Racists hate it when you call them racists.
And that's precisely what the left is in 2022: Racists. Some of them have been racists all their lives. Most of them are simply racist now cause dem politics demands they be, and all dems put their politics above all in their lives.
But for decades, we have let the left lie and shape narratives in this country. Abortion isn't murder, it's healthcare for the mother. Republicans, the party that freed slaves, are the racists. Dems, the party that fought to keep them in chains and then fought against them having Civil Rights. are the good people.
Trump is the asshole we needed to change that. Yes, he's a jackass. Yes, he makes you cringe with some of the stuff he says and does.
But a pleasant byproduct of him being an asshole is it helps get guys like Davison off the sidelines, and in the political game, speaking out against the left and telling the truth about them.
THAT is what we need. For Americans to hear the TRUTH. The left is lying to them, and for decades, that went completely unchallenged.
Trump changed the equation. Now we have to continue what Trump started. The 3rd or 4th version of Trump, whoever that is, can be the guy or gal that has all the America First mindset of Trump, along with the political polish of a Ronald Reagan.
But whenever you get started cleaning up a massive mess, it gets really ugly, really fast. Trump is ugly because he had to be to get the ball rolling.
Let's keep pushing that ball forward. We can go back to worrying about image once the important stuff is taken care of.