Well....there wasn't a vax for a cold virus until.....now. See how that works? Internet Dr Gator1776 is the only one who knows. The FDA has approved 3 drugs for treating covid. So, don't listen to that Government agency, but do listen to the CDC? Got it. Maybe you can give me a list of which government agencies we can trust, and which ones we cannot. I am just glad to know the other doctors that have been treating covid with a mixture of different drugs, and findings to back up the use, are all full of chit except gator1776.You guys crack me up. You do realize there is actually no treatment for a cold virus right?
like in the history of medicine we’ve never been able to cure a cold virus. And you do realize that coronavirus is a cold virus right, LOL
All the stuff you find on Google and all the crap you hear in the news doesn’t work. Nothing treats coronavirus. Not curative at least. Steroids sometimes help with immune response. Zithromax sometimes help because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Hell hydroxychloroquine may work there.
But that’s treating the symptoms. There is actually no effective cure for the cold virus and they never has been. Same old story, if you have a cold go to the doctor and get better in a week stay at home and get better in seven days. What we do in the really sick patients in the ICU is we support and try and turn down the immune response and hope they get better with time as the virus runs it’s course, but there is no effective treatment for the virus.
no matter what Dr. Google says. I do hope you find one someday. But none of that crap really works. I know that from first-hand experience.
Anyway, good night all You expert scientist with no scientific degrees.
To summarize, I want to make sure I got all this. Doc Gator says trust the CDC. Don't trust FDA. There are no possible long term side effects to the vax. The virologist who posted his peer reviewed findings with negative side effects is full of it, no doctors that post on the internet know anything except Doc Gator, there are no treatments that work at all even though there have been studies showing the opposite, and the FDA has approved use of said drugs. The head of the Army Medical team in Houston during the heart of the covid battle was using many different drugs with success, but we shouldn't listen to those docs either. There has never in the history of cold virus been a treatment so there can't be one now, there has never in the history of cold virus been a vax but there is one now.....but it's still impossible for a treatment to work, because doc gator said there wasn't one.
All vaccines are good. Even though much of our military had big negative side effects from anthrax vax.
In a nutshell. No other Dr knows anything. Just doc gator.
I am sure I missed something.