Angry Lesbians Release America-Hating Remake of Lee Greenwood’s Classic for 4th of July

sadgator does not endorse hating America.
With that being said, where do you think this hatred for America is coming from, especially in such seemingly high numbers? I would say America's "education" system long before college, but especially college. Are so many kids just being indoctrinated and admitting you are a conservative is met with nothing but ridicule or even violence?. These schools tell you what to think, not how to think. American version of madrassas preaching hate. Remember Obama sitting in Rev Wrights hate filled church for 20 years.
With that being said, where do you think this hatred for America is coming from, especially in such seemingly high numbers? I would say America's "education" system long before college, but especially college. Are so many kids just being indoctrinated and admitting you are a conservative is met with nothing but ridicule or even violence?. These schools tell you what to think, not how to think. American version of madrassas preaching hate. Remember Obama sitting in Rev Wrights hate filled church for 20 years.

I posted about kids being indoctrinated here:
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Explanation: “You’re wrong and have been sold a bill of goods of conservative rhetoric that you have blindly bought into.”

There are lots of sadgator-like liberals out here who love America...”keep watching” as Ghost tells you....

oh and sadgator doesn’t “endorse” unattractive lesbians either...just sayin’...
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