So this is very interesting...up until 10-15 years ago, conservatives generally supported wars overseas, and liberals were generally opposed to them. The rationale from the right was it's better to have those fights 'over there' instead of having them 'come here'. The left's rationale was let's spend that money here instead of there.
But now, the roles have flip-flopped. The right is generally against overseas wars, and the left loves them.
What changed?
We began to realize that the politicians in DC often use wars as a money-laundering scheme. As we have seen in Ukraine. We funnel billions to the Ukraine, they kick it back to us. Remember that FTX scheme? They are the ones that set up those 'donate to Ukraine' schemes, then we find out FTX is donating millions to all the dems and RINOs.
So when conservatives found this out, we became WAY more picky about which wars we support.
But when the liberals found out that DC was often using wars as a money laundering scheme.....suddenly they LOVED the wars! Hell remember when
@sadgator claimed anyone that DIDN'T support Ukraine was a 'villain'? And if you didn't support Ukraine, you were really supporting Putin? He's not the only libber here that's claimed such.
This was a test. If you put America First, you are very cautious about supporting war efforts by politicians that have proved they view war as a money-laundering scheme.
But if you put your POLITICS suddenly love war. The more the better!