Watching my first dem debate


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

1 - EVERYONE, the candidates and esp the moderators, are going after Bloomberg big time. It's obvious the dem party is trying to take him out.

2 - After Bloomberg, the rest of their ammo is aimed at Bernie, and to a lesser degree at Klobachar.

3 - Fauxcahantus is getting a complete pass, in fact she is being put on the pedestal that Bloomberg wishes he could be standing on. She not only isn't being challenged on anything, she's being handed softball after softball to attack someone else, usually Bloomberg or else Bernie.

4 - Major Pete isn't getting any hard questions, it seems he's being treated as the backup in case Warren flames out.

5 - Biden seems to be in that place where everyone knows he has no chance, so let's just be nice to him and don't kick him while he's down.

6 - Klobachar is easily the most/only likeable person on that stage.
Moderators are pulling the same stunt tonight they did during the Republican primaries in 2016:

1 - Ask Klobachar or Bloomberg a question that puts them on the defensive. Go to Warren and ask "Sen Warren, you buying this bullshit?" Warren goes no she doesn't buy that bullshit, and tears into Klobachar/Bloomberg. When she ends, Klobachar/Bloomberg starts screaming to respond, they get shut down and moderator asks a question of Biden or Mayor Pete.

Warren is getting a total pass. It's really nauseating.
Moderators gushed over Bernie's idea that there should be no billionaires. They asked Bloomberg if he thought that was a great idea. He said absolutely not, the fastest way to get Donald Trump re-elected is to listen to the conversation happening right now on this stage.

LMAO! Bloomberg is probably gonna poll as winning this debate, he's the one acting like the other people on this stage are clueless idiots and he's not apologizing for being rich.
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Moderators gushed over Bernie's idea that there should be no billionaires. They asked Bloomberg if he thought that was a great idea. He said absolutely not, the fastest way to get Donald Trump re-elected is to listen to the conversation happening right now on this stage.

LMAO! Bloomberg is probably gonna poll as winning this debate, he's the one acting like the other people on this stage are clueless idiots and he's not apologizing for being rich.

Drudge poll

DoomBerg came in 3rd edging out the fake Indian and the Twink
Drudge poll

DoomBerg came in 3rd edging out the fake Indian and the Twink

Seeing reporters on both sides talking about how horrible Bloomberg did. He totally looked like he wasn't ready for a debate, I think that actually worked for him in that he seemed like a real person. I thought Klobachar did too, and Mayor Pete to a lesser degree, but as Klobachar pointed out he's just slick at repeating lines.

Warren wasn't pressed all night on a single issue by the mods. They were clearly trying to script the debate for her to win. Still surprised if people didn't see it or didn't see what a miserably smug person she is.
I watched hour one and turned it off. I was reminded of six clapping seals longing for attention.

A good idea might be to paint a picture for America. A 2 hour fest of "Trump bad" will likely prove fruitless.

Actually they barely even referenced Trump. They just went after each other. It was pretty funny. Good politics if you think about it. Everyone up there is unpopular, so the more people you bash, the more you resonate.
Actually they barely even referenced Trump. They just went after each other. It was pretty funny. Good politics if you think about it. Everyone up there is unpopular, so the more people you bash, the more you resonate.

You are indeed correct at least for the first hour which I watched. I was criticizing in general. "The worst president ever" by the mayor. The principals might need to present a more favorable vision for America. Mildly disguised promises of killing thousands of energy jobs and putting immigrants before US citizens is probably not a good idea.
You are indeed correct at least for the first hour which I watched. I was criticizing in general. "The worst president ever" by the mayor. The principals might need to present a more favorable vision for America. Mildly disguised promises of killing thousands of energy jobs and putting immigrants before US citizens is probably not a good idea.

What's odd is Mayor Pete and I think Klobachar both said they would have plans to make the US 'carbon neutral' by 2050. I thought the fake Indian said the world would die in 11 years?
What's odd is Mayor Pete and I think Klobachar both said they would have plans to make the US 'carbon neutral' by 2050. I thought the fake Indian said the world would die in 11 years?

Mayor Pete and Kloie aren't as stupid as AOC and Pocohontas.

Lamumba doesn't buy into AOC's doomsday prediction. He bought property that will be under water in 12 years.
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"The best known socialist in the country is a millionaire with three houses! What'd I miss here?"

@DGlockUF he's right, you've been had.

