A good (finally) poll for Trump

republicans are much more skeptical of Fox than Democrats are of CNN or any of the mainstream media channels …
So you pretty much think like Ron.....people who agree with you are smart and people who disagree are stupid.

I literally spent decades thinking liberals were stupid....but they're not. They have different goals than we do.....and they're doing a pretty effective job of achieving their goals. Are we?
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So you pretty much think like Ron.....people who agree with you are smart and people who disagree are stupid.

I literally spent decades thinking liberals were stupid....but they're not. They have different goals than we do.....and they're doing a pretty effective job of achieving their goals. Are we?
I never said that people disagree with me were stupid.

Liberals have a different set of values and they have a very good ground game and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. The end do not have to justify the means. I think this is evil, but I don’t think it’s stupid …
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I never said that people disagree with me were stupid.

Liberals have a different set of values and they have a very good ground game and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. The end do not have to justify the means. I think this is evil, but I don’t think it’s stupid …
Aren't you saying that conservative/republicans have a much more intelligent view of the media than liberals/democrats? Aren't you saying that the anti-Trump people simply accept whatever the media feeds them? That sound pretty much like you're calling them stupid.
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BS 100% BS

Very close friend of mine was appalled when I accused the NYT of being left leaning.

He had no idea and was totally offended.

There are plenty of people out there who think anything that isn't NYT, Vogue, MSNBC, etc. is far-right wing propaganda.
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Aren't you saying that conservative/republicans have a much more intelligent view of the media than liberals/democrats? Aren't you saying that the anti-Trump people simply accept whatever the media feeds them? That sound pretty much like you're calling them stupid.
I think there are a lot of stupid people on both sides, in my experience, the Republicans, I know tend to be more discerning about the media. The Democrats I know tend to be more accepting of what they are being told. This is not absolute just what I noticed….
I think there are a lot of stupid people on both sides, in my experience, the Republicans, I know tend to be more discerning about the media. The Democrats I know tend to be more accepting of what they are being told. This is not absolute just what I noticed….
For instance...RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. How many lefties STILL believe Trump colluded with Russia? How many KNOW that the dossier was paid for and the WHOLE STORY started by the Clinton campaign to throw a wrench in his presidency? And how many people who threw up Hunters laptop as Russian disinformation KNOW TODAY that the FBI had Hunters computer for OVER A YEAR before the 51 intelligence officers lied on that letter? My guess is 5% know of either. 95% do NOT know.
I think there are a lot of stupid people on both sides, in my experience, the Republicans, I know tend to be more discerning about the media. The Democrats I know tend to be more accepting of what they are being told. This is not absolute just what I noticed….
I can see that. The majority of the media is 'reporting' what the democrats want to hear so they would be more inclined to accept it as truthful.

I do think we see the same thing from the right when it comes to some of the conservative media sources.....particularly from twitter. We see it here all the time. Pro-Trump articles/polls are accepted as fact by many here.
Then why would Putin publicly state he'd rather have poopy pants win the election than DJT?

@blackbones WTF!?

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Rats in panic ( poor Kal and Jimbus )

We still have to vote

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Aren't you saying that conservative/republicans have a much more intelligent view of the media than liberals/democrats? Aren't you saying that the anti-Trump people simply accept whatever the media feeds them? That sound pretty much like you're calling them stupid.
I think Fresno actually does try to see things from an unbiased angle.......but his bias shows through anyway.
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I think Fresno actually does try to see things from an unbiased angle.......but his bias shows through anyway.
I can't disagree with you. Full disclosure I am a libertarian and I lean right on most issues, but not all.

I have particular disdain for those who try to piss on my head and tell me it's raining, so my view of the mainstream media is a little slanted.

I also have a particular disdain for public servants who are very stupid and can't get out of their own way like Kamala Harris and AOC. I also find Joe Biden to be particularly distasteful, as a corrupt and terrible lawyer, who has added nothing to the Senate in his almost 50 years of service.

I have respect for Bill Clinton as a charming charismatic politician, who was smart enough to have Alan Greenspan, the fed chairman sitting on his meetings and offer him hypotheticals and was also smart enough to resist the Democratic urge to regulate the Internet as it was exploding in the late 90s ...
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I can't disagree with you. Full disclosure I am a libertarian and I lean right on most issues, but not all.

I have particular disdain for those who try to piss on my head and tell me it's raining, so my view of the mainstream media is a little slanted.

I also have a particular disdain for public servants who are very stupid and can't get out of their own way like Kamala Harris and AOC ...
for the record......I think most of us have bias that shows through. Its hard not to.
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