CNN and CBS throws their own polls under the bus after both show Americans loved Trumps SOTU


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
CNN said 60% approved, CBS said 70%. Both immediately came out said these werent scientific polls, don't pay attention to high numbers cause audience was mostly Trump supporters.

But the shots of dems in the crowd with pained looks and anger on their faces when Trump was pointing out the economic success the country is having right now were priceless. They HATED hearing that America is doing well.

Country over party, or so we were told.
I'm guessing that the reason the SOTU was so well received is that the audience largely comprised Trump voters, i.e. morons.
One of the interesting things I find about democrats would be this : since they believe Trump & the repubs are at fault for everything going on these days...when will any democrat step up to the plate and admit the many failures of the democratic party, the DNC, and their appointed trolls?...ah!...methinks I hear the sounds of crickets...just wondering.

Agent Orange
CNN said 60% approved, CBS said 70%. Both immediately came out said these werent scientific polls, don't pay attention to high numbers cause audience was mostly Trump supporters.

But the shots of dems in the crowd with pained looks and anger on their faces when Trump was pointing out the economic success the country is having right now were priceless. They HATED hearing that America is doing well.

Country over party, or so we were told.
The "morons" who voted for Trump rarely watch the Clinton News Network. It's "mental giants" such as Hugoline Cortez and "Indians" such as Elizabeth Warren who watch CNN.

To clarify, it was a CNN poll. The people polled didn’t have to be watching CNN. SOTU was available on all news networks, including the ones favored by the mouth breathers, who voted for Trump.
I’m not trolling. I legitimately think Trump supporters are morons.
So, you actually supported Hillary? I can't imagine any human that would admit to that? She was laughing at a 12 year old rape victim, involved in White Water scandal, allowed Bill to use the WH like a brothel, and she totally botched SOTS duties, allowed murders of US embassy Americans, and was a lousy senator. She's not qualified to run a popcorn stand.
I’m not trolling. I legitimately think Trump supporters are morons.

All Trump supporters should rejoice at being called "morons" by the learned liberals...since morons have at least an I.Q. greater than 51...that really points out the imbeciles (with an I.Q from 26-50) who might have voted for Bernie...or the "idiots" (with an I.Q. of 1-26) who mostly likely voted for Hillary...all Trump supporters should thank you, indeed, for pointing out who rises higher on the I.Q. scale...job well done, BradleyGator...which of the two sub-moron group did you fall into?

Agent Orange
I would bet soonerinlOUisiana voted for Trump. At the old OOB, I once asked 3 Mensa knowledge questions aimed at no one in particular. I wouldn't ask such questions without invitation. SiL voluntarily stepped forward with three correct answers. I will give huge odds SiL is one of the "morons" who voted for Trump.

Let's briefly examine the smartest woman in the world. With two witnesses, a bright person can say, "I did not have sex with that woman." It's reasonable to believe witness 2 will not come forward.

With Sheryl Crow, Sinbad the Entertainer and a gaggle of reporters in tow, only an idiot would declare, "we landed in Bosnia under heavy sniper fire" minus such.

Obama was an economic disaster. Eight years of economic stagnation. The smartest woman in the world ran for his third term. Bill told Hillary to go to Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania and present a vision. She declined. Bill O'Reilly told Chris Alzedo on WBAP in Cow Town, Bill is smart, Hillary is stupid. O'Reilly had just sat with Bill at a Yankees game.

I lay odds "geniuses" Hillary and Hugoline did not vote for Trump. Far too smart.

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