Interesting you think that because of Bernie's policies, he shouldn't have multiple houses. The rest of Us Berners also want to succeed in life. Nothing that We stand for says you can't enjoy financial success. I know I can't convince y'all of this, but really, that isn't what OurRevolution is about.

Last night was something else. 45 got after his repub opponents and $hill in 2016, Tulsi gutting Kopmala earlier in the dem debates... but last night was an absolute bloodbath. It really was amazing.

Blooms in his arrogance seemed like he didn't even prepare. At all. How was he not ready to answer the hard questions on his record? Stop and Frisk, Redlining... the NDA take-down was brutal.

As much ground as Liz made back up with Us for her destruction of a man who spent a quarter billion dollars to get roasted live... she ruined by declining to back the Will of the People and choosing to take the convention to the 2nd ballot if a delegate threshold hadn't been reached. Outrageous.

Bernie got a big bump in campaign contributions and support from last night. He could win NV this Saturday and SC next week. With his polling for the March 3rd Super Tuesday states... there is a world in which he does outright get the delegate count.

Oh boy the main stream media corporatists are melting down over Bernie's rise and success and We revel in their tears.
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Wow! No more minority candidates? The gay vegan Booker, Hooooleeaun Castro, Willie Brown's whore, Whoremala, Tulsi, and the dork Asian Yang?
I'll give the MSM some credit, I haven't heard any outcries over the fact there are nothing but white candidates remaining.
Well, Elizabeth Warren still remains.
Political science prof Cal Jillson of SMU told the morning crew at WBAP in Cow Town yesterday AM, Hugo Sanders will be Trump's easiest opponent to abuse and defeat by educating the millennia who follow Sanders. Capitalism vs socialism. US vs Cuba-Venezuela.

Steve Forbes said on Fox Business, Hugo would never get all his Marxist policies implemented. Congress would never permit. But he could do serious damage to markets, jobs and retirement plans.
Interesting you think that because of Bernie's policies, he shouldn't have multiple houses.

No, I know if Bernie's policies are enacted, NO ONE is going to have ONE house.

Just one of his policies, his healthcare plan, will cost $50 Trillion over a decade. What's worse...he's admitted he can't pay for it. Mayor Pete pointed this out during the debate, said he's accounted for where half the money would come from, where is the other 25 trillion coming from?

The millionaire with 3 houses couldn't answer.

The US Economy is worth less than20 Trillion a year. So we'd need to lose about 15% of the US economy to pay for just ONE of Bernie's policies, which would of course create an economic disaster for the country and create millions of bankruptcies and millions more homeless out on the street.

But he'd get a couple more houses out of the deal, which is all he wants. You've been had, bro.
Wow! No more minority candidates? The gay vegan Booker, Hooooleeaun Castro, Willie Brown's whore, Whoremala, Tulsi, and the dork Asian Yang?
I'll give the MSM some credit, I haven't heard any outcries over the fact there are nothing but white candidates remaining.
Well, Elizabeth Warren still remains.

While MSM continues to claim pubs are the racists. Dems always claim the pubs are the very things that they are.
My wife is a moderate Republican and has been known to vote Dem on occasion. She has a major girl crush on Klobuchar. I agree that she’s the only one of the group on the debate stage that passes the likability test.

I still think it will come down to Bloomberg vs Sanders and won’t be surprised to see a brokered convention giving the nomination to Bloomberg.

Yep, Bloomberg is already greasing (bribing ) the Super delegates..... Bernie’s rabid supporters will freaking revolt
Remember, Bernie Bros working for his campaign said gulags weren't that bad, and that Crazy Bernie's free education plan would include 're-educating' Trump supporters.

Bernie still employs and defends them, @DGlockUF has refused to denounce as well.
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My wife is a moderate Republican and has been known to vote Dem on occasion. She has a major girl crush on Klobuchar. I agree that she’s the only one of the group on the debate stage that passes the likability test.

I still think it will come down to Bloomberg vs Sanders and won’t be surprised to see a brokered convention giving the nomination to Bloomberg.
So, your wife thinks "outside the box"
My kind of girl!
Wow! No more minority candidates? The gay vegan Booker, Hooooleeaun Castro, Willie Brown's whore, Whoremala, Tulsi, and the dork Asian Yang?
I'll give the MSM some credit, I haven't heard any outcries over the fact there are nothing but white candidates remaining.
Well, Elizabeth Warren still remains.
GatorDad3, they're not "white" candidates they're "honky's" or "white cheese"
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