Breaking: Brennan notes show Lamumba briefed on the Clinton Russia hoax plan

Guess that makes Trump a 100% platinum plated crook. We all “know” that too...right?

well, Trump’s “crookedness” was limited to business dealings with construction contractors, vendors, and other developers/real estate folk - you know, grown assed adults that have to be careful in negotiation, receivables, and legal posturing

Clinton’s sold secrets and access to foreign rival governments, and destroyed savings of average people, along with the attempt to scandalize and unseat a duly elected President with lies

Hmmm ......
I told my buddies the other day, Just watch the meaningless made up s--t that comes out of the wood work as the polls get closer and the rumpster get's desperate. ANY or all of this garbage has to be proved before it means a hill of beans.
It's funny how when all this "scandal" info came out about Trump/Russian collusion, Trump was guilty as charged. But now that the tide has turned, "nothing to see here." It's time to stop with politicking and recognize the evil and seriously illegal intent to dethrone the legitimate POTUS. This is serious stuff.
It's funny how when all this "scandal" info came out about Trump/Russian collusion, Trump was guilty as charged. But now that the tide has turned, "nothing to see here." It's time to stop with politicking and recognize the evil and seriously illegal intent to dethrone the legitimate POTUS. This is serious stuff.

Sheep don't care about the corruption because 99% of the time it's their side doing it.
Sheep don't care about the corruption because 99% of the time it's their side doing it.
You know Ghost it must be nice to have an answer for everything when you spout the trump line like you were/are drinking it like water everyday. Do you work, if not how are you able to keep up with this junk all the time.
They HATE PRESIDENT TRUMP, because unlike all of them, he can't be bribed with money.

Sniffer Biden's idea of 'Political Sophistication' is knowing how to use influence peddling corruption to gain power and wealth, which President Trump already had, and has.

How to you bribe someone that's giving his Presidential salary away to various charities every quarter? 🤓