Total BS there. At no time did Meggs make any statement that even implied that the problems (holes) with EK's stories were connected or related to the TPD or FSU in any fashion. He made three observations under questions by the press about the TPD: 1) he said there was no athlete preferential treatment and 2) had his office been advised earlier they "might" have had access to better memory and more witnesses. No statement about FSU from him at all, 3) TPD fully , completely worked with the SA office " hand in glove".
"Meggs, the top prosecutor in Florida’s capital city for nearly 30 years, told FOX Sports recently he was handicapped in trying to conduct a proper investigation of the case. Meggs said he called attention to the fact that university officials apparently turned copies of the police report over to Winston’s attorney days before his office even knew the allegation existed."
"Meggs was highly critical of Tallahassee police — including the way investigators dealt with Winston. 'There was a whole long litany of things that we would have done ... you don’t call the defendant to make an appointment to talk about putting him in jail,' Meggs told FOX Sports in a recent interview. 'That’s a bass-ackwards way of doing things.'"
"Meggs told FOX Sports that in hindsight he has wondered whether he should have sought a search warrant for Jansen’s office to retrieve the reports and seek answers about who got them. However, he said he believes strongly that someone in the athletic department at Florida State turned them over to Winston’s lawyer."
"'It would have been pretty easy on Dec. 8, 2012, (the day after the incident) to determine who was involved in this event that happened that night, but that did not occur,' he said."
"'Anybody, as my daddy would say, with one eye and half-sense knows there are some things that needed to be done that weren't done,' Meggs said"