@BSC911 I have a true story that has recently happened to my nephew and his wife. Ironically, they are Catholic because of me. It's just they've let life get in the way of their commitment to going to Mass on a regular basis. In fact, they simply stopped praying as well. Yet, if asked about their faith and belief in God, they'd proclaim it from the rooftops. Just recently his wife had a mammogram and they found a pea-sized lesion and did a biopsy to see if it was cancer. He called me for prayer. We prayed and talked a lot. We talked about how events like this turn our eyes to God in desperation. Fortunately, the spot was only a scarring of some kind and not malignancy. The point here is that his attention was driven to God not the Church. God was his answer. God is his savior. God is his everything. He bypassed the Church. What would the Church had done except to pray to God. So, your concept of salvation outside the Church and the Catholic Church is the one-true Church is bunk. The bottom line is simple. It's all about Jesus. He is our focus, not living out the many rules handed down by the Church. Looking to the Cross is what it's about. Period. You can keep playing these "gotcha" games all you want but in the end it's all about Jesus. You see, I was exactly where you are now many years ago. I fought against this group called Former Catholics For Christ https://formercatholicsforchrist.com/ for a long time but it was like hitting my head against the wall. All the things you are saying today on this thread are arguments I made to not only this group but others as well. I swelled my feathers like a peacock proudly defending the Catholic Church. Hmmm.... Ironic.