Yo gatordad3


Bull Gator
Jan 14, 2004
Your beautiful wife says she can steal 2 senate seats in Georgia 🤗🤗😭


Stacey Abrams: Georgia Can ’Absolutely’ Deliver Two Democrat Senators

Your beautiful wife says she can steal 2 senate seats in Georgia 🤗🤗😭


Stacey Abrams: Georgia Can ’Absolutely’ Deliver Two Democrat Senators

We have a lot of native Americans in politics. First we had Pocahontas. Now we have "Dances with Gravy". 😂
Your beautiful wife says she can steal 2 senate seats in Georgia 🤗🤗😭


Stacey Abrams: Georgia Can ’Absolutely’ Deliver Two Democrat Senators

I stole this from another Gator message board.

After all, this is Georgia!
If Kemp doesn't help undo the voter fraud the people in Georgia are counting on him to do, it looks like the entire State of Georgia will soon become the pathetic state of Washington and/or California. Kemp may not even make it thru the primaries if he decides to sit on his ass.
This is where you have to accept that too many Republicans are in on it. Too many of them only have an R after their name because it is better for them financially. They are the Mitt Romneys, Paul Ryans, and John Kasichs. They don’t actually believe in the principles they espouse and have never actually taken action to execute policy towards those principles. The Republican Party is packed to the gills with these people. That party has been a joke for decades.