Ben Sasse as POTUS?


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Nov 29, 2021
A number of readers elsewhere as well as some of us here have speculated about our UF president becoming a candidate for POTUS. To put it out for discussion, here are some factors to consider whether you are on the left or the right or in the middle.

I am a moderate who is registered as a Republican, going back to pre-Reagan days. There are few who now identify as “moderate” Republicans or Democrats. Per Ben Sasse (February 2023, speaking to us at North Carolina Reform in Raleigh), only six per cent of registered voters now identify as moderates.

Dr. Sasse thus identifies himself.

1. In 2015 Donald Trump named Ben Sasse as a “RINO” and political enemy;

2. Ben was one of seven Republicans who voted to impeach Trump.

Could he capture enough Republican support by 2028 or 2032 to be nominated? Right now, in this political climate, it doesn’t seem likely that he could.

Your thoughts for discussion!
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I think the old establishment Republicans are going to have to change parties, or move closer to the right. Telling all of us how they will push our agenda's..then going behind closed doors especially when it is important..and backing the democrats does not fly with me, and many others. THAT is how they get labeled RINO's. As much as I am glad he is UF's President...we all just saw what happened when DeSantis made the worst political decision to be financially backed by these same people. And to ME...DeSantis has an even better resume' than he does...because he has transformed Florida. Of course, ones actions speak much louder than their we will see.
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A number of readers elsewhere as well as some of us here have speculated about our UF president becoming a candidate for POTUS. To put it out for discussion, here are some factors to consider whether you are on the left or the right or in the middle.

I am a moderate who is registered as a Republican, going back to pre-Reagan days. There are few who now identify as “moderate” Republicans or Democrats. Per Ben Sasse (February 2023, speaking to us at North Carolina Reform in Raleigh), only six per cent of registered voters now identify as moderates.

Dr. Sasse thus identifies himself.

1. In 2015 Donald Trump named Ben Sasse as a “RINO” and political enemy;

2. Ben was one of seven Republicans who voted to impeach Trump.

Could he capture enough Republican support by 2028 or 2032 to be nominated? Right now, in this political climate, it doesn’t seem likely that he could.

Your thoughts for discussion!
Anyone who voted to impeach Trump on either stupid trips through Congress is a hard no. Neither one of them had any reasonable basis. It's is terribly difficult to trust any politician these days. You can't believe anything they say nor what you can actually see. The media is in full bore globalist pandering mode. America First means exactly what it says, and nothing else matters.
A number of readers elsewhere as well as some of us here have speculated about our UF president becoming a candidate for POTUS. To put it out for discussion, here are some factors to consider whether you are on the left or the right or in the middle.

I am a moderate who is registered as a Republican, going back to pre-Reagan days. There are few who now identify as “moderate” Republicans or Democrats. Per Ben Sasse (February 2023, speaking to us at North Carolina Reform in Raleigh), only six per cent of registered voters now identify as moderates.

Dr. Sasse thus identifies himself.

1. In 2015 Donald Trump named Ben Sasse as a “RINO” and political enemy;

2. Ben was one of seven Republicans who voted to impeach Trump.

Could he capture enough Republican support by 2028 or 2032 to be nominated? Right now, in this political climate, it doesn’t seem likely that he could.

Your thoughts for discussion!
MAGA feels like the movement at the moment.

If Trump is alive I doubt it.
Ben Sasse, like all moderates, dont understand the position our country is in. They think we are still in the politics of old where you can debate you points like gentlemen, and the media gives the appearance of calling it down the middle. Not gonna get the job done. We need rough men to restore the country, and the moderates arent really gonna like, but they need to start understanding it.
Ben Sasse, like all moderates, dont understand the position our country is in. They think we are still in the politics of old where you can debate you points like gentlemen, and the media gives the appearance of calling it down the middle. Not gonna get the job done. We need rough men to restore the country, and the moderates arent really gonna like, but they need to start understanding it.
Nobody got shit done playing nice in the sandbox, ever. You gotta break some eggs to make an omelette, The British fukked around and found out.

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Ben Sasse, like all moderates, dont understand the position our country is in. They think we are still in the politics of old where you can debate you points like gentlemen, and the media gives the appearance of calling it down the middle. Not gonna get the job done. We need rough men to restore the country, and the moderates arent really gonna like, but they need to start understanding it.
93% of journalists identify as liberal dems ...
93% of journalists identify as liberal dems ...
No doubt. But it seems like they used to take more care and at least appearing to be down the middle. My point is, the nice guy act isnt going to work. We need dominate and aggressive men to take traditional America back to its rightful place. Pussyfooters need not apply
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A number of readers elsewhere as well as some of us here have speculated about our UF president becoming a candidate for POTUS. To put it out for discussion, here are some factors to consider whether you are on the left or the right or in the middle.

