Democrats introduce legislation to roll back Trump's travel ban to Europe

Ghost your gibberish is a waste of everyone’s time. My mission on this board is to drop knowledge, or as the Bible puts it: cast pearls before the swine. Henceforth, I will only respond to your posts if they cite to some kind of source. Even random tweets will do as cites, as I presume just about anyone will be smarter and better informed than you.
Ghost your gibberish is a waste of everyone’s time. My mission on this board is to drop knowledge, or as the Bible puts it: cast pearls before the swine. Henceforth, I will only respond to your posts if they cite to some kind of source. Even random tweets will do as cites, as I presume just about anyone will be smarter and better informed than you.

Trump has done it again....he's maneuvered his enemies into the precise place he wanted them.

What have dems just come out in favor of?

Open borders.

Which they have ALWAYS favored, but now they want it as a way to DEAL WITH A PANDEMIC.

No sane person thinks that MORE travel to an area dealing with corona flu is a GOOD thing.

Even @bradleygator knows what this is about. You picked a great time to stop defending the dems.
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“I think it’s a good step, absolutely,” said Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, a Democrat in a tough reelection fight.

“The fact of the matter is we’re going to have to take some very serious steps,” Jones told The Post. “And I think the administration started that yesterday. I wish they would have started things a little bit earlier.”
Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told The Post the travel ban might do some good, but he feared it came too late.

“The virus is in the United States, community spread is taking place,” Menendez said. “It may be somewhat of a mitigating factor, but I’m not quite sure it responds to the critical need we have here domestically, which is to do testing. And having come from this briefing, we’re just not there.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), held her fire at a Thursday morning press conference. She said she spoke with Vice President Mike Pence and White House coronavirus task force member Anthony Fauci before Trump’s announcement.

“Dr. Fauci said it was a scientific medical decision. I have a great confidence in Dr. Fauci,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi questioned why the United Kingdom, which is outside the free-travel Schengen area, was exempted, but said she did not want to focus on criticizing Trump.

“It’s a decision they made,” she said, adding: “we’ll see whether it’s worth the trouble. I’m here about what we can do to go forward for America’s — putting families first without having a criticism of one of the other things that the president is doing.”
Still, Republicans took note of the unusual consensus around Trump’s sweeping travel ban against most NATO allies.

“I’m a little bit surprised because they don’t seem to ever miss an opportunity to be critical of the president,” said Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.). “People are at a level of fear right now where more dramatic protections probably if not fine with them are at least not open to much criticism.”
So you agree that the dems in the House that introduced legislation to block the ban are idiots putting politics above the health and safety of Americans facing this....flu.


I don't even know what you're talking about. I haven't seen anything talking about legislation to block the ban. The story I posted quotes all the top Dems, and they support it.
I don't even know what you're talking about. I haven't seen anything talking about legislation to block the ban.

CNN viewer is confused that he's only getting half the story.

And I take it from your quotes that you AGREE with Trump's decision to ban travel to Europe? So you're PRAISING Trump's leadership here?
CNN viewer is confused that he's only getting half the story.

And I take it from your quotes that you AGREE with Trump's decision to ban travel to Europe? So you're PRAISING Trump's leadership here?

Well I notice you are unable to post anything supporting your assertion. Did you hear it from some other know-nothing or just make it up yourself?
Did they shut down travel to Europe for the Swine Flu?

I honestly don't remember anything about the Swine Flu, and was stunned that 61M Americans were infected. I know you are struggling with basic math, but that's about 20% of the population, isn't it?

I honestly don't remember the media saying anything about it. But I do remember who the president was then.

Picture starting to form?
I honestly don't remember anything about the Swine Flu, and was stunned that 61M Americans were infected. I know you are struggling with basic math, but that's about 20% of the population, isn't it?

I honestly don't remember the media saying anything about it. But I do remember who the president was then.

Picture starting to form?

Let me fill @bradleygator in.

The president was Lamumba and his praetorian guard leftist sycophantic media protected the community agitator at all cost. Not only did they protect cover for bath house Barry, they helped him push Mugabecare saying the swine flu was a example of why we needed GUBmint run healthcare.

the slavish leftist media fawned and praised the Keynan all while 60 million Americans contracted the disease and over 18 thousand died.

No school closings. No cancel sporting events.
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