Any word on Tebow?

2/2- 15 yards
3 rushes for 5 yards
2 failed 2 pt conversions
One botched snap in the back field.

Rumor has it that the Titans are desperately trying to trade Mariota and 7 1st round picks for Tebow, based off his record setting preseason tirade he has been on. They are petitioning the NFL to allow practice squad players to play defense when Tebow is under center, though.

Compared to the "overrated" Sam Bradford's 10/10 121 yards and 3 td's and Sanchez's 13/19 150 yards 2 td's, Tebow CLEARLY is the best qb on this roster.

If any player has ever proven they are a failed 1st round pick and a worthy 3rd string benchwarmer, it has been the 4th string qb on the Eagles roster this preseason.

Congrats Insta.

Why don't you express your thoughts about Tebow to someone who can write a coherent sentence and have them come on here and post?
With a winning record as the starter for an otherwise 4-14 team in 2010-11.

The ONLY Heisman QB in the last quarter century that also has an NFL Playoff win.
Note: The Steelers #1 in the NFL Defense had only given up 6 completions of 30+ yds all season. Tebow threw 5 of 30+ in that one playoff game. They had only given up a total of 7 plays of Any Kind of over 30 yds all season. Not once all season had they given up a 30+ yard completion on a 3rd down. Tim's 51 yard completion to Demaryius Thomas was on a 3rd down. > All 5 of Tebow's 30+ yard completions were completed 15+ yards down field, not one was a short pass or slip screen pass with a big WR run to pad Tim's passing yards stats.
Tim's 12 second OT, 80 yard TD pass, was also an NFL Playoff Record.

In the last 10 years, the Steel-Curtain defense had NEVER given up even two 50+ yard passes in any one game. Tebow threw 3 on them in that Playoff game. Not to bad for a rookie (15th start) unsupported QB with a weak and inaccurate arm.....
In fact, that Steeler team had only give up one pass of 45+ yards all season, and that one was with most of the 45 yards coming after the catch.

Further, NO QB since the NFL/AFL merger in 1970 had ever completed 3 passes of 50+ yards in ANY single game. o_O

More proof, in their 1st 16 starts, Tebow threw for 300+ yards twice.
Compared to:
Tom Brady - two 300+ games
Drew Brees - two 300+ games
Aaron Rogers - three 300+ games
In their first 16 NFL starts, and none of them started as rookies either, and none of them had their top 2 veteran WR's traded away before dumping them in cold off the bench for a 1-4 team that had gone 4-14 over the last 2 season with a 7-8 year veteran QB (Orton) who Denver had traded Jay Cutler to the Bears to get.

In his first 16 NFL starts, Tebow had:
~ A better W/L record (9-7) than Peyton Manning had (3-13)
~ A better rookie QB Rating (82.1) with the Broncos that El' Dim-way had (54.9).
Tebow threw 19 TD's to 9 Ints, while both Peyton and Elway both threw more Ints than TD's. Plus Tebow ran for an additional 1,047 yards and 13 more TD's. o_O

So yep, every negative thing that is said about Tebow is true and justified, just ask any paid entertainer, media-moron, or idiot-commentator....:rolleyes:

And I'll always wonder how Tebow might have done by now, (would be starting his 6 year in the NFL) IF a team had taken him in and given him every 'designated starter' advantage that most of those other 1st round draft picks got, and if he didn't have a player strike that cancelled his first off-season team improvements.
Mostly what Tim has been handed so far is the sticky chit-end of the stick, and even so, he has both Bronco and NFL passing records to his name. :cool:
"Not every gay man flails his wrists around and talks with a lisp as there are quite a few butches around..."

Has obviously done his research, likely on Craigslist.
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Lol okay so since this is hilarious...

Are we going to pretend that none of us have had our suspicions?

I mean...come on.
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I am not normally one to want to clean up our board. Having rivals here spices things up. But the number of trash FSU fans talking trash has exceed the recommended daily amount. It might be time for some hygiene.
"I was talking to my wife about Tim Tebow..."

As long as we're speculating about gayness, I'd like to throw FSUTribe's wife into the mix. She has to at least be strongly considering it at this point in the marriage.
I am not normally one to want to clean up our board. Having rivals here spices things up. But the number of trash FSU fans talking trash has exceed the recommended daily amount. It might be time for some hygiene.

I couldn't agree more, a couple of these guys need to go, this FSUTribe75 actually claims to be an attorney, how pitiful his life must be.
2/2- 15 yards
3 rushes for 5 yards
2 failed 2 pt conversions
One botched snap in the back field.

Rumor has it that the Titans are desperately trying to trade Mariota and 7 1st round picks for Tebow, based off his record setting preseason tirade he has been on. They are petitioning the NFL to allow practice squad players to play defense when Tebow is under center, though.

Compared to the "overrated" Sam Bradford's 10/10 121 yards and 3 td's and Sanchez's 13/19 150 yards 2 td's, Tebow CLEARLY is the best qb on this roster.

If any player has ever proven they are a failed 1st round pick and a worthy 3rd string benchwarmer, it has been the 4th string qb on the Eagles roster this preseason.

Congrats Insta.
delusion :D:D :D:D:D:D

I couldn't agree more, a couple of these guys need to go, this FSUTribe75 actually claims to be an attorney, how pitiful his life must be.

Did you say "life" or "wife?" I suppose his wife would be more "pitiable" if you wanted to be grammatically accurate about it.
2/2- 15 yards
3 rushes for 5 yards
2 failed 2 pt conversions
One botched snap in the back field.