I am a moderate who is registered as a Republican, going back to pre-Reagan days. There are few who now identify as “moderate” Republicans or Democrats. Per Ben Sasse (February 2023, speaking to us at North Carolina Reform in Raleigh), only six per cent of registered voters now identify as moderates.

Dr. Sasse thus identifies himself.

1. In 2015 Donald Trump named Ben Sasse as a “RINO” and political enemy;

2. Ben was one of seven Republicans who voted to impeach Trump.

Could he capture enough Republican support by 2028 or 2032 to be nominated? Right now, in this political climate, it doesn’t seem likely that he could.

Your thoughts for discussion!
The caveat is that a BUNCH of water is going to flow under the bridge the next 4 years. What I am saying is...what will America need at THAT time. That was different in 2008 than it was in 2016...and 2024. I just think the RINO's are done in the Republican party. We know their game now.
I think the old establishment Republicans are going to have to change parties, or move closer to the right. Telling all of us how they will push our agenda's..then going behind closed doors especially when it is important..and backing the democrats does not fly with me, and many others. THAT is how they get labeled RINO's. As much as I am glad he is UF's President...we all just saw what happened when DeSantis made the worst political decision to be financially backed by these same people. And to ME...DeSantis has an even better resume' than he does...because he has transformed Florida. Of course, ones actions speak much louder than their we will see.
As you properly called, DeSantis made a massive mistake running against Trump.

Sasse has done one good thing with campus protests, which I applaud.

POTUS is not the next step
As you properly called, DeSantis made a massive mistake running against Trump.

Sasse has done one good thing with campus protests, which I applaud.

POTUS is not the next step
I agree with this...but how much of this came from DeSantis? And I am not aware...does the Gov have control over University Presidents?
the trump flu will pass, likely another political season or two at most. the base is dying off...
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America needs RADICAL change. Our government has become our most dangerous enemy. Among the long, long list of problems are: National Debt, Annual Deficit Spending, Illegal Immigration, Foreign Policy driving "Forever Wars", Tyrannical Police State and corruption driven by DEI/CRT...

However - BY FAR the most dangerous thing our government has done is the politicalization of our Justice System. No county can withstand a Dual Justice System. A Justice System that charges POTUS DJT for a non-violation and let's Poopy Joe go because he is "too senile to prosecute" needs to be totally reformed.

Ben Sasse is a fine man. He is not nearly tough enough to fix our broken government. The only person I've ever heard of (other than Jesus) who can fix our government is DJT. The persecution of him will drive his administration to root out much of the evil that exists in our Capital.
Well I know I am slower than some on this board...but if I did...I still do not know the answer! LOL
Sasse made little or no comment until after Desantis dropped the DEI hammer and subsequently let protestors know that their protest BS could land them in jail and/or get them kicked out of school.
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America needs RADICAL change. Our government has become our most dangerous enemy. Among the long, long list of problems are: National Debt, Annual Deficit Spending, Illegal Immigration, Foreign Policy driving "Forever Wars", Tyrannical Police State and corruption driven by DEI/CRT...

However - BY FAR the most dangerous thing our government has done is the politicalization of our Justice System. No county can withstand a Dual Justice System. A Justice System that charges POTUS DJT for a non-violation and let's Poopy Joe go because he is "too senile to prosecute" needs to be totally reformed.

Ben Sasse is a fine man. He is not nearly tough enough to fix our broken government. The only person I've ever heard of (other than Jesus) who can fix our government is DJT. The persecution of him will drive his administration to root out much of the evil that exists in our Capital.
Agreed, we are getting it!!!
America needs RADICAL change. Our government has become our most dangerous enemy. Among the long, long list of problems are: National Debt, Annual Deficit Spending, Illegal Immigration, Foreign Policy driving "Forever Wars", Tyrannical Police State and corruption driven by DEI/CRT...

However - BY FAR the most dangerous thing our government has done is the politicalization of our Justice System. No county can withstand a Dual Justice System. A Justice System that charges POTUS DJT for a non-violation and let's Poopy Joe go because he is "too senile to prosecute" needs to be totally reformed.

Ben Sasse is a fine man. He is not nearly tough enough to fix our broken government. The only person I've ever heard of (other than Jesus) who can fix our government is DJT. The persecution of him will drive his administration to root out much of the evil that exists in our Capital.
You need to stand with our nations law enforcement personnel. They are the ones that keep us safe!! Law and order baby!!
Sasse made little or no comment until after Desantis dropped the DEI hammer and subsequently let protestors know that their protest BS could land them in jail and/or get them kicked out of school.
I just do not know if Gov's hire, or control University Presidents...I guess Google can be my friend! LOL