Who wins

Who do you honestly think wins and why

  • Harris

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Trump

    Votes: 12 85.7%

  • Total voters
Maybe you live in an area that really is 90% Trump and if so that explains how/why that idiot Matt Gaetz keeps getting elected in your district.
But that’s a bubble over where you live. My friends who are Republicans and I are not strong Trumpers. And we are not RINOS either. We just think that the Party has better options. Most will hold their noses and vote against Kamala because she is an idiot and a danger. We had four years of Trump and Americans were better off. None of us need an abortion and we’re more concerned with the economy and the future of the world.
Do I think that the Dems have succeeded in dumbing down younger voters? Yep. And that’s the big danger.
And much respect to you, I disagree. Trump has annihilated his competition in three primaries. End of story. The old party is gone and not calling you a rhino however, there are many out there still like the poster mentioned above that thinks he is a weak candidate. But we have this thing called a constitution of the United States of America that decides how we elect people and Trump has annihilated his competition. Does anybody disagree that Trump annihilated his competition?
I don’t buy that crap this time. If Trump loses this time, it’s his own fault. He had so many opportunities and he just hasn’t really done a good job so far since Biden dropped out.
We need to stop blaming everybody else when we lose
Refreshing to finally read one Trump supporter who is finally willing to put the blame where it belongs......instead of the endless stream of excuses.
Refreshing to finally read one Trump supporter who is finally willing to put the blame where it belongs......instead of the endless stream of excuses.
Are you suggesting that this election is going to be free of fraud and cheating? How often do we hear last time that our election was the most secure in history? Did you believe that to be the case when they said it?

And if you agreed that there will be cheating, how much do you think there will be just a little bit or a lot?

Do you think Kamala Harris is a legitimate candidate?

So they think this will get more of the white male vote? lol Even the nerdier type young males are moving to Trump some because they see the feminism movement as hurting them and making them 2nd class citizens.
If you actually go into the data of these polls to get past the gaslighting they do with them this race looks to be pretty simple. Trump will win NC and AZ and the race will come down to a few scenarios. If Trump wins GA and PA he wins. If Trump wins GA and not PA he must win WI. If Trump wins PA and not GA he must win either WI or NV. The crazy 269 tie scenario is if Trump didn't win PA or WI but won GA, NV and NE-2. I don't include MI because imo it can only be won if Trump has already won WI and PA.
If you actually go into the data of these polls to get past the gaslighting they do with them this race looks to be pretty simple. Trump will win NC and AZ and the race will come down to a few scenarios. If Trump wins GA and PA he wins. If Trump wins GA and not PA he must win WI. If Trump wins PA and not GA he must win either WI or NV. The crazy 269 tie scenario is if Trump didn't win PA or WI but won GA, NV and NE-2. I don't include MI because imo it can only be won if Trump has already won WI and PA.
AZ is very corrupt, don't count on winning there, it will be tight. The gov and SOS are pos ...
Wasn't AZ reliably red? How the the reps go from mostly in control to totally powerless?

It just did the Oregon, CO etc thing. Just many years behind there now. TX is even being polluted with the CA transplant mess. They initially will support cocktail club Reps and then go full lefty after a while.
  • Angry
Reactions: NavigatorII
Are you suggesting that this election is going to be free of fraud and cheating? How often do we hear last time that our election was the most secure in history? Did you believe that to be the case when they said it?

And if you agreed that there will be cheating, how much do you think there will be just a little bit or a lot?

Do you think Kamala Harris is a legitimate candidate?
Can't believe your already going to the "cheating" well again, smdh.

Let me ask you this.....WHY would you think Trump will win? What metric, what evidence, what anything gives you confidence? Its the same thing as last time around.....there is no reason to be confident in a Trump victory. And that is the starting point before any "cheating" theory even makes sense. Over 40% of the population wouldn't vote for Trump if he was running against a potted plant.

You think Harris is an idiot. OK, fine......but sure looks like she is running a fairly smart campaign.

