I can't disagree with you. Full disclosure I am a libertarian and I lean right on most issues, but not all.
I have particular disdain for those who try to piss on my head and tell me it's raining, so my view of the mainstream media is a little slanted.
I also have a particular disdain for public servants who are very stupid and can't get out of their own way like Kamala Harris and AOC. I also find Joe Biden to be particularly distasteful, as a corrupt and terrible lawyer, who has added nothing to the Senate in his almost 50 years of service.
I have respect for Bill Clinton as a charming charismatic politician, who was smart enough to have Alan Greenspan, the fed chairman sitting on his meetings and offer him hypotheticals and was also smart enough to resist the Democratic urge to regulate the Internet as it was exploding in the late 90s ...