Y'all keeping up with the Manafort trial?


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
If you watch CNN (sadgator can confirm this), I suspect all they've reported from the actual trial is that Gates testified that he and Manafort broke the law.

Because that's pretty much all that's happened that made Manafort look bad. Gates has been a spectacular failure for the Mueller team, and it now looks like they have an actual chance of losing this case.

Here's some selected gems:

Again, I never watch CNN, but I will guess that NONE of this was mentioned in their coverage of the trial.

Why not? Because it makes Gates, and Mueller, look horrible. I also suspect the 'we broke the law together' part is pretty much where they will end their coverage of the trial, unless something happens that puts Manafort in a bad light. If the case is ruled for Manafort, they will be outraged about the 'miscarriage of justice' while never reporting on the majority of Gates' disastrous testimony that sank the prosecution's case.
Today's testimony opens with Gates admitting that Manafort instructed him to tell the truth when he talked to the FBI.
The jury will give the correct verdict. Awash in money and paying very little taxes. Hiding money in overseas accounts. On tax returns saying he has not foreign bank accounts. I trust the jury to apply the law correctly .
Don’t really care about Manafort...irrelevant to anything sadgator cares about...

Rick Gates is one of the key people Mueller is investigating in the Russia Witch Hunt. That actually came up in trial, the defense asked a question about Gates' time with the Trump campaign, Mueller's team asked for sidebar to tell judge that was part of current investigation with Russia Witch Hunt, so they dropped the questioning.

After this trial, his word is garbage, so Mueller is in trouble. Again.
Rick Gates is one of the key people Mueller is investigating in the Russia Witch Hunt. That actually came up in trial, the defense asked a question about Gates' time with the Trump campaign, Mueller's team asked for sidebar to tell judge that was part of current investigation with Russia Witch Hunt, so they dropped the questioning.

After this trial, his word is garbage, so Mueller is in trouble. Again.

You may not know this but the judge ruled st trial onset that the Murller’s team could not bring up Trump and the campaign. Judge said this trial has nothing to do with the campaign so must leave it out. Of course when defense wanted to bring it up and the judge did not stop it Mueller’s team objected!
CNN is only interesting in bringing out the truth.

You may not know this but the judge ruled st trial onset that the Murller’s team could not bring up Trump and the campaign.

Didn't know that. Did know that Judge Ellis correctly pointed out that this case was nothing but them trying to get Manafort to flip on Trump.

And he's not. Which either means Manafort is willing to risk going to jail for the rest of his life for a man he worked for 3 months......or he has nothing to flip over.

And this case is all stemming over stuff that Manafort was investigated for YEARS before Trump ran for Pres.

But to be fair, some people ARE going to jail. Wait and see...
Didn't know that. Did know that Judge Ellis correctly pointed out that this case was nothing but them trying to get Manafort to flip on Trump.

And he's not. Which either means Manafort is willing to risk going to jail for the rest of his life for a man he worked for 3 months......or he has nothing to flip over.

And this case is all stemming over stuff that Manafort was investigated for YEARS before Trump ran for Pres.

But to be fair, some people ARE going to jail. Wait and see...

Judge Ellis has mad
Judge Ellis has made very unusual comments from the bench for any judge in any trial. Jumped on the Mueller team if front of the jury about having a witness in the court room even though he had approved it. Also when team was questioning a witness the judge total them to move on to another crime even though what the witness was speaking to was one of the charges . Berating the Murller team for what he said to the lawyer for crying . Attach after attack from the bench. A judge is suppose to be a referee not an attack dog for trump.
Yes , you are correct people will be going to jail. Let wait and see as you suggested. Manafort can wait until trial is over to see if there is a trump on jury that will cause a hung jury. If not he can still flip if he has any information of additional crimes. Of course he may believe that trump will issue him a pardon . At that time trump may have nothing to lose if Manafort flips so why not issue a pardon. Manafort has some cards to play.
But back to our agreement, somebody is going to jail.
A side note: what makes you think that Mueller has not been into Trump’s tax filings.
A side note: what makes you think that Mueller has not been into Trump’s tax filings.

I never mentioned Trump's filings, I'm sure he has. Wonder if they will be as interesting as the one Rachael Maddow aired live on her show. Boy that was embarrassing for her, wasn't it?
Actually you mention that people are going to jail which brings up at lot of criminals in Trump’s immediate world. Have you seen so many low life’s ganged up around one individual in one place before other than in a mob hang out? Trump calls his crew “low life’s” and I could not agree more!
I do not watch Maddow’s Show. After about a few minutes I have had more than enough to last me forever!
Actually you mention that people are going to jail which brings up at lot of criminals in Trump’s immediate world.

It also brings up a LOT of current and former people in the DOJ, CIA, FBI and elsewhere.

And a lot of those 'criminals' in Trump's immediate world are like Gen Flynn. Pled guilty because he had bankrupted himself paying legal fees. And the FBI agent that was just fired admitted when he interviewed him that he didn't think he was lying, yet Mueller got him on a process crime, which is incredibly telling.

The real criminals are going to jail for committing real crimes. This is just getting started.

Sidenote: Ever wonder why Carter Page hasn't been charged with a crime?
Carter Page is a nut case. He is at the bottom of the food chain. He is worthless as a witness to any crimes. Another Trump low life. If I were Mueller I would not charge him with anything just get as much information as I can and send him on his was.
Carter Page is a nut case. He is at the bottom of the food chain. He is worthless as a witness to any crimes. Another Trump low life. If I were Mueller I would not charge him with anything just get as much information as I can and send him on his was.

