No, he said you present "facts" that are often debunked while ignoring facts that are inconvenient to you.
Like him, I don't have links for you nor do I care enough to hunt them down for you. If I were willing, it's unlikely that it would sway you why would anyone bother?
Mark Twain..."Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please."
Albert Einstein... "If the facts don't fit the theory change the facts."
The only fact you care about, Nolec, is that you hate Trump.
There is no cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I have found so many unsupported "facts" on this board, I ignore the majority as they are made up. If the poster refuses to support them, why should I? How convenient that you should have so little regard of proof that it's simply a bother.
And no facts can be correct in your view unless they support Trump.
And no facts can be correct in your view unless they support Trump.
No actually I think some facts do show some faults with Trump but this country is better off with an asshole in the White House than a guy that has fewer functioning brain cells than an earthworm and whose only guidepost are the polls and fifty years of absolute swamp immersion. Your facts are not what I am using to make my decision. I do think this country is in trouble when the two choices we have are two egotistical old white men. I might write in Herschel Walker. You have something in common with like to counter punch, you just suck at it.
Did you not just admit that you do the same thing?
To clarify: no I did not admit that. I can see I was not clear in my statement. My point was that if posters present info that is not supported by evidence, I do not count it as reliable.
But it's different I'm guessing?
You keep claiming that I lie, and now that I make up facts. Yet you don't show any examples. I've been honestly incorrect but I don't think often. Once I stated a Gov. rescinded an order and it was his appointed board that did-- same outcome however. I owned up to the mistake.
LOL! No you said course was reversed. And you were wrong about their being a covid vaccine, we still don't have one but you said weeks ago we did.
There are multiple vaccines in trials. Ghost want to split semantic hairs and claim that is wrong because they are vaccine candidates. Pathetic try to get any win.... nearly every media source uses vaccine. Ghost just dancin".
You are the classic example of the dem that can repeat the talking points, but can't defend them. You showed up here at the perfect time to pinch-hit for @bradleygator, whose governor won't allow him to have internet access due to hoax flu.
The FB, Twitter queen Ghost has been toasted endlessly for his stupid statements: Masks kill, There is no flu vaccine, Masks cause oxygen deprivation, Broward Co. requires masks in your house, Masks cause CO2 poisoning, less than 10k people have died from Covid, Fauci will get 500M for his vaccine, Trump has never lied to me ( uh, Woodward tapes). Somehow I destroyed all those pitiful Ghost claims, not bad since Ghost says I am a "classic example"
There are multiple vaccines in trials. Ghost want to split semantic hairs and claim that is wrong because they are vaccine candidates.
I said we had no vaccine for covid. You claimed we did. You were trying to spin that a vaccine CANDIDATE was the same thing as a vaccine.
When I corrected your misinformation (which is a full-time job here), you then accused ME of spinning. The very thing you were doing.
Reminder: There is currently no covid vaccine on the market. Please do not listen to anything @Nolec says or claims in regards to mediciine. Please.
You keep claiming that I lie, and now that I make up facts. Yet you don't show any examples.
Semantic was too big a word for Ghost. But he's desperate for any win so he must resort to semantics. Telling.
Desperate for a win versus you?
Reminder: Not a single poster here has ever backed you up.
On anything. If anything, I hurt my stellar reputation by continuing to engage you. It could give the impression that you are worthy of being taken seriously. This is why I keep reminding everyone to please ignore all medical advice you give or statements you make.
The life you save, could be your own.
I remembered another beating I gave Ghost. He claimed that there were more suicides in the US than covid deaths. OMG I can see why he'd rather posters not take too much notice . LOL
If I totaled my car and died from auto impact, the hypertension still shows as comorb. but I died from the wreck.
I didn't claim it. The guy from the CDC did. He even said it on video, which I included.
You watched the video then claimed he never said that. Same thing you did with the EO that said you were required to wear your mask IN YOUR HOME in Broward County. You quoted the very passage that said you have to wear your mask in your home.....then claimed it said the very opposite.
You are definitely a Hiden supporter. 100%.
Doubling down on stupid mistakes seems to be a trait you acquired from soewhere.