Nailed it. Sorry
I just get tired of hearing about how unfair the tax code is, businesses make too much, or the rich have to pay their fair share when they already cover the majority of the tax bill and front the money for the beloved social programs that the left loves to fund.
Everything is cause and effect. You raise the corporate tax code, businesses cut jobs and stop expanding which equates to higher unemployment and grows/shifts the low income threshold. When this happens, people rely more on the government. This doesn’t include regulations put on businesses to operate and the more red tape you put on businesses, the more you grow the federal government.
A man or woman busts their asses to make something of themselves and the answer is to tax them more by politicians who have no idea what they are talking about but want to continue to take tax payer money and continue to throw more money at the issues with a promise of “this time it will work”?
Then these same politicians meet with the same heads of the corporations they just taxed to death to ask for campaign contributions so that they can continue to fight for them in DC, even though it’s a lie.
Yet, these same politicians can’t even get their shit straight in their own districts and pass legislation to clean up their own backyards, keep their citizens safe and actually come up with ideas to get the low income families off their asses and back to work instead of living off the government.
And yet, the answer is to continue to raise taxes because some person, somewhere thinks it’s fine to demonize someone who has actually put forth the work to make something of themselves.
This scenario I just explained is why the both parties only care about power and control and the tax code is one way to divide and enslave us.