And there it is....for the first time Trump Administration confirms Hiden is illegitimate

His press release includes an interesting qualifier:

“Dr. Navarro will be hosting a press briefing call today at 1:00 PM EST in his capacity as a private citizen to discuss his findings.

He knows that lying in his capacity as an official would put him legal jeopardy.
There seems to be no end to @Uniformed_ReRe stupidity. Face it - you're dead.
Just another in the long list of the Republican conspiracy to overturn the election they have lost. Pay no attention unless you are a glutton for punishment.
And you’re a fool and you sold out the legacy of your ancestors because you hate somebody with a spray tan.
Now, now gator, don't let this old man get your dander up. I just happen to believe the Dems. won and sorehead Rep. can't handle it. edit I am past Trump Hopefully he wont be well enough to run in 4 years and if he is then hopefully the American people will remember what he put the country through in this election.
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Now, now gator, don't let this old man get your dander up. I just happen to believe the Dems. won and sorehead Rep. can't handle it. edit I am past Trump Hopefully he wont be well enough to run in 4 years and if he is then hopefully the American people will remember what he put the country through in this election.
That’s why you fit right in with the rest of the libs with an astounding 98 IQ
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Now, now gator, don't let this old man get your dander up. I just happen to believe the Dems. won and sorehead Rep. can't handle it. edit I am past Trump Hopefully he wont be well enough to run in 4 years and if he is then hopefully the American people will remember what he put the country through in this election.
You don’t get my dandruff up. I’ve come to pity you more than anything else Jimbo. Your emblematic of the minority of Americans that are so brainwashed or stupid that they can’t realize they’re voting to give away their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness and getting nothing in return for it.
So I view you like gave you the rest of Americans that shit in your category, pathetic.
That’s why you fit right in with the rest of the libs with an astounding 98 IQ
This, you’re too stupid to know that you’re giving away everything for nothing. It’s pathetic. You’ve been brainwashed. You definitely fit the 98 IQ average group.
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This, you’re too stupid to know that you’re giving away everything for nothing. It’s pathetic. You’ve been brainwashed. You definitely fit the 98 IQ average group.
If you repeat something enough times they’ll believe it. It’s sad because it’s the greatest brain wash of the masses ever and they can’t see it.

I’d love to sit a lib down and just show them something as stupid as a bottle of water on a chair and keep repeating the bottle isn’t on the chair until they believe it.
If everything was done legally, then why the refusal to turn over the dominion machines to be audited? Asking for a friend.
Because they all know deep down inside that the election is a fraud but they can’t see past Orangeman bad to see it.