CNN viewers can you confirm?

Oh, now the media is a credible source?

Washington Post, USA Today, Chicago Tribune? I am so disappointed in you!

But that's my point, even though those stories are out, and you had a rabid GOP investigation into these matters, there obviously wasn't strong enough evidence to bring a case. Beyond a reasonable doubt is a high bar. Up to the DOJ, not you or QANON or me to decide.

So lying to Congress is a high enough bar for Roger Stone, but not for Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and whatever other members of the obama administration lied to Congress.

Got it.
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According to those actually in position to assess evidence, only Roger Stone lied to Congress. Not really hard to understand for a critical thinker.
He’s just talking about the actions of people who have actually seen the evidence, as opposed to Twitter emojis.
He’s just talking about the actions of people who have actually seen the evidence, as opposed to Twitter emojis.

Hey that's fine, now we know what the standard is from his side. If any future indictments are brought against any of the people I mentioned, his stance is that they did it cause it's so hard to get an indictment.

Still got it.
Uh huh, your critical thinking really paying off so far. Still waiting on the secret info you have from your thousands of other threads on what Mueller is "actually" working on.

Good luck with all the critical thinking!

Mueller Report a complete dud, no russian collusion. Critical thinkers knew this years ago, sheep got hoodwinked once again.
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The U. S. has a 2 tier justice system. 32,000 e-mails destroyed while under subpoena. The culprit didn't mean to do it. Let Don Jr. try to pull this off.

The IRS' Lois didn't mean to target conservative groups. Oh, sure. She lost her job. Along with a very tidy and lucrative tax payer funded retirement package.

This is not wave mechanics. There is nothing hard here.
Hey that's fine, now we know what the standard is from his side. If any future indictments are brought against any of the people I mentioned, his stance is that they did it cause it's so hard to get an indictment.

Still got it.

And now that Mueller has said no indictments that means, again by the @urtren standard, that Trump and his family did nothing wrong.

Got it again.
Maxine tells me Mueller didn't look hard enough. House investigations will go forward. Our nation's first coup attempt will go on.

I think back when the Dimms threw the Hispanic mayor of Northcrest and I out. I thought they were bad back then. They were just choir boys.

The Dimms have gone past hysteria.
Investors are wondering how Zucker can remain at CNN with no audience. What will Stevenson at AT&T do?

So MSDNC was most upset about the Mueller bombshell?
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Mueller is obviously covering up Trump-Russia collusion. If Putin hadn't fixed our election with the help of Trump, Ms. Benghazi would have won 41 states, just as state run predicted.

Putin was even willing to give up more uranium and unfettered petroleum markets to get his lapdog Trump elected.
What are you laughing about? All the Democrats have voted for a wall until Trump said he was actually going to build it.

Yep, pandering to voters to get elected. mccain did the same thing by claiming he would vote to repeal obamacare, then voting FOR it when he had the chance.

Trump is actually keeping campaign promises AND asking why other politicians aren't doing the same. Another reason why most politicians hate him.
CNN was without a single Top 20 program in quarter 1. New owner AT&T has a problem. Shareholders are unhappy with CNN's dismal performance. Coumo was the only host to barely manage over a million viewers.

Critics say CNN is no longer a news organization. CNN is the Impeach Trump Channel (ITC).
CNN was without a single Top 20 program in quarter 1. New owner AT&T has a problem. Shareholders are unhappy with CNN's dismal performance. Coumo was the only host to barely manage over a million viewers.

Critics say CNN is no longer a news organization. CNN is the Impeach Trump Channel (ITC).
They have hitched their wagon to the left and they are willing to fall off the cliff with them.

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