Why should Harris people be confident?:

1) One of Trump's strongest points, the economy, has weakened. If you haven't noticed, Inflation is now pretty much under control and the feds interest rate drop signals they think it is too. The last measure said 2.5% and they Aim for 2%, so we are pretty much there. It was 1.9% under Trump, so not much difference. If your going to blame Biden for inflation getting to 9%, you have to credit him for it dropping to where it is now.

And don't ignore the fact that Trump spouting about how he is going to enact a bunch of new tariff's has caused people like Goldman Sachs to opine that Harris has a better economic plan than Trump. They may be wrong, but the fact that anybody is saying this is a testament to another self inflicted wound by Trump.

2) Even the Border, which, IMO is Trumps strongest point has been, to some extent, effectively countered (BTW, I am with Trump on this issue). The fact that the republicans in congress agreed to the border deal and Trump squashed it has been something Harris has been able to use. The "he would rather run on a problem than fix a problem" is pretty good political messaging. Now if you make the argument that the democrats only agreed to that deal because Biden's numbers where going south like a duck in winter I would agree with you. Nevertheless, it is what it is and Harris has said she still will sign that deal if she becomes president. So what was a huge Trump advantage is still strong, but has been somewhat mitigated.

3) Harris has raised significantly more money than Trump. $189M in August compared to $44M by Trump. That's a big difference. Of course, Elon Musk could equalize it in 5 minutes if he wants, so this is certainly subject to change. But one man doesn't reflect as much as the masses. People giving money is evidence of enthusiasm for the candidate.

4) Polls. Polls are only a rough estimate, they typically are off 3% or so in a presidential election no matter who is running. But they are not irrelevant. The primary thing to take from the current polls, IMO, is that Harris has momentum. Clearly she is doing significantly better than Biden and since she entered the race her numbers have improved. The direction the polls are going, perhaps more than the actual numbers, is something to take note of.

5) Trump media stock tanking. While this is certainly not a normal situation or scientific, the value of Trump's stock is clearly tied, to some extent, to the likelihood of him becoming president again. The stock may go to near zero if he loses. When it first went public it was over $60 a share.....right now its at $12.82. It's not all that uncommon for a new public company to spike early on........but the consistent drop and the amount is noticeable. And some of the recent dip is due to the lock out expiring, but Trump said he wasn't selling.

All that being said, sure looks as of today as if its still a total coin flip. Although I think Harris will again win the popular vote, Trump can certainly still win the electoral college. But I see no reason for Trump people to be confident. Same as last time. It was all fabricated among MAGA people themselves, following Trump's lead. Please show me the reasons why you would be confident?

BTW, Nikki Haley would have won easily. Most the Trump people would have still voted for her and she would get a much bigger chunk of female voters. But the Trump addiction is the sickness that may bring us a Harris presidency. So instead of trying to look for cheating you can't prove......put the blame where it belongs.
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It just did the Oregon, CO etc thing. Just many years behind there now. TX is even being polluted with the CA transplant mess. They initially will support cocktail club Reps and then go full lefty after a while.
Cali move ins who are brainless fools and don’t seem to understand the reason they moved in the first place. It’s as if they’ve had a blue chip implanted and simply cannot see why they should vote red.
Can't believe your already going to the "cheating" well again, smdh.

Let me ask you this.....WHY would you think Trump will win? What metric, what evidence, what anything gives you confidence? Its the same thing as last time around.....there is no reason to be confident in a Trump victory. And that is the starting point before any "cheating" theory even makes sense. Over 40% of the population wouldn't vote for Trump if he was running against a potted plant.

You think Harris is an idiot. OK, fine......but sure looks like she is running a fairly smart campaign.

