus - through electing a plurality of representatives from one party or through negotiation - was key to a modest and controlled governing class. The filibuster is a strong move to reinforce that, even if our founders didn't think of it.

And I'll argue again, sometimes the country wins when legislation isn't passed.
Obstruction forces compromise. Think past your nose. Imagine a time when the R's control all three branches. I'm in favor of the filibuster now and I'll be in favor of it then.

The founding fathers saw the folly of a pure democracy (the examples of Athens) where a simple majority is in control. Building consensus - through electing a plurality of representatives from one party or through negotiation - was key to a modest and controlled governing class. The filibuster is a strong move to reinforce that, even if our founders didn't think of it.

And I'll argue again, sometimes the country wins when legislation isn't passed.
Often times the country wins.
The democrats did not remove it for Supreme Court justices. They removed for cabinet members. The democrats actually were against removing it for lifetime appointments positions at that time.
It went far beyond cabinet appointments. It included federal judges and with few exceptions, they ARE lifetime appointments. Hence the term nuclear option. Extending it to supreme court judges was just a matter of time by either party. But Harry Reid should have not used the nuclear option in the first place.
That was wrong too. Unless its corruption or morals or the like, voters should decide. They better be careful to not piss her off too much. They still need her vote. When Romney voted to impeach, McConnel said we still need his vote on other things.
Spot on. To say that Dems are unique here is disingenuous at best.
Obstruction forces compromise. Think past your nose. Imagine a time when the R's control all three branches. I'm in favor of the filibuster now and I'll be in favor of it then.

The founding fathers saw the folly of a pure democracy (the examples of Athens) where a simple majority is in control. Building consensus - through electing a plurality of representatives from one party or through negotiation - was key to a modest and controlled governing class. The filibuster is a strong move to reinforce that, even if our founders didn't think of it.

And I'll argue again, sometimes the country wins when legislation isn't passed.
Could not agree more.

The key test for Republicans is if they maintain the filibuster even when they hold majorities.
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It went far beyond cabinet appointments. It included federal judges and with few exceptions, they ARE lifetime appointments. Hence the term nuclear option. Extending it to supreme court judges was just a matter of time by either party. But Harry Reid should have not used the nuclear option in the first place.
Precisely. Harry Reid opened Pandora's box.