What makes him a nut case? The fact that he was at the bottom of the food chain for Trump?

You sound objective.

Defense rests in Manafort trial without calling a single witness.
Who could be their witness other than Nuens? Who would put Manafort on the stand to answer all the witnesses? He had no defense . Check back at what I said about the cards he has that he can play.

When I said Page is a nut case I was speaking subjectively. No psychologist has made any diagnosis. I have hear him be interviewed a number of times. A majority of people would say after listening to these interviews would say the same thing.
Who could be their witness other than Nuens? Who would put Manafort on the stand to answer all the witnesses? He had no defense . Check back at what I said about the cards he has that he can play.

When I said Page is a nut case I was speaking subjectively. No psychologist has made any diagnosis. I have hear him be interviewed a number of times. A majority of people would say after listening to these interviews would say the same thing.

Well Mueller thought he was a foreign agent working for Russia. Then again, Mueller also thought putting Rick Gates on the stand would help his case against Manafort.
Who could be their witness other than Nuens?

Haha you libs hate Nunes. You're going to really hate him soon.

Manafort being guilty has never really been in doubt. As Ellis correctly pointed out, this case has nothing to do with Mueller's investigation, these are all old charges that the FBI has known about for years, this is just a play to try to get Manafort to flip on Trump. And kudos to Ellis for calling them out on it.
Well I am not a lib nor do I hate anybody. I am an American with no party affiliation. My allegiance is to my country. This president is trashing our White House. The damage world wide to our country will take years to repair. I would never want to be in the same room as this person. Have you listen to how he has tried to bully anyone and everyone except Putin. Is this who you want as our president? Trash is trash regardless of political affiliation. At some point republicans who love our country has got to call out trump!
Well I am not a lib nor do I hate anybody. I am an American with no party affiliation. My allegiance is to my country. This president is trashing our White House. The damage world wide to our country will take years to repair.

LMAO! Let's talk about this 'damage' Trump is doing to the country:

  • ISIS all but wiped out. Biggest terrorist organization in the world, and Trump has all but eliminated them from the planet, in 18 months.
  • Black unemployment at lowest levels since it has been recorded.
  • Hispanic unemployment at lowest levels since it has been recorded.
  • Historically strong economy, current GDP at 4.1% and is forecasted by the Atlanta Fed for over 5% for the year.
  • Average monthly job growth at the highest rates since 1997
  • US Embassy finally moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Presidents have promised this for decades, Trump actually kept his promise. And guess what....World War III didn't start and the world didn't end.
  • Illegal alien crossings from Mexico to the US down over 80% since Trump took office.
  • Female unemployment at lowest levels in over half a century
  • Food stamp usage is at an 8-year low
  • Trump set a mandate to cut regulations and promised that 2 current regulations would be cut for every new one adopted. So far, he's eliminated *16* regulations for every new one adopted.

I'll never cover them all, so I'll stop now.

Actually look at this list. If you TRULY care about this country and TRULY want to see ALL Americans prosper and live a happy life, then you cannot see this list as anything other than as being good for all Americans.

The fact that liberals look at this list and see 'damage' shows how out of touch they continue to be with the average American and what they truly care about.
We both agree that Criminals are going to jail. It will be a good day for this country when this happens. There are a number that have already pleaded guilty to criminal Activity with more to come. We can be happy that no one is above the law will be proven to be true and the rule of law will prevail in our country. God bless the USA!
LMAO! Let's talk about this 'damage' Trump is doing to the country:

  • ISIS all but wiped out. Biggest terrorist organization in the world, and Trump has all but eliminated them from the planet, in 18 months.
  • Black unemployment at lowest levels since it has been recorded.
  • Hispanic unemployment at lowest levels since it has been recorded.
  • Historically strong economy, current GDP at 4.1% and is forecasted by the Atlanta Fed for over 5% for the year.
  • Average monthly job growth at the highest rates since 1997
  • US Embassy finally moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Presidents have promised this for decades, Trump actually kept his promise. And guess what....World War III didn't start and the world didn't end.
  • Illegal alien crossings from Mexico to the US down over 80% since Trump took office.
  • Female unemployment at lowest levels in over half a century
  • Food stamp usage is at an 8-year low
  • Trump set a mandate to cut regulations and promised that 2 current regulations would be cut for every new one adopted. So far, he's eliminated *16* regulations for every new one adopted.

I'll never cover them all, so I'll stop now.

Actually look at this list. If you TRULY care about this country and TRULY want to see ALL Americans prosper and live a happy life, then you cannot see this list as anything other than as being good for all Americans.

The fact that liberals look at this list and see 'damage' shows how out of touch they continue to be with the average American and what they truly care about.

I see the list was ignored because it doesn't jive with the narrative that CNN has been beating you over the head with for 2 years.

There is no Russia collusion (not from Trump's end, at least). Even Rosenstein admitted that there was no evidence of anyone working with Russia or that a single vote was changed in any election.

Yet we already have PROOF that Obama's administration was spying on Trump's campaign. Remember when Trump said that over a year ago and CNN said he was deranged? Now he's been proven right and CNN changes spin to well they HAD to spy on him to see what Russia was up to!

Incredible. This blows Watergate out of the water 10 times. Biggest political scandal in the history of the world, and the Democratic-controlled media is spinning that Trump is the one at fault here.

All this will eventually come out and a lot of criminals will go to jail.

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