Why should Harris people be confident?:

1) One of Trump's strongest points, the economy, has weakened. If you haven't noticed, Inflation is now pretty much under control and the feds interest rate drop signals they think it is too. The last measure said 2.5% and they Aim for 2%, so we are pretty much there. It was 1.9% under Trump, so not much difference. If your going to blame Biden for inflation getting to 9%, you have to credit him for it dropping to where it is now.

And don't ignore the fact that Trump spouting about how he is going to enact a bunch of new tariff's has caused people like Goldman Sachs to opine that Harris has a better economic plan than Trump. They may be wrong, but the fact that anybody is saying this is a testament to another self inflicted wound by Trump.

2) Even the Border, which, IMO is Trumps strongest point has been, to some extent, effectively countered (BTW, I am with Trump on this issue). The fact that the republicans in congress agreed to the border deal and Trump squashed it has been something Harris has been able to use. The "he would rather run on a problem than fix a problem" is pretty good political messaging. Now if you make the argument that the democrats only agreed to that deal because Biden's numbers where going south like a duck in winter I would agree with you. Nevertheless, it is what it is and Harris has said she still will sign that deal if she becomes president. So what was a huge Trump advantage is still strong, but has been somewhat mitigated.

3) Harris has raised significantly more money than Trump. $189M in August compared to $44M by Trump. That's a big difference. Of course, Elon Musk could equalize it in 5 minutes if he wants, so this is certainly subject to change. But one man doesn't reflect as much as the masses. People giving money is evidence of enthusiasm for the candidate.

4) Polls. Polls are only a rough estimate, they typically are off 3% or so in a presidential election no matter who is running. But they are not irrelevant. The primary thing to take from the current polls, IMO, is that Harris has momentum. Clearly she is doing significantly better than Biden and since she entered the race her numbers have improved. The direction the polls are going, perhaps more than the actual numbers, is something to take note of.

5) Trump media stock tanking. While this is certainly not a normal situation or scientific, the value of Trump's stock is clearly tied, to some extent, to the likelihood of him becoming president again. The stock may go to near zero if he loses. When it first went public it was over $60 a share.....right now its at $12.82. It's not all that uncommon for a new public company to spike early on........but the consistent drop and the amount is noticeable. And some of the recent dip is due to the lock out expiring, but Trump said he wasn't selling.

All that being said, sure looks as of today as if its still a total coin flip. Although I think Harris will again win the popular vote, Trump can certainly still win the electoral college. But I see no reason for Trump people to be confident. Same as last time. It was all fabricated among MAGA people themselves, following Trump's lead. Please show me the reasons why you would be confident?

BTW, Nikki Haley would have won easily. Most the Trump people would have still voted for her and she would get a much bigger chunk of female voters. But the Trump addiction is the sickness that may bring us a Harris presidency. So instead of trying to look for cheating you can't prove......put the blame where it belongs.
Many of those points you raise are the result of election year manipulation by the Dems who control the levers of government in order to neutralize the issues in their favor.
The immigration bill you talk about was a bad one (5000 known crossings a day before the border is shut down? ) but the idea of Trump being solely responsible for its demise is a great talking point, right? 💩💩💩
Inflation is slowing yay! So eggs stop at $4.00 a dozen, a jar of mayo is frozen at $6 but hooray.
If Harris wins you think she’s got the staff who won’t use the same playbook as Biden’s staff?
I am not on board with Trump’s tariffs but we did okay when he was in office before. We’re still here and we still have a working Constitution.

Don’t know if he wins or not but we must turn Congress red in both chambers.
Can't believe your already going to the "cheating" well again, smdh.

Let me ask you this.....WHY would you think Trump will win? What metric, what evidence, what anything gives you confidence? Its the same thing as last time around.....there is no reason to be confident in a Trump victory. And that is the starting point before any "cheating" theory even makes sense. Over 40% of the population wouldn't vote for Trump if he was running against a potted plant.

You think Harris is an idiot. OK, fine......but sure looks like she is running a fairly smart campaign.