Rumor has it that the Titans are desperately trying to trade Mariota and 7 1st round picks for Tebow, based off his record setting preseason tirade he has been on. They are petitioning the NFL to allow practice squad players to play defense when Tebow is under center, though.

Compared to the "overrated" Sam Bradford's 10/10 121 yards and 3 td's and Sanchez's 13/19 150 yards 2 td's, Tebow CLEARLY is the best qb on this roster.

If any player has ever proven they are a failed 1st round pick and a worthy 3rd string benchwarmer, it has been the 4th string qb on the Eagles roster this preseason.

Congrats Insta.
You just won't stop will you....Guess I have to stop it myself.
In limited action in all three preseason games, and playing with all third and fourth-team players, Tebow has completed 10 of 19 passes (52.6%) for 97 yards without a touchdown or an interception. He has also run 10 times for 50 yards, (5.0 ypc) with three first downs and a touchdown.

Tebow and Brakley are expected to get most of the playing time in the last (4th) preseason game. It's nearly decision time for Kelly....
"Tebow’s stats are comparable to that of Matt Barkley, the man he is competing against."

That's an outright lie, (see Ints and rushing yards). Tebow almost had a 2nd rushing TD, but was called out at the 1/2 yard line. Plus Barkley's in his 3rd season with the Eagles, not his first few months like Tebow. When I see Tebow practicing and playing with the 1st team, then I'll judge his performance. For now, it's all guess work because of the talent (or lack thereof) that he's working with.

Note: The Jet's pass was high and behind Tebow, allowing the defender to slap it away. The ball did not hit Tim in the helmet, the defenders hand did after he knocked the ball away. That miss goes on the QB, not on Tebow. Tebow arrived at the Jets with 19 TD's to 9 Ints. The Sanchize threw for 12 TD's and 18 Ints, with a butt-fumble while Tebow mostly sat on the bench. Stupidimus Rex was eventually fired for incompetence.

"Make no mistake, Barkley is the better passer but through three games,"

As long as you totally ignore his half-dozen Ints, to Tebow's ZERO Ints.

3. Tebow wins any debate over intangibles.
Conclusion: Many media-morons and/or idiot-commentators just can't stop themselves from being Tebow haters. They seem to care more about being correct in their original 'He can't play QB in the NFL' than they care about being fair or truthful about a man that went 9-7 for a 4-14 team with a Playoff Win over the NFL's #1 Defense in just his 15th mostly unsupported start. Sad really....
I didn't see the game. But I saw his stats scroll across the screen and I thought that looked pretty damn awesome. I hope he makes the cut and gets some significant playing time this season. From what I've heard he's put in a crap load of work on his technique.
He's going to make the team IMO. One he brings something to the table and a skill set that the other 3 don't have and that skill is something Kelly isn't afraid to use and two Tebow is inproving and can help the Eagles in some way this upcoming season.
Really good game for him last night. He's got a good chance to make the team. Last night was the first time where you saw a glimpse of what he might be able to do in Chip Kelly's spread.
Eagles 3-4 string receivers dropped the first 2 from Tebow. The next 2 went through the receivers hands. Then it was 6 of 10 for 106 yds and 2 TD's with a 4th and 14 Int that was downed inside the 10 yard line. Tebow ended the night going 11-for-17, 64.7% for 189 yards, 17.2 yds/comp and 2 TD with 1 Int. He also ran for 32 yards on just 4 carries, 8 ypc. :eek:

Put Tim with their 1st team players and then you'd see something 'SPECIAL' happen with Chip Kelly's offense.... :cool:

Tebow finished the preseason 21 of 36, 58.3% for 286 yards, 13.6 yds/comp, with 2 TD's to 1 Int. He also kept his 5.0 ypc average with a TD and another almost TD that was called out at the 1/2 yard line. Next play was an easy 1/2 yard TD by the RB. If he can do that using the cheerleaders and the water-boy, just imagine what he might be able to do with the 1st teamers.... o_O

Third year backup QB Matt Barkley ended the night 4-for-9, 44.4% passing for just 45 yards and an Int. (who would you keep)

Well, IF you were the old IDIOT-COMMENTATOR that the NFL Network employs, you'd either keep Barkley or you'd dump them both for a ST's player... :confused:

Old Adage: Those that can, DO. Those that can't, coach. And those that can do neither get over-paid jobs for NFL Network as Idiot-Commentators.... :rolleyes:
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Well, it looks like Kelly was smart to hire him.
And it looks like Kelly is smart enough to keep him.
Now we wait to see IF Kelly is smart enough to actually use/play him... :cool:
ESPN reporting the Eagles have released Tebow. Lots of shitty quarterbacks playing and this guy can't get a shot. Boggles the mind.
And everyone scoffed when I said Tebow should have just kept that sweet gig with SECN because this was pointless.
I'm just curious, why do people always think there is only one way to throw a football ? As long as a QB leans into the throw and hits his receivers does it matter how his motion is? Do u tell a bow legged person they are walking wrong? Tebow won an Heisman and a NC with the way he threw.

No it's all these mediators writings their articles who says "he can't be an NFL QB by the way he throws".

What gives?
And everyone scoffed when I said Tebow should have just kept that sweet gig with SECN because this was pointless.

Is that out the door for rest of this season now? He would be nuts to even waste his time in Canada for peanuts as his NFL career is probably officially over now.