1 - EVERYONE, the candidates and esp the moderators, are going after Bloomberg big time. It's obvious the dem party is trying to take him out.
2 - After Bloomberg, the rest of their ammo is aimed at Bernie, and to a lesser degree at Klobachar.
3 - Fauxcahantus is getting a complete pass, in fact she is being put on the pedestal that Bloomberg wishes he could be standing on. She not only isn't being challenged on anything, she's being handed softball after softball to attack someone else, usually Bloomberg or else Bernie.
4 - Major Pete isn't getting any hard questions, it seems he's being treated as the backup in case Warren flames out.
5 - Biden seems to be in that place where everyone knows he has no chance, so let's just be nice to him and don't kick him while he's down.
6 - Klobachar is easily the most/only likeable person on that stage.
1 - EVERYONE, the candidates and esp the moderators, are going after Bloomberg big time. It's obvious the dem party is trying to take him out.
2 - After Bloomberg, the rest of their ammo is aimed at Bernie, and to a lesser degree at Klobachar.
3 - Fauxcahantus is getting a complete pass, in fact she is being put on the pedestal that Bloomberg wishes he could be standing on. She not only isn't being challenged on anything, she's being handed softball after softball to attack someone else, usually Bloomberg or else Bernie.
4 - Major Pete isn't getting any hard questions, it seems he's being treated as the backup in case Warren flames out.
5 - Biden seems to be in that place where everyone knows he has no chance, so let's just be nice to him and don't kick him while he's down.
6 - Klobachar is easily the most/only likeable person on that stage.