Why should Harris people be confident?:

1) One of Trump's strongest points, the economy, has weakened. If you haven't noticed, Inflation is now pretty much under control and the feds interest rate drop signals they think it is too. The last measure said 2.5% and they Aim for 2%, so we are pretty much there. It was 1.9% under Trump, so not much difference. If your going to blame Biden for inflation getting to 9%, you have to credit him for it dropping to where it is now.

And don't ignore the fact that Trump spouting about how he is going to enact a bunch of new tariff's has caused people like Goldman Sachs to opine that Harris has a better economic plan than Trump. They may be wrong, but the fact that anybody is saying this is a testament to another self inflicted wound by Trump.

2) Even the Border, which, IMO is Trumps strongest point has been, to some extent, effectively countered (BTW, I am with Trump on this issue). The fact that the republicans in congress agreed to the border deal and Trump squashed it has been something Harris has been able to use. The "he would rather run on a problem than fix a problem" is pretty good political messaging. Now if you make the argument that the democrats only agreed to that deal because Biden's numbers where going south like a duck in winter I would agree with you. Nevertheless, it is what it is and Harris has said she still will sign that deal if she becomes president. So what was a huge Trump advantage is still strong, but has been somewhat mitigated.

3) Harris has raised significantly more money than Trump. $189M in August compared to $44M by Trump. That's a big difference. Of course, Elon Musk could equalize it in 5 minutes if he wants, so this is certainly subject to change. But one man doesn't reflect as much as the masses. People giving money is evidence of enthusiasm for the candidate.

4) Polls. Polls are only a rough estimate, they typically are off 3% or so in a presidential election no matter who is running. But they are not irrelevant. The primary thing to take from the current polls, IMO, is that Harris has momentum. Clearly she is doing significantly better than Biden and since she entered the race her numbers have improved. The direction the polls are going, perhaps more than the actual numbers, is something to take note of.

5) Trump media stock tanking. While this is certainly not a normal situation or scientific, the value of Trump's stock is clearly tied, to some extent, to the likelihood of him becoming president again. The stock may go to near zero if he loses. When it first went public it was over $60 a share.....right now its at $12.82. It's not all that uncommon for a new public company to spike early on........but the consistent drop and the amount is noticeable. And some of the recent dip is due to the lock out expiring, but Trump said he wasn't selling.

All that being said, sure looks as of today as if its still a total coin flip. Although I think Harris will again win the popular vote, Trump can certainly still win the electoral college. But I see no reason for Trump people to be confident. Same as last time. It was all fabricated among MAGA people themselves, following Trump's lead. Please show me the reasons why you would be confident?

BTW, Nikki Haley would have won easily. Most the Trump people would have still voted for her and she would get a much bigger chunk of female voters. But the Trump addiction is the sickness that may bring us a Harris presidency. So instead of trying to look for cheating you can't prove......put the blame where it belongs.
Well, know for a fact there will be tons of cheating in the swing states and especially in these 7 cities: Pitt, Philly, ATL, Milwaukee, Detroit, LV and PHX. That is a given and is not in question.

1 - prices have not dropped at all. The skyrocketing inflation already occurred under Biden's nonsense. Claiming it's now under control after the run up is disingenuous tripe. A ribeye still costs $60 today when it was 40-45 4 years ago and groceries are 40-50% higher now.

2 - border still an uncontrolled mess and she is a proven liar.

3 - yes she's raised a ton, hilarious to think it equates to enthusiasm for her.

4 - don't think much of polls either way.

5 - ok

The claims that Trump will be anything other than he was the first time are unfounded. Dems / MSM just lying and fomenting the hatred towards Trump.

Kamala has said nothing of her plans aside from platitudes and meaningless sound bites, go forward and not go back are some of the dumbest crap I've seen, yet the sheep buy it. Suppose we do get the gov't we deserve ...
Can't believe your already going to the "cheating" well again, smdh.

