Again, the evidence you cite, which is eye witness testimony, is from Lanny Davis. Davis was reporting that his client, Michael Cohen had evidence concerning Trump knowing about a Russian meeting at Trump Towers.
Too bad this was retracted once Davis realized his client stated under oath that he had no proof of this, and didn't know about any of the claims.
After this, several media outlets retracted their stories and outed Lanny Davis as the source. The only media source that refuses to do so is CNN. Go figure.
Nice try, but there is no Russian collusion.
I suspect Davis was lying the whole time, he just did at first to get the GoFundMe page for Cohen up and running cause he knew that was the only way he could get paid. Remember the whole spin on creating the page to begin with was "Michael needs more money to he can KEEP telling the truth about Trump!"
After it hit $600k, then suddenly Davis 'remembered' that he had lied to CNN. And CNN can't publish a retraction because in their story they claim Davis was contacted for comment, and DIDN'T GIVE ONE. So publishing a retraction means admitting they lied in the story, so they are trying to running out the clock now and wait for the 'honest' press to move onto another story.
It's obvious to any sane person that the Trump investigation is a complete WITCH HUNT. I get why Dems are pushing for it, cause they want a Republican President out and their guy/gal back in power.
But I will never, for the life of me, understand why ANYONE who calls themselves a Republican wants Trump impeached.
Let's say Trump gets impeached. For that to happen, both the House and Senate have to flip to the Dems. Apparently, the Never Trumpers think "Well then Pence takes over and we'll be fine!"
Pence would be a lame duck President for 2 years. The Dems would start pushing through their globalist, America-last agenda as if Obama had never left office, and Pence could do nothing to stop it. And in 2020, the Dems would walk to the White House.
Two reasons why:
1 - Independents aren't going to vote for the Republicans after their guy was impeached just 2 years prior
2 - Every Trump supporter in the nation will either vote Dem or won't vote in 2020 if Trump is railroaded. So the Republican party will lose about 40-50 MILLION votes in 2020, and likely in 2024 as well.
Impeaching Trump means the Republican party gets completely impeached from power for at least a generation. It likely means the Dems will also find a way to get Gorsuch and Canavaugh removed from the SC as well, so we lose the Supreme Court too.
Bottom line: If Trump is impeached, the Republican Party is dead.
If Trump stays in office till 2024, the Democratic Party is dead.
I will never, for the life of me, understand why the Never Trumpers cannot see this.