Biden Approval 38 percent

May be an image of text that says 'I find it ironic that democrats hate the only thing socialism ever produced that works...'
You don't need to ask. You know very well who the idiots are, as do most of us. A couple of them post here regularly. About 3 more are on sabbatical.
They can't answer your 3rd grade intelligence quizzes. They have no prayer of explaining this retarded administration's actions. Best they just be silent. We are a nation of some seriously stupid people. Webster's defines them as Dimtards.
The House likes to impeach over phone calls. Can Brandon dial or receive a phone call?
Brandon is having a Town Hall Meeting tonight on CNN so he can answer the people's questions. Of course the people will be plants with pre-approved questions with the answers already in the teleprompter, but many sheep and the MSM will be gushing about it for days.
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Only 38 percent of Americans report a favorable opinion of Biden, whereas 52 percent have an unfavorable opinion. And he's at 28% with independents.

And there you likely have the true election results, before the traitorous Rats doctored the vote count....
Only 38 percent of Americans report a favorable opinion of Biden, whereas 52 percent have an unfavorable opinion. And he's at 28% with independents.

And there you likely have the true election results, before the traitorous Rats doctored the vote count....
Only morons have favorable opinions about the Potato. There is nothing the Vegetable has done to make America a better place, but the damage already done might be irreparable.

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