Which of the words confused you? To claim hypocrisy you'd have to know both my beliefs and how they're modified. You know neither. But Ghost has never needed facts, the thread topic concerns Ghost's stupid assertion that there are more suicides this year than covid deaths...... since that was easily shown wrong, he tries to deflect.
Ghost doin' his spinnin'
If you didn't support abortion you would proudly state that. You obviously do. You also support Margaret Sanger, even though you know she was a proud eugenicist and racist. You don't care cause you blindly believe whatever the democratic party tells you that you should.
PS: Here again is the CDC Director's direct quote from the video above: ""We're seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We're seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess, that we had as background, than we are seeing deaths from COVID."
Yet you still to this day can't accept what he said, because you are that blindly devoted to your democratic talking points.
You got hoodwinked, brother.
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