Thank you for quarantining Floridians and Texans now I have a great excuse to get out of taking my annual Christmas trip and wasting thousands on overpriced hotels and food. I will never again go to NYC BUT Unfortunately a great percentage of your citizens, at least the ones that did not pass in your nursing homes and can still understand that being taxed at outlandish rates can be solved by moving to Florida.Thus making my trip to the store take 15 minutes more and hear all the transplants tell me how much better the pizza is in NY even though it is not.
Maybe you can use this in your next presentation. Florida has fewer deaths by a factor of 10. 30000/3000 and twice as many people died in your nursing homes than total in Florida even though we have an older average age but whose counting. Take your comments and spout them to your brother and his 5000 strong audience.Why the hell would anyone go to NY NOW? You need to worry about the migration out not the travel in.
Not So Sincerely
Average Florida Resident
Maybe you can use this in your next presentation. Florida has fewer deaths by a factor of 10. 30000/3000 and twice as many people died in your nursing homes than total in Florida even though we have an older average age but whose counting. Take your comments and spout them to your brother and his 5000 strong audience.Why the hell would anyone go to NY NOW? You need to worry about the migration out not the travel in.
Not So Sincerely
Average Florida Resident