Things have gotten very odd around here recently.
Tried to tell you guys this. He rants and raves and obsesses. Who else but a crazy man would link a 7 year old story that was debunked as a piece of journalistic trash 5 years ago to bash someone. That kind of stuff has zero relevance here but to MDVOL it is priceless. Make no mistake he is not a troll...he is delusional and he is a paranoid personality.MDVol is not a stable individual. Just look at his posts on this board.
I've posted on Volquest for 9 years and MDVOL has unleashed the worst kinds of illogical rants imaginable. He got the famous Volquest Political nuked in 2014 by Rivals for racist rants during the Michael Brown riots. I think this sums the man up to a tee. He will come unglued here...just a matter of time.Things have gotten very odd around here recently. doubt, Guy is out there.Tried to tell you guys this. He rants and raves and obsesses. Who else but a crazy man would link a 7 year old story that was debunked as a piece of journalistic trash 5 years ago to bash someone. That kind of stuff has zero relevance here but to MDVOL it is priceless. Make no mistake he is not a troll...he is delusional and he is a paranoid personality.
When you sit on a couch all day because you are afraid to venture out of the house it makes you a little doubt, Guy is out there.
As a mentally ill racist I take exception to that.Boys MD will crash and burn this board as he has done with Volquest...the man is one bitter sick person. He defines mental illness and he is a virulent racist