FL Gov DeSantis should follow President Trump's example.
Trump correctly left it up to the Gov's to decide how and when to reopen.
Gov's should leave it up to Counties and City Mayors to decide how and when to reopen.
All of the
hired public servants should listen to their individual citizens on the how and when.
When the servants begin to think or believe that they are the masters, then they have become
'little tin-horn tyrants' and it's long past time for their employers
(we the people) to fire their butts and run them out of town on a rail....
(the sleeping giant awakens)
Hierarchy in the united States of America
The People - Legal American Citizens with God given unalienable rights.
Government Limiting Principles listed in the Constitution
The County Sheriff
The County Commissions or Boards
The City Mayors or City Boards
The Gov
The State Legislators
The President
The U.S. Congress
The Free Press of Un-biased News Journalists & Investigative Reporters.
The Wall or the Tree traitorous candidate.
Corrupt Politicians and any other corrupt Bureaucratic Public officials.
'Fake News Lame Stream Media' Propagandists