"Colleagues said Dannehy is not a supporter of President Donald J. Trump and has been concerned in recent weeks by what she believed was pressure from Barr - who appointed Durham - to produce results before the election."
So @sadgator, I thought 'nothing is coming'?
Here's how a critical thinker looks at this news:
First, who is upset by this? As you can see, activist dems are outraged. This means they were counting on her to push the investigation in a direction they wanted.
Second, she is outted as NOT being a Trump supporter.
So those are two very important pieces of information.
The rest we can gleam from using common sense. First, as a key part of the Durham investigation, she would know where that investigation stands, and how close it is to completion.
From seeing that she is NOT a Trump supporter and activist dems are upset by her leaving, that gives you a pretty good indication that she's a dem too.
Since we know she knows which direction the Durham investigation is headed, and since we believe she is likely a democrat....obviously she must think the investigation is almost over, and it will look bad for the dems. And she wants to get out now, to lessen the appearance that she contributed to the findings.
Again, simple common sense. If she thought the investigation was going to conclude that the FBI and others did nothing wrong, that's a BIG black eye for Trump and a win for the Dems. So common sense tells us she would want to stick around to be a part of that.
Her leaving now tells this critical thinker that Durham is about to bring the hammer down on the dems, and she doesn't want to be blamed when it happens.