Let me ask you this.....WHY would you think Trump will win? What metric, what evidence, what anything gives you confidence? Its the same thing as last time around.....there is no reason to be confident in a Trump victory. And that is the starting point before any "cheating" theory even makes sense. Over 40% of the population wouldn't vote for Trump if he was running against a potted plant.

You think Harris is an idiot. OK, fine......but sure looks like she is running a fairly smart campaign.

Why should Harris people be confident?:

1) One of Trump's strongest points, the economy, has weakened. WRONG If you haven't noticed, Inflation is now pretty much under control and the feds interest rate drop signals they think it is too. The last measure said 2.5% and they Aim for 2%, so we are pretty much there. It was 1.9% under Trump, so not much difference. If your going to blame Biden for inflation getting to 9%, you have to credit him for it dropping to where it is now.

And don't ignore the fact that Trump spouting about how he is going to enact a bunch of new tariff's has caused people like Goldman Sachs to opine that Harris has a better economic plan than Trump. ABSOLUTE BSThey may be wrong, but the fact that anybody is saying this is a testament to another self inflicted wound by Trump.

2) Even the Border, which, IMO is Trumps strongest point has been, to some extent, effectively countered 100% BS (BTW, I am with Trump on this issue). The fact that the republicans in congress agreed to the border deal and Trump squashed it has been something Harris has been able to use. The "he would rather run on a problem than fix a problem" is pretty good political messaging. Now if you make the argument that the democrats only agreed to that deal because Biden's numbers where going south like a duck in winter I would agree with you. Nevertheless, it is what it is and Harris has said she still will sign that deal if she becomes president. So what was a huge Trump advantage is still strong, but has been somewhat mitigated.

3) Harris has raised significantly more money than Trump. $189M in August compared to $44M by Trump. That's a big difference. Of course, Elon Musk could equalize it in 5 minutes if he wants, so this is certainly subject to change. But one man doesn't reflect as much as the masses. People giving money is evidence of enthusiasm for the candidate.

4) Polls. Polls are only a rough estimate, they typically are off 3% or so in a presidential election no matter who is running. But they are not irrelevant. The primary thing to take from the current polls, IMO, is that Harris has momentum. Clearly she is doing significantly better than Biden and since she entered the race her numbers have improved. The direction the polls are going, perhaps more than the actual numbers, is something to take note of.

5) Trump media stock tanking. While this is certainly not a normal situation or scientific, the value of Trump's stock is clearly tied, to some extent, to the likelihood of him becoming president again. The stock may go to near zero if he loses. When it first went public it was over $60 a share.....right now its at $12.82. It's not all that uncommon for a new public company to spike early on........but the consistent drop and the amount is noticeable. And some of the recent dip is due to the lock out expiring, but Trump said he wasn't selling.

All that being said, sure looks as of today as if its still a total coin flip. Although I think Harris will again win the popular vote, Trump can certainly still win the electoral college. But I see no reason for Trump people to be confident. Same as last time. It was all fabricated among MAGA people themselves, following Trump's lead. Please show me the reasons why you would be confident?

BTW, Nikki Haley would have won easily. Most the Trump people would have still voted for her and she would get a much bigger chunk of female voters. But the Trump addiction is the sickness that may bring us a Harris presidency. So instead of trying to look for cheating you can't prove......put the blame where it belongs.
You did not get ANYTHING correct of importance in this whole BS post, son....
Why are we confident?? IMPOSSIBLE America could be so stupid to elect a person who let 15 million illegal aliens and terrorist in our Country, who was the last person in the room with FJB concerning Afghanistan, CAUSED the 25 % inflation, and like FJB...cannot complete a coherent sentence because she is an idiot. AND she has flip flopped without explanation LYING to the STUPID public because her WAY to progressive beliefs are unelectable.
Cali move ins who are brainless fools and don’t seem to understand the reason they moved in the first place. It’s as if they’ve had a blue chip implanted and simply cannot see why they should vote red.
It is literally like moving away from the BS and then taking off your shit when you've shit your pants. :mad:

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