'QAnon is an insane internet conspiracy theory that believes that politicians across the world are engaging in pedophilia!'
'These people are dangerous! These people are insane!"
Now we have strong rumors that there's evidence of a presidential candidate's son engaging in pedophilia.....and the media is going out of its way to CENSOR and bury the story.
Who is insane here? Who is dangerous?
Sheep never think to question.
I never understood calling a group of anonymous people a theory? Nor does every anon subscribe to the same theories about Qs posts.
Plus there is no Qanon but rather Q anons and Q. Not all anons nor has Q focused on just pedo stuff.
These people write about things they don't know anything about. I am too lazy to be an anon but I have followed a few so I know enough to know that these "journalist" et al are full of BS.
Ask Nail or others, I don't do conspiracy theories and dislike immensely Alex Jones.
Noting that dem leadership is corrupt is not a conspiracy theory but fact a born of decades of observation.
I remember Fort Worthless Jim and the banking and franking privilege scandals of the early 90s. Or Barney f#* getting his boy toy a job at Fanny/Freddy making millions at the housing market that barney had oversight of went up in flames.
Both sides of the aisle have been caught engaging in homosexual acts with minors.
Clinton diddled an intern which would have gotten any modern day CEO relieved of his duties.
Wiener got busted sending pics of his namesake to a 15 year old girl.
So where is the theory part? Not hard to believe with Epstein's circle of friends and acquaintances that some high ranking dems might be pedos. I call that speculation not a theory.
Speculation based on past facts.