Asking again. When are we impeaching Kamala?

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Who are the only presidents to have been impeached?? Are there any presidents who have been impeached twice??

....keep watching.....
Keep watching and all will be revealed......HAHAHAHAHA
Isn't that what ghost always says??

But since you feel like you can't do your own research, here you go:

Don't say I never do anything for you Blueeyes ;)
Keep watching and all will be revealed......HAHAHAHAHA
Isn't that what ghost always says??

But since you feel like you can't do your own research, here you go:

Don't say I never do anything for you Blueeyes ;)
So u don’t have any evidence huh? Lol
Keep watching and all will be revealed......HAHAHAHAHA
Isn't that what ghost always says??

But since you feel like you can't do your own research, here you go:

Don't say I never do anything for you Blueeyes ;)
Still waiting on that evidence.... lol the very person democrats state trump was using states the opposite happened. Crazy how the two ppl involved disagree with what the democrats claim. Lol.
I just want to know why she’s still a senator.

Seems odd...doesn’t she need to start being a VP less than 10 days out?

And newsom picked her replacement over a week ago.

If I recall correctly, obama resigned like a week after he won. kamala 'won' according to CNN 2 months ago.

A LOT of dots aren't connecting about a lot of things lately...
Back on topic. Impeach kamala?

I'm not aware of any laws being broken by having legal protests, or in her case saying those protests are not stopping. Certainly did not hear her say to fight, or to march on a federal building.
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I'm not aware of any laws being broken by having legal protests, or in her case saying those protests are not stopping. Certainly did not hear her say to fight, or to march on a federal building.

You have no issue with her helping to organize bail for looters and arsonist so that these same people could get out of jail and continue to burn and loot American cities?

That's disconcerting.
I'm not aware of any laws being broken by having legal protests, or in her case saying those protests are not stopping. Certainly did not hear her say to fight, or to march on a federal building.

She said more than djt. She incited riots on federal courthouses. Go ahead, lets compare the two. Put djts video here of him inciting it, and I will put kamalas. Here you go:

I will wait on the one where djt said riots shouldn’t stop, and should continue
She said more than djt. She incited riots on federal courthouses. Go ahead, lets compare the two. Put djts video here of him inciting it, and I will put kamalas. Here you go:

I will wait on the one where djt said riots shouldn’t stop, and should continue

Imagine for a moment that Trump says, "they're not going to stop and they should not stop" after his supporters stormed the Capitol.

What would the MSM do with comments like that? What did they do with Harris' comments?

Hell, @BSC911 didn't even know she said it.

The next time some extreme right wing website pisses one of you libs off, you need to punch someone like Don Lemmon or his bosses at CNN square in the nose (or someone at ANY of the other MSM networks or newspapers) because it is their journalism, or the lack thereof, that is fueling these "alternative news" sites.

People do not trust their news and so they go looking for it elsewhere. The activist journalism is driving extremism. Deep down you know I'm right.

***so I don't get the Trump treatment, I'm not actually advocating for any of you to actually punch an activist journalist. That was said in jest for comedic effect
She said more than djt. She incited riots on federal courthouses. Go ahead, lets compare the two. Put djts video here of him inciting it, and I will put kamalas. Here you go:

I will wait on the one where djt said riots shouldn’t stop, and should continue

He'll probably post an article from the Ga SOS that says Kamala didn't incite violence.
Imagine for a moment that Trump says, "they're not going to stop and they should not stop" after his supporters stormed the Capitol.

What would the MSM do with comments like that? What did they do with Harris' comments?

Hell, @BSC911 didn't even know she said it.

The next time some extreme right wing website pisses one of you libs off, you need to punch someone like Don Lemmon or his bosses at CNN square in the nose (or someone at ANY of the other MSM networks or newspapers) because it is their journalism, or the lack thereof, that is fueling these "alternative news" sites.

People do not trust their news and so they go looking for it elsewhere. The activist journalism is driving extremism. Deep down you know I'm right.

***so I don't get the Trump treatment, I'm not actually advocating for any of you to actually punch an activist journalist. That was said in jest for comedic effect
I'll play you alls game. I dont see her the word riot in there anywhere.

What was she talking about then @BSC911 ?

You'll play our game instead of just admitting your hypocrisy? Instead of just admitting you were wrong? Instead of just admitting that her actions were more reckless?

Sounds legit. You lose 1 point.
I dont know, I'm not her. But you are putting words in her mouth.
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I dont know, I'm not her. But you are putting words in her mouth.
The riots were what was occurring. She was encouraging the “protests” which were actually riots, to continue.

if DJT had come out on the 6th while “protesters” were entering the capital and said verbatim what she said....well? You see, you don’t get to call a potato a tomato and make it one. So just stop

what she did was much worse. Trump told folks to stop and go home. She said they should continue

What was she talking about then @BSC911 ?

You'll play our game instead of just admitting your hypocrisy? Instead of just admitting you were wrong? Instead of just admitting that her actions were more reckless?

Sounds legit. You lose 1 point.
I repeat. NOBODY rooted because of Kamala.

You have your opinion, I have mine. More people agree with me.

They were rioting you dolt. And she said they should not stop.

She wasn't referring to some future activity. She was referring to things that were already happening every night and she thought they should continue.

Stop spinning...this is unbelievably obvious and you look ridiculous pretending it isn't.
She encouraged it to continue. Djt encouraged it to stop. See the difference?

Correct. Trump is blamed for encouraging protest and then he condemns the violence. He is EVIL and kicked off social media while the left wants to demonize EVERYTHING Trump related.

Harris celebrates the riots, the looting, the burning AFTER it happened and says it shouldn't stop and she is elected VP.

You cannot make this crap up.
when will you be advocating for her removal for encouraging and inciting riots?

Any moment now...once he reads the thread and hears Harris say, "They will not stop. They should not stop."

At that point @JIMBO1313 will say, "much like Trump, Harris has to go!!!"

I'm sure of it...just give him a moment.
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